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1、 天天文化培训中心 5A U3U4 一对一基础知识(二)词汇练习在下午 在音乐教室 上一节音乐课一起唱 听 跟着我唱首英文歌 好的 拉小提琴载歌载舞 学首歌 弹吉他制作一个飞机模型 骑自行车 吃个冰激凌 他的家庭 想要 一个南瓜灯 一只熊 万圣节聚会 买个老虎面具红蜡烛 一个好主意 喜欢听音乐给你找零 帮助我 买东西一个公交车司机 非常 下课后重点句型1.What can you do?你会做什么? what can +主语+do 是 can 句型的特殊疑问句形式,用来询问某人会什么。Can 后面要加动词原形,否定形式就在 can 后面叫 not,缩写 cant回答 I can (we can

2、 )No I cant (we cant)2.Can you do sth? 你能做什么?can 的一般疑问句,回答用 yes ,I can /no ,I cant3.wheres sht ?什么在哪里?4.Do you like?你喜欢吗?like 后面接不可数名词,可数名词和 v+ing回答 yes I do ./no ,I dont.+I like 5.What do you like?你喜欢什么?回答 I like would like 用来表达意愿,意为 “想要,愿意” ,和 want 意思接近,但是比 want 语气委婉,可气。其后可接名词、代词宾格活动词不定式。其中,would

3、是情态动词常缩写为d。 would like 的固定句型1. would you like some?你想要一些吗?Yes,please./No,thanks.2. would you like to?你愿意去做吗?Yes,Id like/love to ;Id like/love to.But Im too busy.3. would like to do sth 想要做某事 would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事练习:1.你想要一些橘子吗?/不,谢谢you like orangers?/No, 2.你想和我一起去钓鱼吗? 好的,我非常愿意。Would you go

4、fishing with me?/Ok, to.3.Do you want to go shopping with me?(变同义句)you to shopping with me?4.would you like another cake?/ A I think B Id love to do C No, thanks D Im afraid5.I would like some ice creams. (对划线部分提问)you 时间的表示方法:如何问时间?What time is it? 天天文化培训中心 5A U3U4 一对一Whats the time?Could you tell m

5、e the time?Excuse me, have you got the time?What time is it by your watch/ clock?如何表达时间?Whats the time?Its about eight three./Its about three past eight.What time is it?Its nine five./Its five past nine.Can you tell me the time?Its one thirty-five./Its twenty-five to two.Excuse me, have you got the

6、time?Yes. Its two forty-five./Yes. Its a quarter to three.quarter - 一刻,15 分钟, 1/4;half - 一半,30 分钟,1/2in the morning /in the afternoon /in the evening /at night时间的英文表达方法在英语中,时间表达的常用方法有两种。一种是顺读法,先说时针所指的,后说分针所指的数字。如 9:20,英语表达为: nine twenty. 9:50,英语表达为:nine fifty。另一种是倒读法,所谓倒读就是先说分针所指,再说时针所指的数字。如 9:20, 英

7、语表达为:twenty past nine. 9:50,英语表达为: ten to ten。9:30, 英语表达为:half past nine。我们可以把钟分作两半,半小时前的那半我们用了一个单词 past(过) ,半小时以后的另一半我们用另一个单词 to(差)来表达时间。除此,在表达 15 分钟,以及 45 分钟时,我们用了一个单词 quarter( 一刻) 。一样道理,前半小时里用 past,后半小时用 to。9:15, 英语表达为:a quarter past nine, 9:45 则是 a quarter to ten.意思是:差一刻就到 10 点。练习:What time is i

8、t?(每个用两种方式表达)1.现在是九点四十五分。 2.现在是两点十七分。 3.现在是三点。4.现在是九点半。 5.现在是六点十五分。 6.现在是 三点五十分。 代词分辨人称代词单数 复数主格 宾格 主格 宾格 天天文化培训中心 5A U3U4 一对一第一人称 I me we us第二人称 you you you you第三人称hesheIthimheritthey them物主代词数 人称 形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称 my mine第二人称 your yourshis hisher hers单数第三人称its its第一人称 our ours第二人称 your yours复数第三

9、人称 their theirs练习1.Tom is an honest boy. (改为否定句 )Tom _ an honest boy.2. Jane likes listening to music. (改为否定句)Jane _ _ listening to music.3. She is a nurse in Nanshan Hospital. (改为一般疑问句)_ she a nurse in Nanshan Hospital?4. Tom plays football after school. (改为一般疑问句)_ Tom _ football after school?1. Th

10、is is a boring story. (改为复数 )_ _ boring stories.2. Those are his books. (改为单数 )_ _ his book.3. The old man was dead. (改为同义句 )The old man _ alive.4. He lives in Shenzhen. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ he live? 天天文化培训中心 5A U3U4 一对一5. I get up at six every day. (对划线部分提问 )_ do you get up every day?1. There are some app

11、les in the box. (改为否定句)There _ _ apples in the box.2. He can speak English. (改为一般疑问句)_ he speak English?3. I enjoyed myself in the park. (改为复数)_ enjoyed _ in the park.4. Thank you for helping me. (改为同义句)Thank you for _ _.5. He goes to school by bus. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ to school?1. Tom didnt finish hi

12、s homework yesterday. (改为肯定句)Tom _ his homework yesterday.2. He bought a new bike. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ a new bike?3. Is that your knife? (改为复数)Are _ your _?4. The firemen showed up soon. (改为同义句)The firemen _ soon.5. The girl is 12 years old. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is the girl?1. John led them to the forest. (改为一般疑问句)_ John _ them to the forest? 2. Watch out! A bus is coming. (改为同义句) _ _! A bus is coming. 3. My clock is dead. (对划线部分提问) What _ _ with your clock?4. This isnt my computer. (改为同义句) This computer doesnt _ _ me. 5. It was six thirty when we saw the fire. (对划线部分提问)_ _ was it when we saw the fire?



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