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1、SUMMARY OF REACTION PATHWAYS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRYYou need to know the equations, conditions, reagents and type of reaction for all these reactions.You need to know the mechanism for some of them.1.Alkane chloroalkanereagents: Cl2conditions: UV lightmechanism: free radical substitutionequation: RH +

2、Cl2 RCl + HCl2.Alkene polyalkeneConditions: low T, high p.Equation: Type of reaction: addition polymerisation (free radical)3.Alkene bromoalkaneReagent: HX(g)Conditions: room TEquation: Type of reaction: electrophilic addition4.Alkene dibromoalkaneReagent: Br2 in water or in an organic solventCondit

3、ions: room TEquation:Mechanism: electrophilic addition5.Alkene alkylhydrogensulphateReagent: concentrated sulphuric acidConditions: coldEquation:Mechanism: electrophilic addition6.Alkylhydrogensulphate alcoholReagent: waterConditions: warmEquation: Type of reaction: hydrolysis7.Alkene alcoholReagent

4、: steamConditions: 300 oC, 60 atm, H3PO4 catalystEquation:Type of reaction: hydration8.Haloalkane alcoholReagent: NaOH(aq) or KOH(aq)Conditions: warm under refluxEquation: R-X + OH- R-OH + X-Type of reaction: nucleophilic substitution9.Haloalkane nitrileReagent: KCN in aqueous ethanolConditions: boi

5、l under refluxEquation: R-X + CN- R-CN + X-Type of reaction: nucleophilic substitution10.Haloalkane AmineReagent: ammonia in ethanol in a sealed tubeConditions: heatEquation: R-X + 2NH3 R-NH2 + NH4XType of reaction: nucleophilic substitution11.Haloalkane alkeneReagent: KOH in ethanolConditions: heat

6、Equation: Type of reaction: elimination12.Primary alcohol aldehydeReagent: potassium dichromate and dilute sulphuric acidConditions: warm, distillationEquation: RCH2OH + O RCHO + H2O Type of reaction: mild oxidation13.Secondary alcohol ketoneReagent: potassium dichromate and dilute sulphuric acidCon

7、ditions: heat, distillationEquation: R1CH(OH)R2 + O R1COR2 + H2OType of reaction: oxidation14.aldehyde carboxylic acidReagent: potassium dichromate and dilute sulphuric acidConditions: heat, refluxEquation: R-CHO + O R-COOHType of reaction: oxidation15.Alcohols alkenesReagent: concentrated sulphuric acidConditions: heatEquation: Type of reaction: elimination16.glucose ethanolreagent: yeastconditions: 35 55 oC, no airequation: C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2type of reaction: fermentation



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