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1、Unit 1Lifestyle知识清单重点单词1._ vt. 放松_ adj. 放松的_ n. 放松 2_ adv. 否则;另外 3_vt. 解决_ n. 解决方法4_n. 组织_ v. 组织5_vt. & n. 挑战6_n. 表演;展示7_vt. 钦佩;羡慕_adj. 钦佩的8_adj.紧迫的_ n. 紧急情况9_adj. 令人厌烦的_ vt. 使厌烦_adj. 感到厌烦的10_vi. 更喜欢;宁愿_ n. 偏爱;爱好11_n&v. 支撑;支持_ adj. 支持的_n. 支持者重点短语1._ _ _ 此刻;目前2._ _占据 3_ _ _充满着 4._ _ 遭受;忍受5_ _查明;弄清楚 6

2、._ _依靠;相信7_ _ _被期望或要求;应该 8._ _ _提出;想出;赶上9_ _(爆竹、铃等)响 重点句式1.What kind of lifestyle do_you_think the men in the picture have? 2If there is a fire, dial 119 as_soon_possible.3Usually, its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.4But I try to work hard so_that I can make more money for them. 5I am a

3、lways the_first_person to get to the office. 核心语法1.一般现在时和现在进行时2一般将来时自我校对重点单词:1relax; relaxing; relaxation2.otherwise3.solve; solution4.organization; organize5.challenge6.presentation 7admire; admirable 8.urgent; urgency9.boring; bore; bored10.prefer; preference11.support; supportive; supporter 重点短语:

4、1at the moment2.take up3.be filled with4.suffer from5.find out6.depend on7.be supposed e up with 9go off 重点词汇探究1prepare vt.准备;预备prepared adj. 准备好的;有所准备的preparation n. 准备;预备be prepared to do sth 愿意做某事prepare to do sth 准备做某事prepare sth 准备某事物prepare for sth 为某事做准备make preparation for 为做准备1)The police o

5、fficer read out a _ statement.警官宣读了一份已准备好的声明。2)We are _ _ _ Christmas.我们在为圣诞节做准备。3)We _ _ _ _ accept these conditions.我们无意接受这些条件。【答案】1)prepared2)making preparations for3)are not prepared to(1)用prepare的相关用法填空The teacher _ _ the reviewing exercises, and the students _ _ _ the final examination.【答案】is

6、preparing; are preparing for(2)名校押题(2010北京西城区二模)The president stepped onto the platform, _ the journalists questions.Aprepared answering Bpreparing answerCpreparing to answer Dpreparing for answering【答案与解析】C考查动词词组以及非谓语动词。prepare to do sth “准备做某事”。题意:总统走上讲台,准备回答记者的问题。2relaxing adj. 轻松的;有助于休息的 relax v

7、“放松;使松弛”,表示情感和心理活动的动词,其现在分词和过去分词可用作形容词:现在分词意为“令人的”,其逻辑主语是物;过去分词意为“感到的”,其逻辑主语是人。1)We had a quiet, _ holiday there. 我们在那里度过了一个宁静、轻松的假期。2)Hobbies are supposed to be _.业余爱好是令人放松的。3)I often feel _ after taking a bath and dont feel tired any more.洗过澡之后我经常会感觉到很轻松,而且不再觉得累了。【答案】1)relaxing2)relaxing3)relaxed(

8、1)用relax的适当形式填空1)My English teacher has a _ style of teaching.2)Chatting with your friends is _. 【答案】1)relaxed2)relaxing(2)名校押题(2010江西省名校高考信息卷)My teacher made us sit by each other for the moment, so I was _.Ahappy BrelaxedCfascinating Dhorrified【答案与解析】B题意:当时老师让我们坐在一起,所以我很放松,可得出答案为B项。fascinating“神奇的;

9、极好的”;horrified“恐惧的”;happy “开心的”。3support vt. 支持;支撑;拥护;赡养;忍受n. U支持;维持;赡养C支持者;支撑物supportive adj. 同情的;支持的;赞助的supportable adj. 可承受的;供养得起的win ones support 赢得某人的支持in support of 支持;拥护come to ones support 支持某人1)Is the bridge strong enough to _ heavy lorries? 这座桥经得住重型卡车通行吗?2)Local people have given us lots o

10、f _ in our election campaign.当地人在选举中给了我们很多支持。3)The directors were trying to get rid of her, but her staff all _ her.董事都想把她撤掉,但她部门的人都支持她。【答案】1)support 2)support 3)supported (1)用support的适当形式填空1)The American public stopped _ the war in Vietnam.2)This evidence _ my argument that she is guilty.3) I _ _ b

11、y my parents when I was studying.【答案】1)supporting 2)supports 3)was supported(2)名校押题(2009浙江金华一中模拟)Your idea sounds reasonable, but you still have to find some examples to _ your arguments.Aarrange BSupport Cmark Dachieve【答案与解析】B考查动词词义辨析。题意:你的想法听起来合乎情理,但是你仍然必须找到一些例子来支持你的观点。4suffer vt. 遭受;经历 vi.变糟;变坏 n

12、受害者suffer (loss, pain, punishment, defeat, hardship, hunger.) 遭受(损失、痛苦、惩罚、失败、困苦、饥饿)suffering n(肉体或内心的)痛苦suffer from / with / for sth 遭受某事1)She is _ _ loss of memory.她患有失忆症。2)Think how much the parents of the kidnapped boy_ _ _.想想那被绑架男孩的父母该有多痛苦啊!3)Your studies will_if you play football too much. 你要是总

13、是踢足球的话,功课就遭殃了。【答案】1) suffering from 2)must have suffered 3)suffer(1)用suffer的适当形式填空1)He was deeply impressed by the _ of the starving refugees.2)The city _ serious damage from the earthquake.3)Her business _ when she was ill.【答案】1)suffering 2)suffered 3)suffered(2)名校押题(2010安庆市示范高中高三五校联考)_ from heart trouble for years, Mr Smith has to take some medicine with him whenever he goes.ASuffered BSufferingCHavin


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