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1、 .2016 年育贤八年级下英语期末测试满 分 100 分一、语言知识与运用 (第一节选择题 满分 10 分)took part in Chinese Dream Showmoney for her daughters illness. A.raisedB.raisingC.to raiseD.to raisingMan often makes us, so we all like this TV show very much.A. laughB. to laughC. laughingD. laughed18. You d better stay at home. Its raining s

2、ooutside.A. heavyB. heavierC.heavilyD. more heavily19. The house facing the river is so expensive that he had toa lot of moneyit.A. take, to buyB. spend, inC. pay, forD. cost, formust stop. Cant you see the sign“ Keep quiet”A. talkB. to talkC. from talkingD. talking21. -Do you know about the Canton

3、Fair(广交会)-Yes, its the largest import and export fair in China and ittwice a year in Guangzhou.A.holdsB. heldC.is heldD. was held22. How many booksthey Five. But they havent finished reading even one. .A. do.borrowB. hadborrowedC. willborrowD. didborrow23. You need to know how toanimals before you d

4、ecide to keep pets.A.takecareB. care ofC. care forD. look for s very kindyou to help me with my English, as its so important me to learn it well.A. of, ofB. of, forC. for, forD. for, ofI stayed up very late last night,I have to keep on working now.A. Although, /B. Although, butC. Because, /D. Becaus

5、e, so第二节语法选择(共10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)These days, Paul Walker might be the name of a man that most people talk about as his last film Fast & Furious 7 was shown in cinema in April,2015. DavidWalker was born in Glendale, California26September 12th ,1973. His mother was once a model and he became an27at

6、 a very early age. He first28on the stagewhen he was 2 years old and began his career at the age of 13. Paul Walker began to act in the film Fast & Furious in 2001 and from then on, he acted in six Fast & Furious series films in total. Just like the plot in his films, Paul Walker enjoyed29his car ve

7、ry fast but30, a serious car accident31to him when he32to Los Angles in his new car in November,2013. Some special effects33in the film Fast & Furious 734Paul Walkers death. Many of his fans went to cinemas to watch the film and some were too excited35their feelings when they saw this handsome mans

8、pleasant smile and heard the songSee You Again.26. A. inB. onC. atD. from27. A. actB. actingC. actorD. action28. A. appearB. wasappearingC. appearedD. has appeared29.A. raceB.to raceC.racingD. to racing30.A. luckB. luckyC. luckilyD. unluckily31. A. happenB. happenedC. is happenedD. washappened32. A.

9、 driveB. droveC. was drivingD. has driven33. A. useB. usedC. are usedD. were used34. A. becauseB. because ofC. soD. for35. A. controlB.to controlC. controllingD. to controlling三、完形填空(共10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文 ,掌握大意 ,然后从 36 45各题所给的 A、B、C、D 项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Where has the Time gone It is the

10、hottest song that has36thousands of Chinese to tears. Parents give their children endless love but ask for37in return. What about you, children Do you love your parents You may say,-Of course I do. I cook for my mother on Mothers Day and on Fathers Day I buy father38,too. But what about39days of the

11、 yearHere is a story about a girl called Fang Meijiao. She is a university40in AnhuiProvince. Unluckily, both her father and brother died. Whats worse, her mother became badly ill and couldnt move any more two years ago. Instead of losinghope, she decided to take her mother to her41with her. In the

12、day time, shekeeps on studying hard and after class, she hurries to the dormitory(宿舍) to42her sick mother. Every day, she cooks for her, feeds her, bathes herand43with her. At the same time, she has to do some part-time jobs to pay for her mothers expensive medicine. With her great effort, her mothe

13、r is getting much better. Her dream is o get a good job for a better life with her mother.You may also say,-This is not a44case. But you should45that your parents are getting older and weaker every day. You need to care more about their feelings and spend more time with them.36.A. pleasedB. movedC.

14、relaxedD. surprised37. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing38. A. a giftB. a kissC. a hugD. a meal39. A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. the others40.A. studentB. teacherC. workerD. doctor41. A. homeB. companyC. universityD. hospital42. A. look aroundB. look afterC. look upD. look over43. A

15、. walksB. dancesC. runsD. chats44.A. commonB. simpleC. faithfulD. terrible45. A. forgetB. complainC. realizeD. refuse四、阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)AStop Phubbing (低头族)Last month a young girl lost her life under the wheels of a truck when she crossed the road. She is responsible for her death. The girl wasbusy checking the WeChatinformation on her smart phone, snubbing(无视) thetraffic lights. Suddenly, a car came fast and hit her. The girl lay on the ground and couldnt get up a


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