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1、媒体基本实战技巧,台湾媒体环境的诡谲多变, 让媒体人头晕目眩, 让广告人雾里看花,会喘. But免惊,与其站在门外 不如进得门里瞧瞧,THE BASIC MEDIA TERMINOLOGY WILL HELP YOU GET INTO MEDIA TERRITORY,PURPOSE,To familiarize you with the basic concepts and terminology used in media To demonstrate how terms can be applied to media planning,BASIC MEDIA TERMS INTERPRET

2、ATION & USE,Audience & Target Media Mix Rating SOV & SO$ GRP GI CPRP & CPM HUT & PUT Share,TV Daypart Reach & Frequency Reach Curve Effective Reach & Frequency Scheduling Reach Pattern,GENERAL TERMS,PRINT -Circulation -Primary readers, Pass-along readers & Readership -Readers per copy -Split-run,TV

3、-ROS (run of schedule) -Zipping & Zapping -Back to back & Roadblocks,Audience,The number of Target individuals or households likely to be exposed to a media vehicle. It could be -Households viewing a TV program in the average minute -Persons listening to a Radio station during a certain quarter hour

4、 -Readers of an average issue of a special MG or NP,TARGET,The audience that you want to see your advertising message -Usually defined by age and gender -For example : For Oil of Olay : Female 20-39 For H&S : M&F 15-49,MEDIA MIX,Use more than one medium to reach target -The value of each medium must

5、 be considered regarding its ability to achieve the overall objective -Factors to be considered : *Amount of use by target * Potential Reach vs Frequency *Communication strengthens/weakness *Competitive use * Clutter *Cost * Creative,RATING,The audience expressed as the percent of a universe -Report

6、ed by syndicated sources -Whenever the term rating is used, the universe must be clearly understood -For example : If 26% of all Female 15-39 in Taiwan watched TTV Evening News, this program would have a 26 rating,SOV & SO,SOV : Percent of total advertising spending or weight within a product catego

7、ry that is held by a particular brand at a given time e.g.BrandTARPSOV Olay5,00050% Ponds4,00040% Others1,00010% Total10,000100,GRP,The sum of all the rating points -Total number of exposures against a target audience expressed as a percent -1 GRP = 1 % of universe -Dont look at audience duplication

8、 -GRP is a measure of the heaviness of the campaign -Other commonly used terms : TRP (Target Rating Point) & TARP (Target Audience Rating Point,GRP,Additive across programs ProgramFemale 20-39 TTV Evening News25 CTV Drama Serials20 CTS Foreign Film20 65 GRPs Each of above shows achieved an individua

9、l rating and combined, the schedule delivered 65 GRP with an avg. rating of 21.6 for a program in the schedule,GI (Thousands,Thousands of viewers of a given program that are in your target audience, also known as impressions -The summation of the number of people reached by the campaign. So, Thousan

10、ds (impressions) = Rating x Universe -Gross impressions, like GRP, is the sum of all the impressions, or (000) ProgramF20-39Universe# Viewers(000) TTV News 20%4,000,000800,000,CPR/CPP/CPRP,Cost of a spot or total package delivered by the GRP received -Used to measure rating points in relation to dol

11、lar investment Program Cost/10 GRP/F20-39CPR CTV News 30,000152,000,CPM(Cost per Thousands,Cost of a spot or total package divided by the thousands (000) of viewers in your target audience -The dollar figure used to evaluate the relative costs of various media within selected audience -Used to compa

12、re the efficiency of reaching your target among different programs or vehicle Media VehicleUnit CostF20-39(000)CPM TV(Top 50 avg.)90,000 612.5$146.94 MG (Top 10 avg.)60,000497.0$124.20,HUT & PUT,The number of TV household or persons in those household with TV sets on at the time being measured -Show

13、s how much TV usage occurs at a particular time -Are remarkable predictable,TV DAYPARTS,Divides the day into clusters of hours with similar viewers -06:30 am - 14:00 pm : daytime -14:00 pm - 19:00 pm : early fringe -19:00 pm - 22:00 pm : prime time -22:00 pm - 24:00 pm : late fringe,REACH,The undupl

14、icated number of households or persons exposed at least once to an advertisement or advertising schedule -A person/household is only counted once even if exposed two or more times (1+ net reach) -Key element - net or unduplicated number of people exposed -Important in determining advertising effecti

15、veness,FREQUENCY,The average number of times a household or person exposed to an advertisement or advertising schedule in a given period of time -Key element - average no. of times exposed -Some will see more than others but, to be reached, one must see the ad at least once -Usually are concerned wi

16、th average frequency -Important in determining advertising effectiveness,REACH & FREQUENCY,GRP = Reach x Frequency F20-39 = Reach x Avg. Frequency 400 GRP = 80%x5,Viewers counted once ,Average no. of times they viewed,CALCULATINGREACH & FREQUENCY,For example FrequencyReachFrequency Reach 1+80%1 5% 2+75%2 25% 3+50%3 2% 4+48%4+ 48% 1+ 80,REACH CURVE,Principles about how reach builds -Reach generally builds very quickly at first -Over time, it becomes difficult to increase reach because you have al


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