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3、浪费司法资源,影响司法效率的提高;针对这些问题,笔者提出了我国家事审判程序的具体化构建策略,包括原则、措施以及与之相关的程序问题;最后进行总结与展望。希望本文的探究可以为我国家事审判改革提供积极建议。关键词:家事审判;家事审判程序;专业化审判;构建措施AbstractFamily matters refer to family matters. A family incident is an event in which an identity or property relationship dispute arises between family members who have a f

4、amily relationship. Family disputes refer to disputes over rights and obligations in the marriage and family field due to emotional relationships or property relationships caused by marriage, parenting, adoption, and cohabitation. Family disputes are different from general civil disputes. Most civil

5、 disputes involve property disputes, while family disputes mostly involve personal rights such as personal rights, and family disputes are generally based on family relationships. Intertwined with each other, there will be a blood relationship or a marriage relationship between the parties. These fa

6、ctors also make the settlement of family disputes have the nature of some social public interests while paying attention to individual rights. It determines that the settlement procedure of family disputes is different from the general civil procedure. There is no special family trial procedure in C

7、hinas actual practice. The trial procedure for family cases basically applies to the general civil case trial procedure. Under this mode of trial, there is no real consideration of the particularity of the family case itself. Therefore, this paper analyzes the problem.The article is divided into six

8、 chapters. After summarizing the research background and significance, it comprehensively summarizes the basic theory of family trial procedure, points out the concept of family trial procedure and the basic value function of family trial procedure. Secondly, it analyzes China. The comparison and ne

9、cessity of the family trial procedure and other procedures; once again point out the current state of trial reform and the status quo of legal regulation, including the reform situation and the legal regulation of family trials; then analyze the current situation of trials in Chinas current family c

10、ases and the existence of trial procedures Difficulties, after analysis, Chinas current family trial procedures have three problems, which are not conducive to social harmony and the establishment of judicial authority, is not conducive to the protection of vulnerable groups and waste judicial resou

11、rces, affecting the improvement of judicial efficiency; for these issues, the author proposes The specific construction strategy of my countrys trial procedure, including principles, measures and procedural issues related to it; finally summarize and forecast. I hope that the inquiry in this article

12、 can provide positive suggestions for the trial reform of our country.Key words: family trial; family trial procedure; specialized trial; construction measures目录绪言1(一)研究背景及意义1(二)研究内容及方法1(三)研究创新及不足1(四)研究思路1一、家事审判程序的基本理论1(一)家事审判程序的概念11.家事审判程序概念的界定12.家事审判程序的适用范围1(二)家事审判程序的基本价值功能21.直接功能恢复和睦家庭22.社会功能构建和谐





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