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1、Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note.单项填空(建议用时8)1_ is known to everybody,the moon travels around the earth once every month.AIt BAs CThat DWhat2Is Mr.Smith rich?Yes,very rich.When he worked in _ town,he earned a lot.Now he has a big farm in _ country.(2011济宁一中模拟)Aa;the B/;/ C/;the Dthe;/3While watching

2、 Titanic,most people couldnt help crying when it came to the scene_ Jack saves the girls life but dies in icy water himself.Awhich Bas Cwhy Dwhere4Come in,please.Make yourself at home._Im glad you like it.AThanks.You have a nice place here.BOh,this picture is so beautiful.CThanks.What nice food youv

3、e prepared!DOK.Let me look around your new house.5It is said that the prisoners were_ to take two hours exercise a day.(2011枣庄月考)Asupposed BpermittedCforbidden Dpersuaded6Wang Wei gave us a vivid _ of her trip down the river.Aexplanation BideaCimagination Daccount7He is a heavy smoker,which makes al

4、l of us_.Acomfortable BillCpleasant Dsick8April Fools Day is coming.Be careful not to be_ when others play tricks on you.Abrought in Bcaught inCtaken in Dmade in9Would you please_this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right?(2011济南统考)Atake off Blook afterCgive up Dgo over10I believe you like th

5、e job._,I am tired of it.AOn the contrary BOn contraryCOn the other hand DOn other hand11_any untrained actor,getting in front of the camera can be difficult.(2010南允一中统考)AAs far as BAs well asCAs long as DAs with12I suddenly found myself_ down the street when I found two policemen in front of me.Aru

6、n BrunningCruns Dran13_ you prefer,Ill give it to you,but we havent any other models for you to choose from.AWhatever BWheneverCHowever DWhichever14Why the explosion occurred was _ the laboratory attendant had been careless.Afor Bbecause Csince Dthat15Excuse me,would you please tell me _?Awhen the s

7、ports meeting is taken placeBwhen is the sports meeting going to be heldCwhen is the sports meeting to beginDwhen the sports meeting is to take place.阅读理解(建议用时8)A huge cloud of dust rose and an overpass disappeared.This was the scene in Zhuzhou,Hunan Province on May 17.Nine people were killed and 16

8、 injured.Things were similar last year in the Sichuan earthquake.Thousands of people were buried in the ruins and lost their lives.What if we could have warned them?People are always racking_their_brains to find a way of preventing buildings collapse.Better materials and technology help,but they are

9、 not a solution.Just like humans,a building has its own life cycle from “birth” to “death”If we know when a building is going to collapse,we can repair it in advance or get out of it before it falls.Now,scientists at the University of Illinois have developed a material that turns red before it break

10、s.The invention could be used in things like climbing ropes or bridge supports.The research was led by Nancy Sottos,a professor at the universitys Beckman Institute,and Douglas Davis,a graduate research assistant.The secret behind the colorchanging material is a type of molecule (分子)A molecule is a

11、group of atoms held together by chemical bonds.Imagine you and your friends standing in a circle,holding hands.Each person stands for one atom,your hands represent the bonds,and the entire circle represents a molecule.If one person lets go of his or her hands,the molecule changes color.The research

12、team put the molecule into a soft material.When the researchers stretched the material,it turned bright red for a few seconds before it broke into two pieces.When they repeatedly stretched and relaxed the material,without breaking it,it only turned a little red.The major problem is that light can ge

13、t rid of the red color.When the team shone bright light on the molecule,the broken bond was fixed,and the color disappeared.If the bright light keeps the red color from appearing,the materials warning system will be useless.Scientists still have a lot of work to do before the colorchanging molecules

14、 can be used outside the lab.16What does the passage mainly introduce?AThe collapse of an overpass in Zhuzhou,Hunan Province.BThe Sichuan earthquake last year.CA material that turns red before it breaks.DA way of preventing building from collapsing.17The underlined words “racking their brains” in the third paragraph mean _.Asuffering a lotBcollecting beyond imaginationClosing a lotDthinking very hard18Which of the


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