人教版七年级下英语Unit 2 Section A 1a-2d学案

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1、知识像烛光,能照亮一个人,也能照亮无数的人。-培根Unit 2What time do you go to school?Section A 1a2d课前预习1洗淋浴澡 2起床 3穿上衣服 4刷牙 5牙齿 6吃早餐 7通常地 8四十 9从不 10早(的) 11五十 12工作;职业 13工作 14电视台 15点钟 16夜晚 17滑稽的 18锻炼;练习 典例精讲典例1take a shower(1)shower名词,意为“阵雨,淋浴”;take/have a shower 意为“洗澡,洗淋浴”。shower前面可以加形容词来修饰。(2)类似用法还有:take a lookhave a look看一

2、看take a seathave a seat 坐下,入座take a resthave a rest休息一下典例2exercise(1)exercise作动词,意为“运动,锻炼”等时,既可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词。(2)exercise作名词,意为“练习;习题;体操”等时,是可数名词。意为“锻炼”时,是不可数名词。典例3toothtooth名词,意为“牙齿”,可数名词。其复数形式是特殊变化teeth。【拓展】名词复数的变化:(1)一些名词的复数是不规则变化的。footfeet(脚)childchildren(孩子)manmen(男人)womanwomen(女人)mousemice(老鼠

3、)(2)还有一些名词的单复数是一样的。sheepsheep(绵羊)deerdeer(鹿)ChineseChinese(中国人)JapaneseJapanese(日本人)典例4Scott has an interesting job斯科特有一份有趣的工作。【辨析】job与work(1)两者作名词用,都可意为“工作”,但二者用法有区别。job指具体的职业或零工,为可数名词,复数形式为jobs;work指人们日常生活和工作中从事的体力或脑力劳动,为不可数名词。(2)work还可作动词,意为“工作”。egShe works at school她在学校工作。典例5Thats a funny time f

4、or breakfast那个时间吃早饭真有意思。time for sth/time to do sth,表示“做的时间”。【拓展】由time 构成的常见的句式还有:(1)Its time for/Its time to do意为 “该做了”。egIts time for lunch该吃午饭了。Its time to go to bed该睡觉了。(2)Its time for sbto do sth意为“某人该做某事了。”egIts time for us to go home now我们该回家了。课后巩固一、根据句意及汉语提示或所给词的适当形式填空。1My little brother bru

5、shes his (tooth) every morning2Do you have time (eat) dinner at home?3What a (fun) time to have dinner at home!4They (usual) go to bed at 10:00 pm5Could you help my baby brother get (dress)?6Tom usually (go) to school at 7:15 am7Do you (洗淋浴澡) every morning?8Jim and Sam usually (运动,锻炼) on weekends9He

6、 usually (吃早餐) at 7:0010Emma has a boring (工作)二、单项填空()1 do you have breakfast every day?AWhichBWhatCHow DWhen()2I go to school on footBut my father will drive me to school todayAusually Bnever Csometime Dno time()3Nick usually drinks two cups of water the morningAin BonCat Dof()4 ?Its 7:00 oclockAWh

7、en do you get upBWhat day is it todayCWhats the timeDWhats the date today()5 weekdays we go to school 7:15AIn;at BOn;atCOn;in DIn;on()6We have breakfast morningAthe;in B/;in theCthe;in the D/;in()7Jill often to bed late eveningAgoes;in the Bgoes;inCgo;in the Dgo;in()8Do you like in the open air?Arun

8、ning BrunCto run Dran()9She shopping Saturday afternoonsAgoes;in Bgo;onCgoes;on Dgo;in()10My father has an interesting He at a TV stationAwork;job Bwork;worksCjob;works Djob;job三、完成句子,每空一词。1玛丽通常什么时候吃早餐? does Mary usually ?2那个时间吃午餐真有意思啊!Thats a time !Thats a time !3他的妈妈经常在夜里工作。His mother usually work

9、s 4我们该去上学了。Its time us school5他哥哥喜欢在早上洗淋浴。His brother likes in the morning6我一直都是在早上8:45分起床。I always get up in the morning7我上班从不迟到。I work8珍妮通常在周末锻炼。Jenny often 9每天刷牙是个好习惯。It is a good habit every day10你们几点上历史课? 10点半。 do you have ?At 四、根据课文P8 2d完成填空。Scotts job is very 1 He 2 in a radio station and has

10、 a radio 3 from twelve oclock 4 night to six oclock in the 5 He has a funny time for 6 He 7 breakfast at 9 pmThen he usually 8 at about ten twentyHe goes to work 9 eleven oclockHe is never 10 for work1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 五、完形填空Sam Scott and his sister Ann are studentsSam 1 school by bus,and Ann does

11、,tooSome of 2 walk to schoolSam and Ann 3 at four oclock in the afternoonThey 4 before dinner,and they watch TV after dinnerThey usually 5 earlySam and Ann 6 three meals a day:breakfast,lunch and dinnerThey have breakfast at home 7 ,they have lunch 8 schoolThey often eat dinner at homeMrScott 9 from 10 at five and MrsScott eats dinner at six()1Ago to Bgo to theCgoes toDgoes to the()2Ayour friends Btheir


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