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1、外语口语培训班,心情郁闷时必备的英文句子美国人喜欢在许多不同的场合用hard这个字。例如你说他对我很凶,这个凶就可以用hard,或是安慰人家不要太难过,则可以用 no hard feelings等等很多很多用法。例如:1. He was so hard on me last night。他昨晚对我很凶。Hard这个字在美国用的很多,hard 的意思就是说态度很差,对某人很凶,对某人很刻薄,或是对人很严格都可以用这个词。所以 He was so hard on me last night简单地说就是他昨晚对我不好,可能是对你发脾气,或是对你态度很差。Hard也可以指让你觉得很难去调适的状况。例如

2、考试没考好你可以说I didnt do it well in the test. Its so hard for me. 要安慰别人的话,可以说No hard feelings,就是说别放在心上。例如我同学考试没考好,我就可以安慰他“No hard feelings, I believe you are gonna ace it next time。”。2. I have a hard time with my girlfriend。我跟我女友关系非常不好。Have a hard time with somebody就是说和某个人的关系处的特别不好,特别是形容情侣或是夫妻之间。Hard tim

3、e还有一个很常用的用法,就是说做什么事会有困难。比如说最近有一个大片要上演了,你想去看首映,那么别人可能就会警告你说You will have a hard time getting a ticket。(你想买到票可不容易);又比方说你朋友做错事,但他却一直不承认他自己有错。那这时你就可以说Why do you have such a hard time admitting it?(要你承认错误有那么困难吗?)3. Youre getting on my nerves。你惹毛我了。照字面上来看这句话就是你碰到我的神经了,引申为让别人生气的意思。比如说别人一直取笑你,你不高兴就可以说“You g

4、et on my nerve”。这句话的意思跟jump on my back差不多。Jump on my back就是说某人惹到你了,试想如果有一个人在你背上跳啊跳的,那会是什么样的感觉?所以如果有人去惹到你,你就可以警告他说“You are jumping on my back!”。4. Get off my back, I didnt sleep last night。不要再烦我了,我昨晚没睡!这句话跟上一句刚好是一对。比如说你一早去上班,老板就说你这个不是,那个不是,工作为什么又没做完,这句话就可以派上用场了!你可以大声地跟老板说“Get off my back. I didnt sle

5、ep last night”。 然后再来你就可以准备收拾东西走路了。因为你老板可能会跟你说“Then get out of my face, I dont want to see you again”。5. Cut me some slack!/Give me some slack!放我一马吧!其实这句话跟Get off my back是一模一样的。这两句在肥皂剧里常可以听到,如果你被家里淘气的小鬼整的受不了,就可以说“Cut me some slack”。6. Dont let your father down。不要让你的父亲失望。Down在英文的口语里面解释成心情不好,心情低落,或是觉得很

6、失望。例如有一首很有名的英文歌曲里就有这么一句“Please dont let me down(请不要让我失望)”。Down 也有沮丧的意思在内,跟 blue(忧郁)这个字差不多,所以下次当你看到别人心情不好,不妨过去问一下Why are you feeling down?或是Why are you feeling blue?7. I dont give a shit./I dont give a damn。不屑一顾。Shit跟damn都是最不值钱的东西,连shit跟damn都不给,就是说根本不屑一顾。比如说你知道有人在背后说你坏话,你就可以这么说“I dont give a shit”。8.

7、 People have dirty looks on their faces。人们的脸都很臭。有一次同学跟我说他来上学的时候路上塞车,车上的人脸都很臭,他就是说“People have dirty looks on their face”。我当时觉得很有趣,因为dirty 在这里并不是指脏的意思,或是说长的难看,而是说脸很臭的意思。9. Tough luck, but shit happens。真倒霉,但还是发生了。车子开到一半爆胎了,你可以说的就是这一句。Shit是不雅的字,但这个字可以用在很多让你很不爽的事上。例如本句shit happens就是那种令人不爽的事发生了。或是像我同学有一次

8、就跟我说“I did shit in the test(就是说他考的很烂很烂)”。Tough luck 就是说运气实在糟透了,我还听过另外一个讲法,叫rotten luck(烂透了的运气),两个意思上差不多。10. I got the short end of the stick。这实在是我所能遇到最糟的情况了。比如说你跟人做生意被人黑了,老婆跟人跑了,儿子又生病,自己的钱包又被扒了,那么你就可以说“I got the short end of the stick”。像是有一次我们去吃pizza,它是已经分好一块块的,大家一哄而上,结果剩下最后一块最小的上面又刚好没topping的pizza,

9、那个还没拿的人就开玩笑地说了这一句“I got the short end of the stick”。In the diminishing daylight they went along the level roadway through the meads, which stretched away into gray miles, and were backed in the extreme edge of distance by the swarthy and abrupt slopes of Egdon Heath. On its summit stood clumps and s

10、tretches of fir-trees, whose notched tips appeared like battlemented towers crowning black-fronted castles of enchantment.They were so absorbed in the sense of being close to each other that they did not begin talking for a long while, the silence being broken only by the clucking of the milk in the

11、 tall cans behind them. The lane they followed was so solitary that the hazel nuts had remained on the boughs till they slipped from their shells, and the blackberries hung in heavy clusters. Every now and then Angel would fling the lash of his whip round one of these, pluck it off, and give it to h

12、is companion.The dull sky soon began to tell its meaning by sending down herald-drops of rain, and the stagnant air of the day changed into a fitful breeze which played about their faces. The quick-silvery glaze on the rivers and pools vanished; from broad mirrors of light they changed to lustreless

13、 sheets of lead, with a surface like a rasp. But that spectacle did not affect her preoccupation. Her countenance, a natural carnation slightly embrowned by the season, had deepened its tinge with the beating of the rain-drops; and her hair, which the pressure of the cows flanks had, as usual, cause

14、d to tumble down from its fastenings and stray beyond the curtain of her calico bonnet, was made clammy by the moisture, till it hardly was better than seaweed.I ought not to have come, I suppose, she murmured, looking at the sky.I am sorry for the rain, said he. But how glad I am to have you here!R

15、emote Egdon disappeared by degree behind the liquid gauze. The evening grew darker, and the roads being crossed by gates it was not safe to drive faster than at a walking pace. The air was rather chill.I am so afraid you will get cold, with nothing upon your arms and shoulders, he said. Creep close

16、to me, and perhaps the drizzle wont hurt you much. I should be sorrier still if I did not think that the rain might be helping me.She imperceptibly crept closer, and he wrapped round them both a large piece of sail-cloth, which was sometimes used to keep the sun off the milk-cans. Tess held it from slipping off him as well as herself, Clares hands being occupied.Now we


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