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1、 Module 7 Unit 2 单元检测 撼一、单选题:(20 分) 撼1. -Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?撼- Yes, _, Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city. 撼A. If ever B. If busy C. If anything D. If possible 撼2. It is the sort of work that_ a high level of concentration.撼A. calls for B. make

2、 up C. lies in D. stands for 撼3. _ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out shouts of victory.撼A. To throw B. Thrown C. Throwing D. Being thrown 撼4. At last the soldiers reached _ the locals called the Golden Triangle.撼A. that B. where C. when D. what 撼5. I didnt see her at the

3、meeting. If she _, she would have met my brother.撼A. has come B. did come C. had come D. came 撼6. An online survey at suggested that most interviewers _ limiting the time spent on 撼the Internet would be fundamental _their eyesight.撼A. say; to improving B. say; to improve C. said; for improving D. s

4、aid; to improving 撼7. At the end of the meeting, all present were_ to make every effort for the successful celebration of the 100th anniversary of the school. 撼A. guaranteed B. demanded C. required D. suggested 撼8. _ many times, but he still couldnt understand it.撼A. Having been told B. Though he ha

5、d been told 撼C. He was told D. Having told 撼9. _ we had read your letter _the true state of affairs.撼A. It was until that we understood B. It was not until we understood 撼C. Until did not we understand D. Not untildid we understand撼10. A team of American scientists has found a treatment to protect h

6、umans from the deadly H5N1 flu virus, _ brings great _ to the world. 撼A. that; appearance B. that; profit C. which; advantage D. which; relief 撼11. As is widely acknowledged, a great number of traffic accidents _ numerous deaths and countless property loss all over the world very year. 撼A. depend on

7、 B. contribute to C. result from D. aim at 撼12.Home at last!Im totally worn out.撼 If we _ in turn, you _ so tired now.撼A. had driven, wouldnt feel B. drove, dont feel 撼C. had driven, wouldnt have felt D. were driving, wouldnt feel 撼13. Is there any possibility of the film _ in Paris International Fe

8、stival?撼Not in the least, because audience generally think little of it.撼A. tried out B. trying out C. to try out D. being tried out 撼14. The committee made two plans for the law, _ was never put in force 撼A. one of which B. which C. neither D. one of them 撼15. I hear Tom _ playing games recently. 撼

9、 _ no wonder he is easy to feel sleepy in class.撼A. is addicted to; There is B. addicts; There is C. addicts; It is D. is addicted to; It is 撼16. _ is no doubt _ today greenhouse gases are the largest human influence on global climate. A. It , that B. That, whether C. There, whether D. There, that 撼

10、17. It _we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _ I found we had a lot in common. 撼A. was until; when B. was until; that C. wasnt until; when D. wasnt until; that 撼18. According to the schedule, the next flight is _ here at five, but _ the heavy sandstorm, the whole airport has been closed. 撼A.

11、 due; due to B. arriving; for C. likely; because D. due to; because 撼19.We wanted to do everything following the schedule, but it didnt _ as planned.撼A. make out B. go on C. turn out D. come up 撼20. He tried to deal with the ever-increasing burden of his work, but finally _ _ and had to take a compl

12、ete rest. 撼A. broke away B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out 撼二、写出下列单词:(20 分) 撼1. His hand shook slightly as he i_ the key into the lock.撼2.The room is 10 metres in l and 5 in width.撼3.Would you please give me a hand?撼With p .撼4. U to sleep at night ,I got up to make myself a glass of milk.撼5. I

13、made five a for jobs but got nothing.撼6. I tried to get through ,but there were too many people b my way.撼7. Large q of water are needed for cooling purpose.撼8. The air in the room is not pure. Do you have any way to p it?撼9.An (可调节的) electric lamp can be placed in various positions.撼10.Some languag

14、e experts make an attempt to (使标准化) spelling. 撼11. In _(当代) society, women are playing as important a role as men in our daily life.撼12.Having made (安排) for the meeting, he left the office. 撼13.Take the medicine to (缓解) the headache. 撼14. The s_ of the disease are fever and cough,which dont appear until a few days after youre infected.撼15. If your skin is e_ to the sun all the time, youre likely to have skin cancer.撼16. The f_ of the heart is to pump blood through the body.撼17. As we all know, rich people a


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