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1、时间:2021年3月20日页码: 第9页 共9页人生感悟的英语句子语录【本文概要】再坚强的人也会有感到累了的时候,人生本来就是这样的。今天是由本文在这里整理了一些关于人生感悟英文句子给大家,希望大家会喜欢这些英文句子。 【篇一】人生感悟的英语句子语录 1、忘了你,甚至忘了我自己。 Forget you, forget me. 2、一次原谅,会换来两次背叛。 A pardon, will change for the two betrayal. 3、悲伤因为你,快乐却不是你。 Sad because of you, happiness is not you. 4、原来地久天长,只是误会一场。 O

2、riginally forever, just a misunderstanding. 5、累了,疲倦了,不会在爱你了。 Tired, tired, not in love with you. 6、曾经美好过,最后却伤心走了。 Once a good, but sad to go. 7、风吹吹就过了,人笑笑就散了。 The wind blows over, people laughing on the loose. 8、说分手的是我念念不忘的也是我。 Say good-bye is my obsession is me. 9、违心话说得太多听得自己都发呕。 Will hear myself t

3、alk too much hair oh. 10、给你倾城的温柔,恋我半世的流离。 Give you the tender, love me half of the displaced. 【篇二】人生感悟的英语句子语录 1、当时的热情,烫伤了自己。 At that time the enthusiasm, burned himself. 2、我们好久不见,好久不念。 We havent seen for a long time. 3、不爱的时候连说话都变了味道 Dont love even when the words have changed the taste 4、太好听的话语,一出口就过

4、期。 Too good to listen to the words, an export will expire. 5、有一种单身,只为了等一个人。 There is a single, only to wait for a person. 6、第一次的爱,始终无法轻描淡写。 The first love always cannot be lightly. 7、不可遗失的留恋,只可肆意的思恋。 Love can not be lost, but wanton love. 8、你说过爱我一万年,誓言变成了谎言。 You said love me for ten thousand years,

5、the oath has become a lie. 9、我很好,心还在跳眼泪没掉面带微笑。 I am very good, the heart also not to drop tears to smile. 10、他就是不喜欢你,才会舍得和你暧昧。 He just dont like you, will be willing to and you ambiguous. 【篇三】人生感悟的英语句子语录 1、最心痛的现在,曾是曾经最美好的时候。 The most painful now, was once the most beautiful time. 2、你是我的秘密,小心翼翼藏在心底。

6、You are my biggest secret, carefully hidden in the bottom of my heart. 3、那些离别和伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。 Those leaves and pain, has made no sound to the. 4、爱你爱到撕心裂肺,你却笑得没心没肺。 I love you but you heart, laugh meixinmeifei. 5、同样的身体,生疏的脸,给的爱,受不起。 The same body, unfamiliar face, to the love, can not afford. 6、沉默不一定是金

7、,有时也会错过好多好多。 Silence is not necessarily gold, and sometimes will miss a lot of a lot of. 7、我怕我的义无反顾最后把我伤得血肉模糊。 Im afraid I finally hurt me badly mutilated. 8、放弃一个事物,首先要找到另一个事物代替。 To give up one thing, first of all to find another thing to replace. 9、孤独是壶滚烫的酒,烧坏了喉咙还说不出口。 Loneliness is a pot of hot wi

8、ne, burned throat also say not to export. 10、逝水流年的青春之痛,抵死纠缠的回忆之殇。 Passing fleeting youth pain, that tangled memories of the war. 【篇四】人生感悟的英语句子语录 1、就算是真的心疼的你的,也要忍住管住嘴不说。 It is really love you, but also to hold back hold mouth not to say. 2、连大姨妈都会在女人老了之后离你而去,更何况男人。 Even the great aunt will be in the o

9、ld woman away from you, not to mention men. 3、承受了太多,就算我懦弱,只要个结果,就算没结果。 Bear too much, even if I am weak, as long as a result, even if no results. 4、能为别人设想的人,永远不寂寞。 Can be envisaged for other people, never lonely. 5、在她爱上他之前她骄傲的像个公主。 Before she fell in love with him, she was like a princess. 6、多想一把抱住你

10、在你怀里嚎啕大哭告诉你我好累。 How to hold you to tell you that I was tired of crying in your arms. 7、在这个陌生的城市里,我学会了独立。 In this strange city, I learned to separate. 8、谁的年少太轻狂、敢把爱情比天长! Who dares to love too young and frivolous, than tianchang! 9、自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已经忘记。 Think of someone else already The imprint is engraved on my heart. memories, forget. 10、等待,不是因为那个人会回来,是因为还有爱。 Wait, not because the person will come back, because there is love.9



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