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1、初中英语非谓语动词100道单选题(附答案)中考对于非谓语动词的考查,主要集中在考查不定式(to)do和动名词/现在分词doing上,下面这100道题包含了有关它们的全部考点,一定要做做!温馨提示:别忘了收藏哦,以便复习使用!( )1.They kept thefire tokeepthemwarm.A.toburn B.burn C.burnt D.burning( )2.Whostheboy under the tree?A.stand B.to stand C.standing D.stood( )3.Idontliketosithere nothing.A. doing B.do C.

2、todo D. does( )4.The girlstudents enjoy Englishsongs.A.singing B.tosing C.sing D.sung( )5.Thank youfor us sowell.A. toteach B.teaches C. teaching D. taught( )6.Ioften do some onSundays.A.washed B.to wash C.wash D.washing( )7.The boy LiHua inClassOneis hisbrother.A.called B.calling C.tocall D.call( )

3、8.It often takesmehalfanhour home.A.walking B.to walk C.walked D.walk( )9.Dontforget her clean water every day.A. togive B.giving C.given D. give( )10.Ithinkitimportant Englishwell.A. learning B.learn C.tolearn D.learned( )11.Thefunny storymakesus .A. laugh B.laughing C.tolaugh D.laughed( )12.She wa

4、softenheard in English.A.sing B.singing C.sung D. to sing( )13.Ourteacher toldus hard.A. towork B.working C.worked D.work( )14. Couldyou tellme thisword?A. tohow read B.howto readC.howread D. how readto( )15.Idontknow .A.whenstart B.whentostartC.tohow start D. how start( )16.Pleasegivemea pen .A. to

5、write B.writing C.to writewith D.written( )17.Hewent home somebooks.A. got B.getting C.get D.to get( )18. Remember latefor classagain.A. not to B.nottobe C. tobe not D. benotto( )19.Stop ,please.Ivesomething totellyou.A. to read B.reading C. read D.to write( )20. Miss Li likes thestudents questions.

6、A.ask B.asking C.toask D.asked( )21.Wouldyou please ?A. not togothere B.togo thereC. not gothere D.going there( )22.Youdont look well.Why to see thedoctor?A. not togo B.you not togoC.notgo D.didnt go( )23.Theressomethingwrong myradio.Illhave it .A.with,fixed B.with,fixingC.on,toberepaired D. in, rep

7、aired( )24.Lets tothecinematogether.A. togo B.going C.go D. went( )25.JimaskedLi Ping hisbestwishestoeverybody.A. give B.gave C.giving D. togive( )26.Have youreadthe book?Itsworth .A.read B.toread C.reading D. to reading( )27.Pleasetell him the lightwhenheleaves.A. toturnoff B.turn down C.turn off D

8、. toturn down( )28.Imsorry your friend isill.A. hear B.tohear C.listen D.tolisten( )29.Youhad better homeatonce.Dontkeepyour mother .A. to,wait B.going, waitingC.togo, to wait D.go,waiting( )30. inthesunisbadfor your eyes.A.Read B.Reads C.Reading D.Toreading( )31.When thelittle baby sawhermother ,sh

9、e couldnt help .A.coming,laughing B.come,to laughC.come,laughs D.came,laughing( )32.Willyoupleasegetmesomething ?A. toeat B.eat C.eating D.for eating( )33.The story is .Soweare init.A. interest,interesting B.interesting, interestingC.interested, interesting D.interesting, interested( )34.Id like a w

10、ordwithyou.A. had B.having C.tohave D. have( )35. Bythentheremay beonlystandingroomon theearth. willbeavery seriousproblem.A.Wheretogo B.Whereto liveC.Wheretositting D.Wheretostand( )36.Hurry up!Itstime .A.forhaveclass B.havingclassC.haveclass D. tohave class( )37. Canyoufinish an elephant intwominu

11、tes?A. draw B.todraw C.drew D. drawing( )38.The doctor wasbusy onthe boyatthattime.A. operate B.operating C.tooperated D.operated( )39.It wasvery late atnigh, but Mr.Brownstill went on .A.works B.worked C.working D.work( )40.Ihavesomething important you.A. tell B.telling C.totell D. tellto( )41.Itsi

12、mportant and helpful.A. tobekind B.tokind C.bekind D.kind( )42.The youngmanis oldenough the army.A. join B.joining C.tojoin D.joins( )43.Hiswishwas a scientist.A. tobecomes B.becomes C.become D.tobecome( )44.On SundaysI prefer athometo out.A. to stay,go B.staying, go C.staying, going D.tostay,going( )45.A:Whatmadeyousosad?B: threeticketsto thepopmusicconcert.A.Lost B.Losing C.Becauseofconcert D.SinceIlost( )46.The teacher agreed lessons tohis students.A. give B.that hegive C.togive D. thathewill give( )47.All



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