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1、Unit 3 Food and Culture Period 2Reading and Thinking () 要点内化课,自主素养储备,根据语境及汉语提示写出单词 1. I can eat red _ (甜椒), though Im not fond of it. 2. Try using different types of _ (醋)or milk. 3. He must learn to control his _ (脾气, 火气). 4. When the water boils, add the meat and the _ (卷心菜) to it. 5. The work was

2、 done with the _ (最小的)amount of effort,pepper,vinegar,temper,cabbage,minimum,根据语境选词填空 cuisine, stuff, elegant, consume, vegetarian, exceptional 1. At the age of five he showed _ talent as a musician. 2. I recently visited the _ website of a design agency. 3. The chairs were covered in some sort of p

3、lastic _. 4. The restaurant is famous for its excellent _. 5. My grandmother sticks to a strict _ diet. 6. The hotel was quickly _ by fire,exceptional,elegant,stuff,cuisine,vegetarian,consumed,national,medical,official,根据语境填入适当的介词或副词 1. Their diet consisted largely _ vegetables. 2. A death prior _ 6

4、5 is considered to be a premature (比预期早的)death. 3. Would you be kind enough to slice a piece of bread _ for me? 4. This paragraph refers _ the events of last year. 5. A case _ point is the world-famous star, Yao Ming. 6. _ the other hand, his writing has some problems with word spelling,of,to,off,to

5、,in,On,知识素养积淀,1. refer to 参考; 涉及; 查阅; 指的是派生 reference n. 参考; 查阅; 参考书目 【观察悟】 However, Brillat-Savarin was actually referring to our personality, character, and culture. (教材典句) 然而, 布里亚-萨瓦兰实际上是指我们的个性、性格和文化。 We referred the proposal to the board. (话题典句) 我们把这一建议提交给了董事会。 He is referred to as a living Lei

6、Feng. 他被称作活雷锋,2020新高考全国卷)Mr Bissell skillfully organizes historical insights and cultural references, making his tale a well-rounded picture of Uzbekistan, seen from Western eyes. (高考典句) Bissell先生巧妙地将历史见解和文化素材组织起来, 使他的故事从西方人的视角全方面地描绘了乌兹别克斯坦,生成得】 refer的过去式和过去分词为_, 现在分词形式为_ refer. . . _. . . 将送交给 refe

7、r to. . . _. . . 把称作,referred,referring,to,as,内化用】写出下列句子中黑体部分的汉语意思。 The author referred to his teacher twice in his essay. _ When I said some people were stupid, I wasnt referring to you. Refer to the Internet for further information. 语法填空。 They always refer to me _ a bookworm. While giving the spee

8、ch, one is not allowed to refer _ the notes. The man _ (refer) to at the meeting was from a small village in Africa,_ _,提及,指的是,查阅,as,to,referred,2. in point 相关的; 恰当的; 中肯的 【观察悟】 Chinese cuisine is a case in point. (教材典句) 中国菜就是一个恰当的例子。 There is no point (in) upsetting yourself. 用不着让自己这么不安。 Im afraid w

9、hat youre saying now is off the point. (话题典句) 恐怕你现在所说的有些离题,His remarks on the subjects are much to the point. 关于这些课题, 他的发言切中主题。 I was just on the point of going when he came in. 他进来的时候我正要走,生成得,内化用】语法填空。 It was _ that point that I saw him leave. Theres no point _ (beat) around the bush. Lets come to

10、the point. The woman was _ the point of going shopping when a man knocked at the door. The letter was short and _ the point,at,beating,on,to,3. prior adj. 先前的; 优先的 【观察悟】 Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit

11、American tastes. (教材典句) 在来中国之前, 我唯一的中国烹饪经验是在美国, 在那里中国食物已经被改变以适应美国人的口味,She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement. (话题典句) 因事先有别的安排, 她将不能出席。 (2019江苏高考)Nowadays the priority for travelling is shifted from shopping to food and scenery. (高考典句) 当今, 旅行的重点从购物转变成了品尝美食和欣赏风景,生成得,内化用】 _ (我们的头等大事

12、)is to improve standards. Simply stated, the terms of the business relationship are agreed on _ (在之前)use of the service. Women are more likely _ (优先考虑) childcare and education policies. 4. consist of 由组成; 由构成; 包括,Our first priority,prior to,to give priority to,观察悟】 (2019浙江高考)Rock music consists of m

13、any different styles. (高考典句) 摇滚音乐由许多不同的风格组成。 The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its ancient buildings. 威尼斯的美在于它古建筑的风格。 He is a man whose actions do not consist with his promises. (话题典句) 他是一个行为与承诺不一致的人,生成得】 【内化用】语法填空。 Canada is a country _ (consist) of many different nationalities. His act

14、ions do not consist _ the promises in his speeches. Life mainly consists of happiness and sorrow while happiness and sorrow consist _ struggle,consisting,with,in,一句多译。 这个由20人组成的小组被派往了那个地区。 The team _ was sent to that area. (consistof) The team _ was sent to that area. (make up of) The team _ was sen

15、t to that area. (be composed of,consisting of 20 people,made up of 20 people,composed of 20 people,5. on the other hand 另一方面 【观察悟】 On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans. (教材典句) 另一方面, 它确实告诉我们很多关于美国人的事情。 On the one hand, I want to go to the party, but on the other hand, I ought to be studying at home. (话题典句) 一方面我想去参加聚会, 而另一方面我应当在家学习。 I wont take this bike. For one thing, its too expensive; for another, I dont like its colour. 我不会买这辆自行车。一方面它太贵了, 另一方面, 我不喜欢它的颜色,生成得】 on the one hand. . . on _ hand. . . 一方面另一方 面(用于表示不同的尤其是相对立的两个方面) for _



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