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1、Unit 1 Reading,Introduce two more new friends to you,Hello, Im Hi. What will we learn in this book,And Im Lo! Lets have a look,How to make friends,Youre about to start a new school and want to make friends there. What do you do? Here are some tips,1.Be kind to everyone you meet at the new school. Sm

2、ile to them or help them when they need help. 2.Be inviting. If you see someone you know, give a smile or say hi. Ask some people to share a table at lunch or borrow or lend a sheet of notebook paper. 3.Remember their names. People like it when you call them by name,4.Join after school activities (

3、活动) you like. You can find someone having the same hobbies with you. 5.Finally, meet up with them outside of school after you get to know them. This is an important step to making true friends who you can rely on (依靠). 6.Dont just talk about yourself. You should learn to listen to others,Important p

4、hrases,close to go to school be good at make friends with all over,接近,去上学,与交朋友,擅长,遍及,1、我每天走路上学 I _ _ _ on foot every day. 2、杰森与小猫交朋友。 Jason _ _ _ the little cat. 3、安妮擅长跑步和游泳。 Annie _ _ _ running. 4、安娜有许多网友遍及世界各地。 Anna has many e-friends _ _ the world,Exercises,go to school,makes friends with,is good

5、 at,all over,There are many new friends in our class. Can you tell them your hobbies,Hobbies,My favourite hobbies are,A1 Friends often write to each other about their hobbies. Can you match the hobbies in the box with the pictures below,listening to music,playing basketball,reading books,Lets do a s

6、urvey,Annas blog,About me,About my school and my hobbies,Before reading,Look at the pictures, the title and the sub-headings on page 3. Then tick () the things that you may find in Annas blog. her country ( ) her age ( ) her parents names ( ) her brother and sister ( ) her favourite subjects ( ) her

7、 English teacher ( ) her dream ( ) her hobbies (,While reading,Do you know the meanings of the words and phrases in italics? Hello everyone. A. all people B. some people 2. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. A. nearB. far away from 3. I like my school because the teachers are

8、all very friendly. A. happy B. nice and kind,A,A,B,4. These are my favourite hobbies. A. things I must do B. things I like doing in my free time 5. I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! A. some countries in B. every country in,While reading,B,B,World E-friends Club,We wel

9、come young people from _ the world. Please email us your answers to these questions: What are your _? Are you _ any sports? What films/music do you like,all over,hobbies,good at,all over close to friendly good at hobbies,Do you live _ or far away from your school? Are your teachers _? What subjects

10、do you like best,close to,friendly,While reading,Name: Anna Country: Germany Age: _ What she looks like: _ and thin; long hair Family members: father, _, _ and _ Favourite subjects: _, _ and Science Hobbies: _ and playing _ Dream: to be an _,11,tall,mother,an elder sister,an elder brother,Maths,Art,

11、swimming,basketball,engineer,Find facts in the blog to support these statements about Anna,Annas school is far away from her house. (Every day, I ) _ 2. Anna likes drawing. (My favourite subjects) _ 3. Anna enjoys her school life. (I like) _,Every day, I go to school by school bus,My favourite subje

12、cts are Maths, Art and Science,I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly,Language points,1. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. (P3) 我和家人居住在靠山的一幢房子里。 close to “接近、在近旁”,指时间或空 间上的靠近。close在此是形容词。如: 史密斯先生在他的办公室附近买了一套新公寓。 Mr Smith bought a new flat close to his off

13、ice. 这家工厂离这所学校很近。 The factory is close to the school,2. I have an elder sister and an elder brother. (P3) 我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。 elder “年长的”,作形容词,是old的比较级, 通常只用于谈论家庭成员的长幼。也可作名词, 指长辈。如: 两姐妹中谁是姐姐? Which is the elder of the two sisters,3. I go to school by school bus. (P3) 我乘坐校车上学。 by school bus“乘坐校车”,表示出行方式, 在句

14、中作状语。相同结构的有by bike“骑自行 车”,by plane“乘飞机”,by train“乘火车”等。 如: 我们下个星期天乘船去香港游玩。 Well visit Hong Kong by ship next Sunday. 他爸爸经常骑自行车上班。 His father often goes to work by bike,4. Im good at swimming and playing basketball. (P3) 我擅长游泳和打篮球。 be good at “擅长”,at后可接名词,如果 后接的是动词,则使用动词加-ing的形式。 如: 他的数学很好。 He is goo

15、d at Maths. 露西擅长跳舞。 Lucy is good at dancing,5. Please email us your answers to these questions. (P4) 请用电子邮件把这些问题的答案发给我们。 email sb sth“用电子邮件给某人发送某物”, email后接双宾语,也可以用email sth to sb表 达。如: 我的朋友昨天用电子邮件给我发了一些漂亮的 照片。 My friend emailed me some beautiful photos yesterday. = My friend emailed some beautiful photos to me yesterday,Exercises,1. Does your mother go to work on foot? No. She goes to work _. A. by bus B. by a bus C. on bus 2. I am good at basketball and she is good at _ the piano. A. plays B. playing C. to play 3. My brother is ten. I a



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