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1、如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!M7U1 Living with technology 1. 与保持联系keep in touch with与取得联系get in touch with(动作)与失去联系lose touch with(状态)与失去联系be out of touch with2. 坚持原则stick to ones principle(s)违背某人的原则be against ones principle(s)原则上;大体上in principle依据原则on principle3. 推迟做某事delay doing sth.毫不耽搁,立即without delay4.

2、彩色的in colour5. 20%的学生20 per cent of the students很大/很小比例a large/small percentage of6. 上发条wind sth. up蜿蜒曲折wind ones way to7. 储存in storage准备给某人in store for sb.8. 申请专利apply for a patent9. 怀疑be sceptical of/about.10. 一家保险公司an insurance company11. 显而易见obviouslyIts obvious that12. 获得均衡的全面的发展achieve balance

3、d and all-around development13. 电子装置electronic devices电气设备electrical equipment电风扇an electric fan关掉电turn/cut off electricity14. 适合be suitable for15. 投票支持某人vote for sb.投票反对vote against16. 反对(做)be against sth.be opposed to doingoppose doingobject to doing17. 决不in no caseby no meanson/under no condition

4、at no timeunder/in no circumstanceson no account18. 不仅而且not merely. but alsonot only/just. but also19. 某人做某事是典型的Its typical of sb. to do sth.20. (手机)短信text message21. 为作出牺牲make sacrifices for.牺牲健康sacrifice ones health以牺牲at the sacrifice of22. 额外for good measure采取措施做take measures/steps to do如果您需要使用本文

5、档,请点击下载按钮下载!按某人尺寸做make sth. to ones own measure23. 使某人摆脱rid sb. of某人摆脱sb. get/be rid of.24. 上市come onto the market25. 在某种程度上to some/a certain degreeto some/a certain extent获得博士学位receive/get/obtain a doctors degree26. 未必not necessarily27. a book of valuea valuable book一本有价值的书value lifetreasure life珍惜

6、生命value the house at给房子估价为valuableinvaluablepriceless无价的,珍贵的 M7U2 Fit for life 1. 打开;开发;开业;倾诉open up2. 在药店at the chemists3. 手术室operating theatre给某人动手术operate on sb.perform an operation on sb.操作电脑operate a computer4. 拥有possess sth.take possession ofbe in possession of被拥有in the possession of5. 对是极为重要的

7、be vital to/for.某人做某事是极为重要的It is vital that sb. (should) do sth.6. 充分发挥某人的潜力realize ones full potential潜在的危险potential dangers7. 心脏病发作have a heart attack死于心脏病die of heart disease8. 阻止某人做block sb. from doing一大块冰a block of ice两个街区two blocks9. 血糖blood sugar10. 测试,试验;参加选拔try out在上试验某物try sth. out on11. 不

8、能做be unable to do12. 采取有效的措施take effective measures13. 加快的步伐accelerate the pace of.14. 群众the masses批量生产mass production大量的a mass ofmasses of15. 大量地in large quantities/numbers16. 使某人筋疲力尽;使某人厌烦wear sb. out疲惫的;用旧的,磨破的be worn out17. 放出;发出;泄露;租借let out如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!18. 肿胀,膨胀swell up19. 不锈钢stainless

9、 steel20. 把脉feel/check ones pulse21. 沉迷于be addicted to sth./doing sth.戒掉的瘾break ones addiction to sth.get rid of ones addiction to sth.22. 四处环顾look around23. 订阅;同意,赞成;捐款subscribe to24. 数百万的millions of数千万的tens of millions of25. approve of sb. doing sth.同意某人做某事approve of sth.同意某事approve a plan批准计划agre

10、e with sb. about/on sth.同意某人某事agree on(双方对)达成共识agree to同意(计划、建议、安排)agree with与相符/一致;适应(某人)26. be vital to/for sth.对某事至关重要be of vital importance具有很大重要性play a vital role in在起极其重要的作用It is vital for sb. to do sth.It is vital that sb. (should) do sth.某人做某事是极为重要的27. let sb. go放,释放(某人)let sb./sth. golet go

11、 of sb./sth.放开/松手let down放下;降低;降下;(把衣服等)放长;不能帮助;使失望let sb. off with sth.不惩罚;放过;宽恕;从轻处罚let sb. off sth.允许某人不做某事 M7U3 The world online 1. 向某人求助turn to sb. for help查字典consult a dictionaryturn/refer to a dictionarylook sth. up in a dictionary咨询医生consult a doctor2. 富含be rich/abundant in大量的信息abundant info

12、rmation3. 受某人支配at sb.s command4. 数据表明statistics show that5. 更有甚者what is more6. 和某人通信correspond with sb.与一致,符合correspond with/to7. 向某人演讲address sb.写信给某人be addressed to sb.设法解决/处理address sth.如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!8. 最新的;现代的;时髦的up to date最新信息uptodate information9. 缺点和优点weaknesses and strengths10. 参考,提及m

13、ake a reference torefer to一本参考书a reference book11. 退学;退出drop out (of)12. 惊恐地跳起来jump up in alarm/in terror对感到惊慌be alarmed by设置闹钟set the alarm for13. 放弃做abandon doing一只被遗弃的狗an abandoned dog14. 和某人预约;赴约make an appointment with sb.15. 搜索引擎search engine16. 被分为三种类别be classified into three categories被归类为毒品

14、be classified as a drug按被分类be classified by/according to17. 网页a web page18. 有资格做某事have qualifications for sth./to do sth.be qualified for sth./to do sth.19. 仔细搜寻comb (through) sth. for20. 一束,一串;大量a bunch of21. 和相关be relevant to sth.22. 费时间、精力做bother to dobother doing不用费事了dont bother23. 急需要be in bad/desperate need of sth.be badly/desperately in need of sth.帮助需要中的人help people in need24. 考虑某事take sth. into consideration/account25. obey ones command服从某人的命令take command of/be in command of控制;负责 at sb.s command受某人支配;听候某人的吩咐hav


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