2021届江苏英语新高考复习3.2 Language(综合检测解析)

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《2021届江苏英语新高考复习3.2 Language(综合检测解析)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021届江苏英语新高考复习3.2 Language(综合检测解析)(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021届江苏英语新高考复习资料模块三Unit 2综合检测一、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AYoure at dinner with your friends on Sunday and the waiter comes up to you and says, “Is this going to be on one check or?”“Separate!” you all said, barely taking a breath to pause from your conversation.And why would you? Its pret

2、ty usual to pay for your own meal, or to go Dutch.But it wasnt always the custom to split the check when going out with friends. In fact, in early English society, it was seen as selfish to invite someone out to eat and not pay for their meal. The origins of the phrase “going Dutch” are a little com

3、plicated, but Steven Pincus, a historian from the University of Chicago who focuses on early modern Europe, helped us track the complex history of this idiom.We have to take it back all the way to the 1600s. During the Anglo-Dutch Wars, there were multiple conflicts between the English and the Dutch

4、 over trade and naval power. That led to a rise in idioms from the English regarding their enemy, the Dutch: phrases like “Dutch courage,” the false courage brought on by alcohol; or “Dutch reckoning,” which is a ridiculously high bill on which youve likely been cheated. This was because the English

5、 saw the Dutch not only as a trading enemy, but also as a people with questionable morals. The English “claimed that the Dutch had been completely corrupted by their commitment to capitalism.” (Funny how tides change, isnt it?)of course, as time changes, so does our sense of self. After all, who wan

6、ts to pay for their friends meals all the time? Maybe sometimes its all right to do like the Dutch do.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。本篇主要通过吃饭由谁买单这件事来引出本篇的主题:英语俗语与其文化背景的关系。文章中提到,在现在的英语国家,自己支付餐费是一件很正常的事。然而在以前,在早期的英国社会中,邀请别人出去吃饭而不支付餐费是会被认为这是自私的行为。并详细解释了“去荷兰”这个短语的起源,和背后的含义。1. What did people once do in English history i

7、f they dined out with friends?A. They split the check.B. The inviter paid for the meal.C. They paid for their meals in turn.D. one of the guests paid for the meal.【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中In fact, in early English society, it was seen as selfish to invite someone out to eat and not pay for their meal.可知

8、事实上,在早期的英国社会,邀请别人出去吃饭而不付钱被认为是自私的行为。由此可知,在英国历史上,如果人们和朋友出去吃饭,邀请人会付饭钱。故选B。2. What does the author say about the idioms containing the word Dutch”?A. They show respect to the Dutch.B. They do harm to English language.C. They are associated with money.D. They mean something dishonorable.【答案】D【解析】推理判断题。根据

9、最后一段中That led to a rise in idioms from the English regarding their enemy, the Dutch: phrases like “Dutch courage,” the false courage brought on by alcohol; or “Dutch reckoning,” which is a ridiculously high bill on which youve likely been cheated.可知这导致了英语中关于他们的敌人荷兰人的习语的增加:像“荷兰勇气”这样的短语,由酒精带来的虚假勇气;或者是

10、“荷兰清算”,指的是这是一个高得离谱的账单,你可能被骗了。由此可推知,含有“荷兰”这个词的习语意味着一些不光彩的事情。故选D。3. The purpose of the text is to explainA. the English table mannersB. the England and Dutch relationshipC. the origin of some English phrasesD. the change in English history【答案】C【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段中The origins of the phrase “going Dutch” ar

11、e a little complicated, but Steven Pincus, a historian from the University of Chicago who focuses on early modern Europe, helped us track the complex history of this idiom.可知“各付各的”这个短语的起源有点复杂,但来自芝加哥大学的历史学家Steven Pincus帮助我们追踪了这个习语的复杂历史。结合本篇主要通过吃饭由谁买单这件事来引出本篇的主题:英语俗语与其文化背景的关系。文章中提到,在现在的英语国家,自己支付餐费是一件很

12、正常的事。然而在以前,在早期的英国社会中,邀请别人出去吃饭而不支付餐费是会被认为这是自私的行为。并详细解释了“去荷兰”这个短语的起源,和背后的含义。由此可推知,文章的目的是解释一些英语短语的起源。故选C。BThe slogan for the Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development Fund is “In Love With China” and this special message has been shown in its own logo. The logo uses the characters for “wind” and “p

13、hoenix”(风凰)in ancient oracle bone script(甲骨文)on a circular Chinese fan.Madam Kang Jiaqi, the executive director of CHSDF, IN LOVE WITH CHINA explains the many layers of meaning behind the logo: “The logo adopts the writing style of oracle bone script-dating back over 3,000 years-carved onto either t

14、urtle shell or ox bones.”The Chinese character for “wind” and the character for “phoenix” are almost the same, with just one stroke difference. In Chinas ancient past, the character for “phoenix” was widely considered to bring peace and happiness and represents good fortune. The character “wind” has

15、 a long history and is also known as a name representing culture and spiritual power.Both the characters “wind” and “phoenix” share the same component in their characters, which is also used in the slogan “In Love With China”. This extraordinary combination represents how experts lead fashion, which

16、 in tum leads culture-and that culture is the basis of creativity. Therefore, it represents the importance of traditional Chinese culture in global creativity.“Taking the Chinese oracle bone character of wind and phoenix as our logo represents the beginning of Chinese civilization, which suggests that it can pass on Chinese culture through the cooperation between the CHSDF and the cooperative


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