[全]人教版七年级英语下册Unit 7词汇、句型精讲

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1、人教版七年级英语下册Unit 7词汇、句型精讲词汇精讲1. rainrain 作动词,意为“下雨,降雨”,短语rain cats and dogs,意为“下倾盆大雨”。例如:It often rains in summer. 夏天经常下雨。Its going to rain. 就要下雨了。注意:表示下雨时,可以用rain的不同形式来表达。例如:(1)There was a heavy rain during the night. (rain作不可数名词,意为“雨”)夜间下了一场大雨。(2)It is rainy in Beijing. (rainy是rain的形容词形式,意为“下雨的”)= I

2、t is raining in Beijing. (rain 作动词)北京在下雨。2. windywindy是wind的形容词形式,意为“多风的”,是名词wind加y变来的形容词。英语中,许多表天气的名词后加y,可以变成相应的形容词。例如:cloud(云) +ycloudy 多云的 sun (太阳) + n +ysunny (晴朗的)rain(雨) + yrainy(下雨的) snow(雪) + ysnowy (下雪的)3. cookcook作及物动词,意为“烹调”,其后可借三餐或具体的某种菜肴作宾语,也可作不及物动词。例如:My mother cooks breakfast for me e

3、very morning.妈妈每天早上给我做早饭。Shes cooking now. 她正在做饭。拓展:(1)cook 作名词,意为“厨师”。例如:His uncle is a good cook.他的叔叔是一个好厨师。(2)cook 后加-er,构成cooker,是可数名词,意为“厨具”。例如:There are all kinds of cookers in the supermarket.超市里有各种各样的厨具。4. messagemessage 意为“消息,信息”。take a message 意为“捎个口信”;leave a message 意为“留个口信”;send a messa

4、ge 意为“发送信息”。例如:Can I take a message for him?我能给他捎个口信吗?He sent a message to me yesterday.他昨天给我发了一条信息。5. backback 副词,意为“回来”或者“回原处”。call sb. back 意为“给某人回个电话”。例如:Ill call (you) back. 我将(给你)回电话。(1)back 还可以和其他一些动词一起构成短语动词,如:be back (返回),come back (回来),go back (回去),get back (返回),bring back (拿回来)等。例如:Its Se

5、ptember now. We are all back at school. 现在是九月,我们都回到了学校。When are you coming back? 你什么时候回来?(2)back 作名词,意为“后背”,“后面”或“后部”。例如:Do you know the little boy on his back?你认识他背上的那个小男孩吗?There is a blackboard at the back of our classroom.我们教室后面有一块黑板。(3)back 作形容词,意为“后面的”。There is a picture on the back wall.后墙上有张图

6、画。6. dry(1)dry作形容词, 意为“干燥的”,其反义词为“潮湿的”。例如:This coat will keep you dry in the rain.这件外套将使你在雨中不被淋湿。(2)dry 作动词,既可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词,意为“使干燥,弄干,变干”。例如:Dont cry! Dry your eyes.别哭了!擦干眼泪。The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun.湿衣服在阳光下很快就会干。7. coldhot; warmcool(1)cold 寒冷的,冷的; 它的反义词是hot,意为“炎热的”;在句子中做定语或者表语;常用来描

7、述天气。例如:Its hot today. 今天天气炎热。On a cold night, we stayed at home and watched TV.在一个寒冷的夜晚,我们呆在家里看电视。(2)warm 意为“暖和的”,cool意为“凉爽的”;这是也是一组反义词,常用来描述天气;也常用来做定语或者表语。例如:Its warm in spring and cool in autumn.春天天气暖和,秋天天气凉爽。注意:cool 还可以用形容词,还有“酷的,绝妙的”之意。用来赞美人、物或者事。例如:He looks cool in his new T-shirt.他穿上新T恤看上去很酷。8

8、. sitseat二者均可表示“坐”,sit是不及物动词,主语是人;seat是及物动词,主语是人时,表示“使坐下”,宾语常是反身代词;主语是处所时,表示“能坐多少人”。例如:She sits alone in her room.她独自坐在房间里。Our classroom can seat fifty students.我们教室能坐50个学生。9. vacationvacation 意为“假期”,on a vacation 意为“度假”。例如:In summer, we often go to the mountains on a vacation.夏天我们经常去山里度假。拓展:vacatio

9、nholiday10. hardhard副词,意为“努力地,辛苦地”,常放在动词后面修饰动词。例如:They are studying hard. 他们在努力学习。hard 还可以作形容词,意为“困难的,艰难的”时,与difficult同义,与easy相反;意为“硬的,牢固的”,与soft相对;hard还可以意为“严的,严厉的”。例如:The stone is hard. 石头很硬。Dont be too hard on hershes very young.别对她太严厉了她还小呢。11. mountainhill12. country(1) country 名词,意为“国,国家”。复数形式是

10、countries。例如:This is a beautiful country.这是一个美丽的国家。Chinais a big country.中国是一个大国。(2)country 作名词,还可以指“农村,乡下”,相当于countryside, 前面常用定冠词the。例如:My grandparents live in the country.我的爷爷奶奶住在农村。练一练:. 英汉互译。1.玩儿电脑游戏_2. at/in the park_3. right now_4. 喝橘子汁_5. write to sb._6. 打篮球_. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Hows the w_ i

11、nBeijing?2. It often s_ in the north ofChinain winter and the weather is very cold.3. They are inFranceon v_.4. Its too h_. Lets go swimming.5. She is sitting at the b_ of the classroom.6. My mother is c_ in the kitchen.7. There is a m_ for you from your cousin.8. Study h_ and you can pass the test.

12、9. China is a large c_.10. Your coat is wet. You can make it d_ in the sun. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Its a _ (rain) day.2. That _ (sound) bad.3. Look! It is _ (snow).4. Hello! Lily _ (speak).5. I dont know the time. My watch doesnt _ (work).选词填空。1. He is a _. He is _ dinner now. ( cooking/cook/cooker)2. H

13、e cant answer so difficult _ (problems / questions)3. In a park, _ children are playing in the snow. (some of / some)4. He has only _ sister. She is reading _ book now.(a/one)5. Im _ English and Im _ a lot from my teacher. (studying/learning)6. I want to know the time but my watch isnt _ .(going / w

14、orking)7. Have a _ (sit/seat) please.8. Climbing the high_(hill/mountain) is not easy.9. The _ is shinning. Its _ (sunny/sun).10. It often _ (is raining / rains) in summer in my hometown.参考答案:. 英汉互译。1. play computer games2. 在公园里3. 立刻,马上4. drink orange juice5. 给某人写信6. play basketball. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. weather 2. snows3. vacation 4. hot5. back 6. cooking7. message 8. hard9. country 10. dry. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. rainy 2. sounds3. snowing 4. speaking5. work.选词填空。1. cook, cooking2. questions3. some 4. one, a5. studying, learning6. work


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