英语:Unit1 精品学案(4)(译林牛津版九上)

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1、课题9A Unit1 Star Signs Vocabulary学习目标知识目标了解和掌握更多的形容词,辨别形容词是褒义还是贬义。进一步学习对人的性格及品质的描述方式.能力目标能运用恰当的形容词描述人物情感目标认识自己,完善自己学习重点辨别形容词是褒义还是贬义学习难点能运用恰当的形容词描述人物课前自学一、 写出下列词的反义词,如果有困难可以查字典哦!happy_ kind_ quick_ easy_ possible_ polite_ weak_ helpful_ comfortable_ friendly_ expensive_ hot_ active_ patient_ necessary

2、_ welcome_ soft_ proud_二、补全文章,使句意完整。 I have a friend Simon. He has lots of _(精力) .He is _ (精力充沛) and _(活跃) . He is _(耐心) enough to listen to others .He is a _(谦虚) person and never shows off in front of his classmates. He is _(有礼貌) and _(公平).He is always _(友好) to me . We all like him because he has a

3、 good sense of _(幽默) . He is _(充满智慧) and often _ (成功).课堂交流展示一、 分小组展示所积累的形容词,然后再将它们分成两类:褒义词和贬义词。(小组展示)二、补全文章,使句意完整。(个人展示)三、分小组比赛,想出本单元出现的褒义词,在黑板上写出来,看看那组是优胜组:(小组展示)active 想出本单元出现的贬义词:Impatient 四、你知道吗?请用恰当的词描述历史上的人物如三国人物、红楼梦人物、唐宋人物或者大家熟知的小说人物如孙悟空、猪八戒等。(个人展示) 课堂达标检测一、词汇 根据汉语或者首字母补全单词1.The boy didnt pay

4、 much _(注意力) to the exercises and he failed.2. Simon is very _(谦虚的) though he is the top student in our class.3.My brother will_(解释) the reason to the boy.4. He often buys presents for his classmates, he is _(大方的).5. It is _ (有意义的) to help people in need.6. He didnt do his homework, he was l_.7. Lil

5、y spends two hours dancing every day. She is very a_.8. He can carry the heavy box, he is s_.二、根据句意写出单词1. Tom likes playing basketball and has lots of energy, he is _. 2. She will get angry if she waits for a long time. She is _.3. Lily gets high marks in most of exams but she is not proud, she is _

6、.4. He often buys presents for his classmates, he is _.三、读文章,用括号内所给形容词的反义词填空,使句意和语意完整。A helpful student I would like to recommend Daniel for the Grade 7 Best Student Award. He is very (1) _ (unkind). He always thinks of others first. He is also very (2) _ (unhelpful). He spends a lot of time at the

7、schools Hand-in-Hand Club. He does a lot of computer work for the club and often helps other members with difficult project. We like him very much because he is always (3) _ (rude).He is good at swimming, and he often tells us to be (4) _ (careless) when we play water sports. He is (5) _ (weak) and

8、(6) _ (afraid) too. Last week, Mrs. Lu fell down when she crossed the street. Daniel ran up to her and helped her. Mrs. Lu was (7) _ (ungrateful) for his help. We will be very (8) _ (unhappy) if Daniel gets the award.四、句型转换1. Kitty dances for two hours every day.(提问) 2. Sandy always gives money to charities.(提问) 3. Mr. Wu spends a lot of time explaining things to us.(同义句) 4. Daniel never shows off. He is modest. (同义句) 6.The young soldier Zhang Ga is a boy_(有各种不同主意).(翻译)7.People used to _ (用牲畜做)the farm work.8.Youd better_(列个购物单)before you go to the supermarket.



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