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1、绘本故事教学 The Runaway Bunny(逃家小兔)一、教学目标:1.学会以下几类新单词和新词组: 普通名词bunny,rock与人物身份名词fisherman,climber。 动词stay,catch,find,hug与动词词组run/swim/fly/away。2.学会用以下两组句型进行表达:I will become a/anand/to.Ifbecome(s) a/an , I will become .3.能理解故事的情节和体会故事中所表达的伟大的母爱,并能有感情地加以朗读与表演。二、教学重点:学会以上新单词和句型,能正确地进行表达。三、教学难点:能正确地理解故事的情节并进

2、行有感情地朗读。四、课前准备:1、教师准备:Word cards and picture/CAI/2、学生:每人一份故事的文本练习材料五、教学过程:IWarming Up/Revision1.Enjoy a famous English songMama said.2. Magic game:课件出示代表性的动物,学生喊出他们擅长的动作,如“Run! Run!”,动物就会有魔力而相应地动起来。(horse-run; fish-swim; bird-fly; bear-climb; elephant-walk; rabbit-jump)3. LetschantRun, run, run, run

3、 like a horse.Swim, swim, swim, swim like a fish.Fly, fly, fly, fly like a bird.Climb, climb, climb, climb like a bear.Walk, walk, walk, walk like an elephant.Jump, jump, jump, jump like a rabbit.II. Presentation/Practice.1.学说bunny,并介绍故事的主角,设置故事主情境。图示rabbit,引出学习bunny(语音迁移sunny和funny),发散组词bunny. 介绍故事

4、的主角mother bunny和little bunny,并施与其魔法。T: Then lets also give them some magic. Please shout “Bunny! bunny!”2初步展开故事,学习关键单词become和句型I will become .T: (课件出示兔子变为有魔法兔子)Now, with our helps, the bunnies become magical.认读单词becomeT: I am a teacher now. After 20 years, I will become old, and I will become an old

5、 teacher.带读单词willT: what will you become after 20 years?学生填充句型,用句型“I will become .”进行表达。After 20 years,I will become a/an.(teacher/doctor/ .)I will become. (old/tall/ .)3.深入故事内容,学习重相关的单词和句型。T: Yes! After 20 years, you will become the great ladies named gentlemen. Then at this time, the little bunny

6、and the mother bunny become magical now. But where are they? Lets shout “Bunny! Bunny!”(课件出示魔法兔子在家中)They are in a beautiful house. They stay at home.认读单词stayT: The mother bunny and the little stay at home, and they play the magic games. First, what will the little bunny become? (课件出示鱼在河中游)(S: A fish

7、.)T: Yes! It becomes a small fish in the river.(板书单词fish)T:If you have the magic,what will you become?学生发散思维,十字开花进行造句练习。I will become a/anin/on/.带读单词ifT: If I have the magic, I will become the rock on the moutain(课件出示岩石图片)学说单词rock(语音迁移sock, lock和tock).4.学习与故事有关的动词词组swim/fly/run/sail away.T:(课件出示小鱼在河

8、中游)Now the little bunny has a magic. He becomes a fish, and swimming in the river. Then look carefully, where is it now? (课件出示小鱼游出了画面) Oh! It swim away from here.学说swim awayT: (课件出示表达句型)Now class, if I have the magic,I will become afishand swim away.So what will you do if you become the following th

9、ings?学生逻辑思维,根据所给的名词进行选择表述。I will become abird/bunny, and fly/run away.认读单词sail(语音迁移e-mail, tail, nail和rail).5.学习人物身份名词fisherman/climber,进行一、二两段对话的初步朗读.T:(课件出示故事图片)Now, the bunny becomes a small fish and swim away. Can you guess, what will the mother bunny become? (课件出示故事图片和三个单词供选择fish/fishing/fisher

10、man)学说单词fishermanT: If the little bunny becomes a fish, the mother bunny will become a fisherman to catch him.板书单词和故事主线,并带读单词catchLets ReadT: So lets look at the dialogue. The little says “”.The mother bunny says“”教师示范朗读第一段对话,学生同桌练习,部分展示。T: Then the little bunny says “”Lets have a look.(课件出示故事图片)T:

11、Guess! What will the mother bunny become?学说单词climberT: Yes! If the little bunny becomes a rock, the mother bunny will become a climber to find him.板书单词和故事主线,并带读单词find.Lets ReadT: Please read the next dialogue by yourself.学生个人练习朗读,部分展示6、Lets Write andSayT: Then what will the bunny become next? And wh

12、at will the mother become? Lets write and say. 学生根据所给出的要求,发挥想象,与同桌讨论,续写一段对话;而后再扮演角色,有感情地朗读所编的对话。A: If you become a mountain climber, I will become a.B: If you become a, I will become atoyou.6.出示“教师创编”的对话,学说新单词hug.T: Then look! This is my dialogue! Who can be the little bunny and read it with me?师生配合

13、朗读对话,引出单词hug. 教师出示图片,学说单词hugT: Yes! If the little bunny becomes a bird, the mother bunny will become a tree to hug him.(动作示意) 板书单词和故事主线. 男女生分角色,再读该段对话。III. Consolidation/Extension1.介绍故事。T: OK class, this is a love story named “The Runaway Bunny”. In the story, the little bunny wants to become many o

14、ther things, but the mother bunny is able to become the corresponding things to catch him, find him and hug him.(课件出示情节图片)2整体学习故事的主体部分。T: Now lets take out the story.(拿出故事材料)Please read the story after me.教师带读故事主体部分T: OK class! The Mother bunny says “If you become ,I will become to . you.”教师边说边板书重点句型。Lets playT: Now letsactthestory.(课件出示朗读的要求)教师示范后,学生以4人小组为单位,选择最喜欢的一段朗读或表演4.学习故事的结尾部分。T:Great! Thenhow about the end of the story? Lets listen and underline the key .学生边听录音边划出关键句,T: Now can you find the key sentence?(学生朗读划出来的句子,教师评述学生的理解情况)T



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