苏教译林三年级英语下册Unit1 In class同步练习及答案3

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苏教译林三年级英语下册Unit1 In class同步练习及答案3_第1页
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1、Unit 1 In class同步练习3一、写出下列词语的英文意思。1.一扇门_ 2.一扇窗户_3.一块黑板_ 4.打开_5.开门_ 6. 关上窗户_7.把书打开_ 8. 把书合上_二、看图将下列单词补充完整。 1.c_as_ 2.wi_d_w 3._ob_t 4.d_ _r三、选择题 。( ) 1._, Im late. A. Sorry B. Come ( ) 2._ that? A. Whats B. What( ) 3.Susan, _ open the door. A. / B. please( ) 4.Dont listen _ Susan. A. in B.to ( ) 5. L

2、ook _ the blackboard. A. in B.at四、选词填空。1. Good morning, _. (class, glass)2. Sit _, please. (in, down) 3. Sam, _ close the window. (please, thanks)4. Dont _ to Bob. (look, listen)5. Im hot, please _ the door. (open, close) 五、写句子。1.早上好,妈妈。2.迈克,请关上门。3.请看黑板。4.马克,请把窗户打开。5.不要听玛丽的。参考答案:一、1.a door 2.a windo

3、w 3.a blackboard 4.open 5.open the door6.close the window 7.open the book 8.close the book二、1.class 2.window 3.robot 4.door三、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B四、1.class 2.down 3.please 4.listen 5.open 五、1. Good morning, mum.2. Mike, please close the door.3. Please look at the blackboard.4. Mark, please open the window.5. Dont listen to Mary.


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