2014年9月考试大学英语(4) A 卷

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1、2014年9月考试大学英语(4) A 卷考试批次:批次 课程:大学英语(4)题号一二三 合计已做/题量44 / 454 / 41 / 149 / 50得分/分值41 / 4532 / 4012 / 1585 / 100一、单项选择题 (共45题、总分45分、得分41分) 1.What are you particularly interested in? ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 This is good history book.B、 Im keen on the history IT in china.C、 Sure, Im interested in it.D

2、、 There are many things to do.题目信息难度:1习题编号:0382f2cc-ac3a-41a4-a216-add118正确答案:B解题方案:interested in,particularly 2.Beautiful music, isnt it?( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Whos the composer?B、 Yes. Its my favorite.C、 So glad to hear that.D、 Its a gift from my father.题目信息难度:1习题编号:0b1e9415-e14f-4648-aef3-f2b

3、1ac4e32c4正确答案:B解题方案:肯定或否定的回答 3.Whats the weather like in Chongqing these days? ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Its like raining.B、 It doesnt like the weather.C、 It is very hot.D、 Id like raining.题目信息难度:1习题编号:18e35cf4-d9e2-47e8-8969-af正确答案:C解题方案:问的是天气最近怎么样,回答只关系天气 4.Would you agree to 1 the operation? (本题

4、分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Parsons having full control ofB、 Parsons controlC、 Parsons having full control ofD、 be in Parsons control题目信息难度:1习题编号:24ff0a77-274f-4cf4-ade7-327e0d2ab547正确答案:C解题方案:判断词的变形是否正确 5.Shall we eat here? No, I dont like to eat at this restaurant, for the waiter gave me 1 . (本题分数:1 分,本题得

5、分:0 分。)A、 a rare cooking steakB、 a steak rarely cookedC、 a steak rarely cookingD、 a rarely cooked steak题目信息难度:1习题编号:31d042ac-8df3-45ea-8887-6208f06ead0b正确答案:D解题方案:这里要回答的是不在这里吃东西的理由 6.Because of the heavy rain they proposed that the football match ( )put off. (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 would beB、 wasC、 b

6、eD、 had to be题目信息难度:1习题编号:-4fbb-4078-ae5a-711e44cb5b76正确答案:B解题方案:过去完成时中的推测也是过去时. 7.Youre going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 followed,followedB、 followed,followingC、 following,followedD、 following,following题目信息难度:1习题编号:491f7bdc-3cb6-4fb3-807c-843abaf570f1正确

7、答案:B解题方案:判断跟随在不同情况下的时态 8.How do you like your chicken? ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Well, fried.B、 Very wellC、 I dont like it.D、 Its nice.题目信息难度:1习题编号:5ef798e2-b2b0-4cc2-bd11-fe088c49021e正确答案:A解题方案:根据how和like知道这是问喜欢的程度 9.What about lunch time( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Steak and bread.B、 Its nice.C、 Ve

8、ry delicious.D、 Lunch begins at 1 p.m.题目信息难度:1习题编号:622ecd95-de8c-4bb7-97cd-1bc0ddc93ce0正确答案:D解题方案:What about 关于某物是怎么样的 10.1 want to go to New York. Whats the fare? ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Pardon me?B、 Im sorryC、 Yes, 1 dont understandD、 Im not understanding题目信息难度:1习题编号:694c43cc-0086-4fe0-b25a-04f

9、9570c8242正确答案:A解题方案:Pardon 再一次 11.Michael, you wouldnt believe what I just saw! It was awful! ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 I know.B、 You saw the bus accident?C、 That was a really terrible accident.D、 Cheer up!题目信息难度:1习题编号:6b1b3f22-94b7-4b97-a9cb-d7a99bcfc2da正确答案:B解题方案:awful 糟糕 12.( )he works hard, I d

10、ont mind when he finished the experiment. (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 As soon asB、 As well asC、 So far asD、 So long as题目信息难度:1习题编号:-0da2-4ae0-8fa3-f713d42a2e0d正确答案:D解题方案:条件状语从句,此处不是求快,而是说坚持的长久 13.Hello, Id like to speak to Mark, please. ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Yes, Im Mark.B、 This is Mark speaking.C、

11、Its me here.D、 This is me.题目信息难度:1习题编号:800ddb44-a205-49a8-be25-c520正确答案:B解题方案:打电话的表达 14.Michael, you wouldnt believe what I just saw! It was awful! ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 I know.B、 You saw the bus accident?C、 That was a really terrible accident.D、 Cheer up!题目信息难度:1习题编号:a-7166-4cc1-a649-176bed852

12、5dd正确答案:B解题方案:awful 糟糕 15.Beautiful music, isnt it?( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Whos the composer?B、 Yes. Its my favorite.C、 So glad to hear that.D、 Its a gift from my father.题目信息难度:1习题编号:924e105a-987e-4dd2-a589-4d2c正确答案:B解题方案:肯定或否定的回答 16.How can I apply for the job? ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 You may

13、 come in and get an application.B、 Yes, you can.C、 No, you cannot.D、 It is for you only.题目信息难度:1习题编号:a3093ee5-d7e1-4299-befc-61db25848bbb正确答案:A解题方案:apply 提供 17.How are you feeling now? ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Oh, much better.B、 I am very happy.C、 Its not important.D、 So beautiful and sweet.题目信息难度

14、:1习题编号:a52166a9-ff15-4e09-bf36-fa41a6正确答案:A解题方案:回答和程度有关的句子 18.Hi, is Mary there, please? ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 Hold on. Ill get herB、 No, she isnt hereC、 Yes, she lives hereD、 Yes, what do you want题目信息难度:1习题编号:a6da037c-a65b-47f8-bf53-ce702fd880f8正确答案:A解题方案:根据对话判断是打电话 19.Excuse me, how can I get to the Dodak Company? ( ) (本题分数:1 分,本题得分:1 分。)A、 See it on the left side.B、 Go straight for about 10 minutes.C、 Ask him.D、 I cant understand.题目信息难度:1习题编号:aa8d6cdf-145b-4bc7-8cae-676efb1b8073正确答案:B解题方案:how to go to somewhere 怎么到某处 20.Why do you l


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