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1、三年级英语第二次考查卷听力部分 40分一 Listen and chooose. (听录音,选择你听到的单词,写序号)8分( )1. A. soft B. rough C. salty( )2. A. fruit B. touch C. taste( )3. A. smell B. small C. summer( )4. A. an elephant B. an aeroplane C. an orange( )5. A. fold B. cold C. boat( )6. A. hand B. hard C. head( )7.A.monkey B. mouth C. mouse( )8.

2、 A. green B. grey C. group二 Listen and choose (听录音,选择你听到的句子,写序号) 10分( )1. A. The panda is tall and fat. B. The panda is big and fat.( )2. A. Listen to the bicycles. B. Look at the bicycles.( )3. A. Uncle Bai has many hats. B. Uncle Bai has many cats.( )4. A. I can hear them. B. I cant hear them.( )5

3、. A. A girl and two boys. B. A boy and two girls.( )6. A. Taste the sweet. B. Taste the salt.( )7. A. What can you hear, Kitty? B. What can Kitty hear?( )8. A. How do the cakes taste? B. How does the cake taste?( )9. A. How much are these apples? B. How many apples are there?( )10. A. The monkeys ar

4、e cute. B. The monkeys are clever.三 Listen anc choose (听录音,选择正确的答句,写序号) 6分( )1. A. Its sour. B. Its salty.( )2. A. Its nice. B. They are nice.( )3. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I do.( )4. A. No, its soft. B. Yes, its soft.( )5. A. Apples, please. B. Thank you.( )6.A.I can hear raindrops. B. I can hear a chi

5、ck.四 Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“T”或 “F”表示) 6分1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )五 Listen and judge. (听录音,判断正误,用“T” “F”表示) 5分( )1. The rabbit isnt hard.( )2. Its hair is white and its eyes are red.( )3. Its tail is red.( )4. It likes eating bones.( )5. Lemons are very sweet.六 Listen and fill

6、(听录音,填入所缺的单词) 5分1. What can you see? I can _ a ship.2. What _ is it? Its red.3. How does it _? Its nice.4. _ it. How does it feel?5. Do you like _? Yes, I do.笔试部分 60分一 正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写、标点符号以及单词之间的距离。7分how does it taste alice its bitter二 按要求写单词。 10分1. lemon(同类词)_ 2. rough(反义词)_3. salt( 形容词) _ 4. fox(复数

7、) _5. it(复数) _ 6. do not(缩写形式)_7. tiger(同类词) _ 8. taste(同类词) _9. monkey(复数)_ 10.rock(与划线相同的单词)_三 英汉互译 10分1. 一个酸柠檬_ 2. 苦咖啡_3. 多少钱_ 4. 聪明的猴子_5. 一头大象_ 6. in the zoo_7. fruit shop_ 8. ride bicycles_9. take a rest_ 10. many hats _四 选择正确的答案,写序号 8分( )1. I am _. I want some some cakes. A. hungry B. tired C.

8、 thirsty( )2. What is it? Its _ orange. A. a B. an C. /( )3. How _ the doll feel? Its soft.A. is B. do C. does( )4. I can _ with my nose.A. touch B. smell C. taste( )5. _ the apple. Its sweet. A. Smell B. Touch C. Taste( )6. _ the elephant. Its so strong.A. Look at B. See C. Look( )7. I _ hear a cat

9、. But I _ see the cat. A. can can B. cant cant C. can cant( )8. -Do you like _? Yes, but I dont like this _.A. pandas; pandas B. panda; panda C. pandas; panda五 根据上下文完成句子,每空一词。 4分1. Do you like _? Yes, I do.2. How does the lemon taste? Its _.3. They are big and strong. They are grey. They have long n

10、oses. They are _.4. _ the flower. Its nice.六 选择合适的答句,写序号。 5分( )1. How does it feel? A. They are smooth.( )2. How do they feel? B. They are sweet.( )3. How does it taste? C. Its nice.( )4. How do they taste? D. Its soft.( )5. How does it smell? E. Its sour.七 按要求改写句子。 6分1. The apple is sweet. (对划线部分提问

11、) How does the apple _?2. Do you like tigers? (做否定回答) _, I _.3. I like pandas. (否定句) I _ like pandas.4. They are elephants. (变成单数句) It is _ _.八 阅读理解,根据短文判断正误,用“T” 或 “F”表示。5分 My name is Kitty. Im eight years old. This is my family. This is my mother. Shes short and thin. This is my father. Hes fat an

12、d tall. This is my brother. His name is Peter. He is six. He likes monkeys. We are happy. ( )1. Kitty isnt eight.( )2. Peter likes pandas.( )3. Kittys father is not short.( )4. Peters mother is short.( )5. They are happy. 九 描述你喜欢的一种动物,至少要写五句话,三种句型。5分参考句型 ( I like . They are . They have. They can. They like.) _



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