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1、职场英语工作负责Take responsibility for being overworked, then change it.对工作过度负责,并改变它OK, suppose you love your work and youre happy working 15-hour days. Thats fine. Just dont plain about it.What Im saying is that if you plain about having too muchwork you should look in the mirror - its your own fault, and

2、you can change the situation by drawing boundaries at work. Be an adult by taking responsibility for your time, and plain only when you have a solution.Star performers dont talk about being overworked, they talk about time management. The best time managers excel at it because theyre good at figurin

3、g out what they dont have todo. The best time managers have the confidence to say, Ill still be a star even if I dont do that task.This reminds me of Gina Trapani, who edits the Lifehacker blog. Gina and three other editors put out a publication thathas more readers than justabout every localnewspap

4、er in thiscountry,and many nationalmagazines. Surely shesa very busyperson. But her productivity tips belie a Zen-like balance in which she isolates the most important things and lets other things languish if need be.Want an example? In order for Gina to blog every day, shehas to keep up with hundre

5、ds of otherbloggersso she knows whoto linkto.These blogs e to her via directfeed.What does shedo when shes falling behind andblog posts arepiling up? Sheclears out her in-box and starts over. If somethings reallyimportant,she said at a panel I attended,someone willemailme about it.Thisis greatadvice from someone whos sueeding in an areawhere most people would suumbto informationoverload.Clearly,the way to do good work is toknow when its timeto not do it.模板 , 内容仅供参考


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