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1、职场新人升职加薪的建议作为一名职场新人,获得升职加薪并不像你想象中的那么难。接下来,办公室王老师给大家准备了职场新人升职加薪的建议,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。职场新人升职加薪的建议As a green hand in the working world, getting a pay raise or promotion1 is not as hard as you believe. The following are some tips to help you gain the promotion you want:作为一名职场新人,获得升职加薪并不像你想象中的那么难。下面几点小建议将有助于你实现自

2、己升职的愿望:1. Make clear where you are and why you are there.1.弄清楚自己身处何处以及为什么在这个位置。How to get promoted2? First you will need to know yourself clearly. Ask yourself, where are you now? And why are you there? Are there key strengths that have brought you where you are now? Can you continue to leverage(影响)

3、 the strengths for the next promotion? Are there any weaknesses that you really need to correct before the next promotion? These questions will help you to check your strengths and weaknesses.如何获得升职?首先,你先要对自己有一个清楚的认识。问一下自己现在在职场中处于什么地位?为什么会处于该地位?它是否是基于自己所具有的关键优势而形成的?该优势能否在下一步的提升中起到作用?在下次可能得到提升之前,是否存在

4、任何需要改正的缺点? 这些问题将有助于你审视自己身上存在的优缺点。2. Ask yourself where you want to be and how you get there.2. 问一下自己想要达到什么程度以及如何达到该程度。You need to have an objective3 and a plan for your career development. Just saying that you want to get promoted is not enough. You need to be clear on your next position and write i

5、t down. Then, you should develop a plan to achieve your objective.你需要为自己的职业发展设定一个目标和计划。仅仅强调你希望得到升职是远远不够的。你需要对你下一步的职业定位有一个清晰的认识,并将其转化为文字。接下来要做的便是为实现你的目标做一个切实可行的计划。3. Commit4 to your plan and follow it through.3. 忠于你的计划并将其进行到底。Attitude(态度) matters. It matters everywhere, at every stage of your career.

6、 Having a clear direction is important to guide your energy. However, without action which is the actual completion(完成,实现) of the task, all else is academic. You will be only judged by what you do. In addition, your action should be backed up with skills and knowledge, which will accelerate(加速) your

7、 movement.态度决定一切。它关系到你职业生涯中的每一阶段。拥有一个明确的方向是非常重要的,它可以使你的精力得到充分利用而不会被浪费。然而,缺少了实际完成任务的行动,其他的一切便成了纸上谈兵。你的行动才是评价你的唯一标准。同时,你需要用知识和技能来武装你的行动,这将加速你行进的步伐。扩展:如何写好英文信件,邮件等But one aspect of English you possibly havent thought about yet is how to communicate appropriately in formal written situations, such as le

8、tters. This is a skill youll almost certainly need if youre in the process of applying to UK schools or universities, so we thought wed give you a handy guide on how to write formal letters and emails in English.Even if youre a native speaker, this is still an essential skill to acquire if you haven

9、t already, both for university applications and in life beyond your student years, when youll almost certainly need to write covering letters for job applications, letters to the bank, emails to customer service departments of companies, and so on. So, if youre not quite sure how to go about writing

10、 a formal letter or email, take heed1 of the advice in this article and youll soon be writing professional-sounding communications.The right way to write a letterWhen it comes to writing a formal letter, there are very clear right and wrong ways of going about it. To show you the right way of doing

11、it, lets make up a situation and pretend that youre writing a letter to a university youve applied2 to, enquiring3 about the possibility of deferring4 your course for a year.Weve written out the letter in full below, so that you can refer to it as you read through the following points. Your address:

12、 the first thing to write is your own address. This goes at the top right-hand side of the letter. Date: Beneath your address, you write the date of the letter. Note how weve formatted6 the date here, and left a space between the bottom of the address and the date. Their address: Next, you write the

13、 recipient7s address. This is left-aligned and placed below the text of your own address and the date. Salutation: weve written about these in more detail beneath our example letter, but for the purposes of this example we are addressing the recipient using Mr and his surname. Subject line: a bit li

14、ke an email, a formal letter has a one-line summary after the salutation, which summarises what the letter is about. Body text: the main content of the letter. Use spaces to indicate a new paragraph and keep sentences clear and to the point. Make sure its clear exactly what you want the person to do

15、 as an outcome of your letter. In this example, weve put the direct question on its own separate line to make sure it stands out. Sign-off: again, well give you more guidance on how to sign off your letter later in this article. In this example weve used Yours sincerely, for reasons that will become

16、 clear later. Signature: weve left a gap here, where you would handwrite your signature once youve printed off your letter ready to send. Print name: beneath your signature is your name printed in full.Salutations in more detailAlways begin a formal letter with Dear, rather than hi or any other more informal greeting. First names are best avoided if you want to be v


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