译林版九上英语 Unit ThreeTeenage problems Main task 教案

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1、9A Unit Three Teenage problemsMain task 第一部分 简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Unit 3 Teenage problems三、课型:Main task四、教学目标1知识目标:掌握并运用本单元的重点词汇和句型给朋友写封信,谈谈自己遇到的问题以及解决的办法。2. 能力目标:1) 能选择正确的方法解决生活、学习中遇到的问题。2) 能够根据文章的结构, 写一封信,谈论自己遇到的问题以及解决的办法。3.情感目标 学生要敢于面对自己在学习、生活中的困难,并积极的寻找方法解决这些困难。 五、教学重点:学会写出一封信的结构,并综合运用所学知识完整的写一

2、封信, 谈谈自己在学习、生活中遇到的一些问题,以及解决这些问题的方法。 第二部分 教学流程 Part one Lead-inStep 1 RevisionT: Boys and girls, we have learned many students problems in this unit. Some students felt sad. Some students felt stressed and angry. They asked Sigmund Friend, a famous youth worker or their friends for help and got many

3、useful suggestions. 在这个单元里,我们了解了许多学生遇到的问题。有的学生感到很不高兴,有的学生感到有压力,还会感到很气愤。他们会向一位很有名的青少年辅导员, Sigmund Friend 或是他们的朋友们寻求帮助并得到很多有用的帮助。Now, do you still remember their problems and the suggestions given by Sigmund Friend or their friends? 现在,你们还记得他们的问题,以及Sigmund Friend 或是他们的朋友给他们的建议了吗?Now lets look at them

4、together. (PPT5)eg. Who is the girl? She is Millie, What are her problems? Yes. She has too much homework and she has no time for her hobbies.What are the suggestions given by Sigmund Friend? He asks her to plan her time carefully and make a list of all the homework she has to do. She also should ch

5、oose one hobby each day.What is her another problem? Good. Her penfriend hasnt replied to her last three e-mails. What are suggestions given by her friend, Amy? Amy asks her not to worry. She can send an e-card to her penfriend and let her know she misses her.Who is the boy? He is Simon. (PPT6) What

6、s his problem? He Spends too much time on football and always stays out too late.What are the suggestions given by Sigmund Friend? He advised Simon not to give up but not to forget about his family,either. He should go home earlier.Who is the girl? She is Sue. Whats her problem? She is not good at s

7、port and doesnt have many friends. Many of her classmates call her a bookworm.What are the suggestions given by Sigmund Friend? He advised her to try her best in PE. She should share her problems with her friend and pay no attention to the students who laugh at her.Step 2 Finish the Part A on page 5

8、7 (PPT 7-10)T: Ok, I think these ways are useful. Mr Wu wants to find out whether his students know how to deal with problems. He has given them a quiz. Open the books and look at Page 57. Circle the best answers. 我想这些方法都很有用。吴老师想知道他们的学生是否会处理一下的问题。他给他们做了一个测验。请打开书看书本第57页。在最佳答案上打勾。T: Lets check the ans

9、wers together. 让我一起来核对答案。Part Two Structure Step 3 Discuss what should write in 3 partsT:When you have these problems, do you feel stressed? 当你有这些问题的时候,你感到有压力吗?Some of these problems may be the causes of your stress, but I think you know how to deal with them some of your suggestions are very good a

10、nd useful. Do you want to share them with your friends? Maybe you can write a letter to them. Lets learn how to write this kind of letter?有些问题可能是你感到压力的原因,但是我想大家都知道该如何解决这些问题。相信其中的一些建议将会是很有用的。你想将这些与朋友们分享吗?现在我们将学习如何来写这一类的信件。Mr Wu suggested that his students write to their penfriends about the causes of

11、 their stress and the solutions to the problems. Open the book and turn to page 58. Here is a writing plan. Lets look at together. 吴老师建议他的学生们写信给他们的笔友谈谈他们压力的原因以及解决的办法。把书打开到58页,这里有一个写作提纲,让我们一起来看看。Look at the writing plan and answer: (PPT11)How many parts are there ? What are they? (PPT12)Good! They ar

12、e 3 parts, “Introduction”, “Main body, and “conclusion”.它们是介绍、主体和结论。 Which part is the most important one? Of course, “Main body” is the most important one. Now look at the writing plan again and tell me what to write in the main body. 现在再仔细看这个提纲然后告诉我在这个部分里写什么?Yes. We should write two kinds of infor

13、mation: the cause of the stress and how to deal with it.Youd better write down at least two causes of stress and solutions. On Page 58, it gives us an example. Whats that? (A lot of homework is one cause of stress. We should plan our time carefully.) 在主体部分你会写些什么呢? 当然是写你产生压力的主要原因。但是只写这些吗?不,你还要写下解决的途径

14、。你最好写两个原因以及各自解决的途径。在书上58页,给出了一个例子。请问是什么?许多的作业是一个原因,解决的途径是仔细安排你的时间。Can you think more? 还有什么其它的原因和解决的途径?Step 4 Discuss and complete the writing plan (PPT26) 讨论并完成这个写作提纲。Please discuss with your friends: 1. What are the causes of your stress? 你压力产生的主要原因是什么? 2. What are your ways to deal with stress? 你解

15、决压力的主要途径是那些?Think at least two causes and write down them. 想出至少两个原因以及各自的解决途径。Have you finished? Good, Now I give you 2 examples. What are they? (PPT12) 现在给你们两个例子,请回答是什么?Step5 Do Part C on page 58 (PPT13-14) T:lets see Part C on Page 58. Here is the beginning of Millies letter. She doesnt have time to finish it. Help her complete the second paragraph. 让我们来看看书上58页,这是Millie信的开头。她没有时间完成。帮她完成信的第二小节。T:Now,lets check the answers. 现在让我们一起来核对答案。 Ok, can you name the each part? 现在你能告诉我每一小节是哪个部分吗? The first paragraph is “Introduction”. The second paragraph is “


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