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1、口译第四次作业Directions:Translate the following two short passages into English. (汉译英)1 麦当劳不仅把中国人带进一种新的餐饮方式,还使他们接收一种新的行为举止。这些举止表明,他们在接受麦当劳快餐的同时,也逐步接受伴随而来的外国餐桌行为文化。这种餐桌行为文化简洁地依靠一股温暖的纯黄体现出来,这使中国人对这种外来饮食模式空前认同。于是,试图将中餐与麦当劳分店形式结合起来的尝试出现了,我们也在各大城市看到了各种中餐连锁店。它们的色调是橙色的,正如红加上黄。专家们研究表明,橙色是最能勾起食欲的颜色。无怪乎中西合璧之后的餐饮行当,

2、无不是取调于这两者的均衡。McDonald?s not only ushers Chinese people to a new catering style, but also introduces them new dinner behavior, which means people have accepted McDonald?s fast food and the foreign dinner culture along with it. This dinner culture is presented simply by the shinning yellow color which

3、 gains great acceptance among Chinese people. In turn, there emerged new restaurants combining Chinese cuisine and McDonald?s operation mode in many big cities. They all share the orange color, like red mixed with yellow. According to experts, the orange color is the most apatite-arousing color. No

4、wonder those restaurants are all dominated by these colors2地铁是地下的高速火车系统,主要出现在像纽约、伦敦、巴黎、北京、悉尼和东京这样的大城市。地铁比公共汽车速度快、效率高,它们可以把你送到城里的几乎任一个地段,然后你只需再步行一段距离就可到达你想去的地方。地铁票价便宜,有助于解决城市的交通问题。地铁唯一的缺点就是它经常拥挤嘈杂。Subways are underground systems of high speed trains, which are mostly found in large cities such as New

5、 York, London, Paris, Beijing, Sydney, and Tokyo. Subway trains move more quickly and efficiently than buses; they will deliver you to within walking distance of almost any place in the city. They are inexpensive and help solve city traffic problems. The one drawback of subway trains is that they are often crowded and noisy


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