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1、教师备课系统多媒体教案0Unit 7 Will people have robtos?教材解读本单元主要内容是通过引导学生展望未来,引出 will 一般将来时的运用:随着各项活动的展开,使得学生形成更加科学合理的价值观,教材紧紧围绕展望未来这一主题展开了各项活动,旨在培养学生的听说读写技能。单元目标一、知识与技能1. 能掌握本单元重点词汇:paper, pollution, prediction, future, pollute, environment, planet, earth, plant, part, play a part.2. 进一步学习运用所学的知识来陈述自己对将来的看法;学会

2、谈论自己对将来的预言。3. 掌握情态动词 will 来表达一般将来时态这一语法知识,4. 提高听力、阅读、写作能力。二、过程与方法Explanation, discussion, listening, pair work.三、情感、态度与价值观通过引导学生展望未来,及对未来生活的设计,来达到前景教育的目的,同时也通过对前景的设想,让学生在潜移默化中反省自己的现状,培养更加优秀的生活习惯和学习习惯,并形成更科学的价值观。在学习过程中培养小组合作精神,锻炼他们的胆量,激发学习兴趣。教法导航以学生为中心,以活动为驱动点,以任务为目标的教学方式,充分利用多媒体,让学生在活动中感知、领悟、体验和实践语言

3、知识要点。学法导航在实践与合作中提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基础知识的掌握和记忆。课时支配第 1 课时:Section A1a -2c第 2 课时:Section A 2d-3b第 3 课时:Section B 1a -2e第 4 课时:Section B 3a -Self Check 人教版义务教育教科书英语八年级上册1第 1 课时 Section A 1a-2c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 能掌握以下单词:paper, pollution, prediction, future, pollute, environment, planet, earth, plant, part, play

4、a part.2. 能掌握以下句型:What will the future be like? Cities will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees. Will people use money in 100 years? Will there be world peace? Kids will study at home on computers. They wont go to school. 二、过程与方法采用目标和直观教学法,调动学生的积极性,引导他们积极参与课堂。 三、情感、态度与价值观培养小组合作精神,学会用 wil

5、l 的各种句型来展望未来。教学重点1. 学习掌握一般将来时态的意义和结构。2. 掌握 There be 句型的一般将来时态的结构。教学难点掌握 more/fewer;more/less 的用法。情态动词 will+动词原形来表达一般将来时态。教法导航引导学生积极参与课堂活动,老师少讲,鼓励学生多练。学法导航加强小组合作学习,积极回答问题。教学准备教案,课件。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Warm up 教师备课系统多媒体教案21. 在大屏幕上向学生展示一些职业的图片,让学生们说出谈论自己的未来的工作,对工作的打算等

6、:What do you want to be when you grow up? Students: I want to be a scientist. T: How are you going to do that? Students: Im going to study science hard.2. 在大屏幕上显示机器人的图片来引出话题。 Step 3 Presentation1. 引导学生们看大屏幕上的图片,根据图示来理解 will 表达一般将来时态。用一句话来让学生们明白一般将来时态:The telephone is ringing . I wll answer it.2. 让学生

7、们看大屏幕上图片,并让学生学习 will + 动词原形及 wont + 动词原形的用法。通过例句让学生们理解。 Step 4 Game and 1a 1. How will your future be like in 100 years? Can you see anything about it? 2. Students discuss and think about their future. Then say some sentences. e.g. People will have robtos at their home.There will be only one country

8、. People wont use money in the future. 3. How will the world be different 100 years from now? Read the predictions in 1a. Check A for agree or D for disagree. Students read the sentences discuss them and check A or D. Step 5 Listening 1. T: Now listen to the recording and circle the predictions you

9、hear in 1a. 2. Play the recording for the students to listen and circle the predictions. 3. Play the recording again. Check the answers with the students. Step 6 Pair work 1. Let students read the first conversation in 1c after the teacher. 2. Then let students ask and answer questions about the pre

10、dictions in 1a. Then make their own conversations. 注意:如果将陈述句变为一般疑问句,应将情态动词 will 提前到主语前便可。 3. Let some pairs ask and answer about their conversations. Step 7 Word on 2a-2cWork on 2a:1. Read the sentences in 2a to understand the sentences.Tell students they will listen to some sentences. They should l

11、isten and circle the words in the bracket. 2. Play the recording for the students to listen and circle the words. 人教版义务教育教科书英语八年级上册33. Play the recording again to check the answers. Work on 2b: 1. Let students read the sentences first. Explain some main sentences for the students. Make sure they kno

12、w what to do. 2. Play the recording for the students to check the predictions they hear. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Work on 2c: 1. Let students ask and answer questions about the predictions in 2a and 2b. 2. Let students read the conversation in 2c first after the teacher. 3.

13、Students talk about the predictions with the information in 2a and 2b. 4. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations. 课堂作业Oral Task:Talk about the predictions. 教学反思本节课主要是听和说,但由于比较贴合学生的实际,而且也是学生较为感兴趣的话题,因此他们在富有情趣的交际中愉快、主动地接受信息、加工信息、交流信息,所以本节课的目标在愉悦的课堂气氛中得到落实和巩固。本节课一个较难处理的是把对话应用到实际中来。第 2 课时 Section

14、 A 2d-3c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 提高表达能力。2. 掌握 will 表示一般将来时的用法。3. 掌握下列词汇:peace, sea, sky二、过程与方法1. listen, act, make notes. 2. Teaching mixed with explanation. 三、情感、态度与价值观通过听说表演培养对英语的兴趣,通过引导学生展望未来及对未来生活的设计,来达到前景教育的目的,使学生的理想观和价值观更为科学,更具发展价值教学重点1.掌握一般将来时的用法。2. Act out the dialogue. 教师备课系统多媒体教案4教学难点掌握情态动词 will 表达一般

15、将来时态这一语法知识。教法导航鼓励学生多说,培养他们的合作意识。学法导航多听积极参与。教学准备精心设计教法,PPT。预习一般将来时 will 的用法。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual. Step 2 RevisonAsk the students to write the words in last lesson.Step 3 Work on 2d1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.What will the future be like in the book? Wh

16、at can people do?2. Explain some new words and main points in the conversation. be in great danger, move to other planets; play a part.3. Read the conversation after the teacher. 4. Practice the conversation with their partner. Then let some pairs to act out the conversation. Step 4 Grammar Focus1. Ask the students to read “Grammar Focus” and try to fill in the blanks.



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