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1、VALOR耐磨料施工技术方案VALOR Wear-resistant Material Construction Technology Program编制原则Construction Principles本施工设计编制的原则是本着从工程的实际情况和具体条件出发,在过程中合理的组织施工,科学的进行管理来完成耐磨陶瓷涂料的工程项目的施工作业。为了确保施工质量和施工周期及安全,本施工方案严格要求施工现场做到工序、质量、安全严格把关。优化管理,组织安全文明施工.我们相信,只要精心组织、严格管理、周密安排,一定能短时间内保质保量完valor耐磨陶瓷涂料的施工任务,确保做到优异的耐磨陶瓷涂料安装工程。Th

2、e construction design is in line with the principles of the actual situation from the project and specific conditions, to complete the resistant ceramic coating projects construction work by the reasonable organization and scientific management. In order to ensure construction quality, cycle and saf

3、ety, this construction program requires the construction site for the strict process, quality, safety, the optimal management, organization safe and civilized construction.We believe that the good organization, strict management and well-arranged will ensure to complete valor resistant ceramic coati

4、ng of construction tasks with quality and quantity within a short time, to ensure that the wear-resistant ceramic coating to achieve excellent installation.安全文明施工管理Safe and Civilized Construction Management一、 安全管理总则 General Principles of safety management1、 贯彻执行“安全第一,预防为主”的生产方针,提高安全施工管理水平,保证职工及valor

5、产品在作业过程中安全和健康。According to safety first, prevention first production principle and improve construction safety management, so as to ensure staff and Valor products safety and health in operation.2、 完善安全管理体制,建立健全安全管理机构,安全管理制度和安全施工制度。Improve the safety management system, establish a sound security man

6、agement institutions, construction safety management system and security system.3、 本措施依据工程现场及valor产品安全生产管理条例。 The measures are based on the site situations and Valor product safety regulations.二、 安全施工 Safety Construction1、 对上岗的所有员工进行上岗前为期三天的安全培训,并进行考试、身体检查,合格后方可上岗; A three-day pre-job safety trainin

7、g should be done for all staff, and conduct tests, physical examination, the qualified persons can start to work.2、 定期或不定期组织施工员工学习有关安全法规,每天检查施工现场,及时发现和消除事故隐患,保证施工安全; The employees learn about the safety of construction regulations regularly or irregularly, inspect the construction site every day, to

8、 discover and eliminate the risks and to ensure construction safety;3、 所有所需的电气设备必须由有资质的电气员工操作;在进行焊接工作时,焊接部件必须接地;(以免发生安全事故和损坏主机设备) All the necessary electrical equipment must be operated by the qualified electrical staff; during welding, the welding components must be grounded; (to avoid accidents an

9、d damage to the host equipment)4、 所有的施工员工应确保配带安全帽、手套、劳保鞋、防护眼镜等个人防护用品后,才能进入现场; All the construction workers should ensure to wear helmets, gloves, safety shoes, safety glasses and other personal protective equipment before they can enter the site;5、 在设备风管管道内施工时,风机开关必须上锁;所有的照明电源不能超过人体安全电压36V;所有的施工员工要穿

10、戴前后有明显反光标志的工作服; During the air duct pipeline construction, the fans switch must be locked; all of the lighting power supply voltage can not exceed human safety 36V; all construction employees should wear uniforms with significant reflective signs on chest and back;6、 在高空(距离安全地面超过2米)作业时,所有的工作台周围和爬梯两边

11、都要有明显颜色标志栏杆;高空作业员工应穿五点式安全带;When operations at high place (more than 2 meters away from thesafe ground), railings with a clear color logo should around all the tables and the ladders on both sides; should have; and the operations staff should wear Five-point harness. 7、 夜间施工时,除严格遵守以上条款外,所有施工员工连续工作时间不

12、能超过2个小时。During the night construction, in addition to strictly comply with the above provisions, all construction employees working hours can not exceed 2 consecutive hours.8、 应避开和其它安装公司在同一区域进行交叉作业,如工程现场需要调试相关设备(如立磨、选粉机、主排风机等),必须提前一天通知valor产品现场施工负责人,做好应对措施。 The cross-operations together with other i

13、nstallation companies in the same region should be avoided, if the relevant equipment (such as roller mill, separator, main exhaust fan, etc.) should be adjusted at the project site, it must be notified to the person who is responsible for Valors products construction on site one day ahead to make s

14、ome measures.三、 文明施工管理 Civilized Construction Management1、 坚持“三按”(按图纸、按质量标准、按工艺要求)施工,接受监理公司的监督和指导。Keep the construction according to the drawings, quality standards and the process requirements), and accept the supervision and guidance of the construction supervision company.2、 施工现场孔洞处应设牢固的临时围栏,并要悬挂

15、标志牌、氧气、乙炔、焊线应统一摆放。 The temporary railings should be located the construction site with the holes and signs should be hung up, the oxygen, the acetylene and the wires should be unified displayed.3、 施工过程中裁剪下来的钢板网要统一放置并悬挂标志,每天下班后立即清理。 The steel mesh cut down during the construction process should be un

16、ified displayed and hanging signs, immediately clean up after work every day.4、 如有违反文明生产管理条例的人员应按工程现场安全处罚条例来进行处罚。Any violations of civilized production management regulations should be punished according to the project-site security.四、施工前的准备 The preparations before the construction1、检查所有施工人员的劳保穿戴是否齐全;Check i


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