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1、2007M 4 null null / null 304奥氏体不锈钢带氧化铁皮直接冷轧技术的研究沈继程,何null 慎(宝钢研究院null 不锈钢研究所,上海null 201900)null null K 1 : 结合现场生产实际,通过在试验室对奥氏体不锈钢 304黑皮卷直接进行压下率分别为 10% , 20% ,30%的冷轧然后退火酸洗的试验, 证明在退火酸洗工艺相同的情况下, 通过在热轧后进行一定压下率的直接轧制, 可以获得与传统 No. 1产品相比晶粒尺寸等级相同a表面粗糙度更低a力学性能和耐蚀性相近的 2E产品, 并且获得更大的热轧产品厚度范围, 降低冷轧一个轧程后的产品厚度b因此根据

2、不同客户的要求, 可以用2E产品替代 No. 1产品bnull null 1 o M : 奥氏体不锈钢;氧化铁皮;冷轧 m s | : TG142. 71null D S M : Bnull c I | : 1008- 0716( 2007) 04- 0013- 03Study on D irect Cold Rolling of H ot Rolled AusteniticStainless Steel 304 w ith O xide ScaleShen Jicheng, He Shen( Stainless SteelD iv. , Baosteel R esearch Institut

3、e, Shanghai 201900, China)null null Abstrac t: Based on the field condition, cold rolling of hot rolled austen itic stain less steel 304 w ith ox ide scalew as carried out in the laboratory. D ifferen t reductions ( 10% , 20% or 30% respectively) w ere app lied during thecold rolling process. It has

4、 been proved that w ith the sam e annealing and pick ling process and through direct rollingw ith certain degree of reduction, the 2E product has the sam e grain size as the conventional hot rolled No. 1 products,even lower surface roughness , alm ost the same m echan ical properties and corrosion r

5、esistance. As it has a w iderthickness range and its th ickness can be further reduced after the subsequent cold rolling, the 2E products can replaceNo. 1 products accord ing to customersnull different requ irem ents.K eywords: austenitic stainless stee;l oxide scale; cold rolling0null - s | F ! 6N

6、L A b 1 ? | ! - | M A No. 1 K , v S ,7 O 3 N o. 1 z V , 3 A , A | ! 2EV b A ! 9 K v / q 30% 1b A / q 2EV ? Y # 2EV No. 1V ? 1 b1null k Z Ek s 3 304 f+ ? null V null 1981M 3 null 2006M 8 . A L . d L 1 J. / , 2004, ( 1 ): 59- 61. 2 null d W ,f : . M . : 0 ? , 1995:238- 243. 3 null , B . ) M . ,f , Fr

7、. : , 1983: 155- 165. 4 null bf . 304 f 8 F # | D . : 2 v , 2004: 15- 18. 5 null ,bf . SUS304- 2B F # | k J. ) , 2004, 29( 3 ): 8- 11.(l : 2007- 05- 28 )( : 2007- 06- 07 ) 一种冷却塔淋水装置null null | : ZL02217196. 7 :宝山钢铁股份有限公司! 9 :于龙云B % , 8 # , 8 % i ; 8 7 Y d ; 7 ! % d , ! s b s v l , W b % D g / Z , V % D n 5 % , % ? 3 Q , ? vv h l , h , C % i $ , H C P _ W ,s 5 P ( _ % ) , % d ( _ i ,7 O X V B Q h , V % _ H A b ! ! $ , H P ( , V 7 ! ! 3 b(宝钢股份有限公司知识资产部供稿)15



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