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1、1.Relationships.Unit 1.Relatives in Beijing.Listening and speaking: Planning a trip to Beijing.Listen and say.Mr Li: Look, Ben. Tve got a letter From Uncle Weiming. He lives in Beijing. He has invited us to stay with his Family in August.Ben: I havent seen my cousins before.Mr Li: Your uncle has sen

2、t us a photograph. These are your cousins, Simon and, Lucy.Ben: How old ore they?Mr Li: Simon is twelve and Lucy is ten. Ben: Are we going to travel to Beijing by plane?Mr Li: Perhaps, but plane tickets are very expensive. Ben: Lets go by train. Its cheaper and more interesting.Mr Li: Thats a good i

3、dea. Lets talk to Mum and Kitty. lm going to get some brochures from the travel agent.Look, read and answer.Kitty is asking Ben some questions about the photograph.Heres a photograph fromUncle Weiming. Were goingto visit his family soon.Where does Uncle Weiming live?When are we going to visit him?Wh

4、at are the names of our cousins?How old are they?Sag and act.At the travel agents.Good morning.Can I help you?Yes, wed like to travel to Beijing byplane. How long does it take to travelfrom Garden Citu to Beijing bu plane?It takes about two anda half hours.How much does it cost?One thousand fivehund

5、red yuan.Thats expensive.Ask and answer.You are Mr Li and the travel agent. Talk about travelling to Beiing bg train. Mr Li: How long does it take to travel from to by ?Travel agent: lt takes about hours. Mr Li: How much does it cost?Travel agent: and yuan. Mr Li: Thats cheap.Listen and say.When are

6、 we going to visit Beijing?Were going to visitBeijing on 16 August.How long are wegoing to stay there?Were going to stay there fortwo weeks. Were going tocome back at the end of August.How are we going to get there?Were going to getthere by plane.Can we travel by train?Its cheaper.The train is slowe

7、r than the plane.It takes fifteen hours to travel fromGarden City to Beijing.Read and write.Complete Mr Lis letter to Uncle Weiming. (date) Dear Weiming Thank you for your letter and your . We would like to visit you in Beijing. We are going to travel to Beijing on . We are going to stay with you fo

8、r weeks. We are going to travel by because the train is too slow. It takes hours to get to Beijing by train. The plane is more , but it isSee you soon.love.David.Reading: Welcome to Beijing.Read.The Li family has arrived in Beijing. Simon and Lucy want to take Ben and Kittyto some interesting places

9、.Hi, Simon. Hi, Lucy.Nice to meet your.Hi, Ben. Hi, Kitty. Nice to meet you.Weve found some informationabout some interesting places.Welcome to Beijing.The Summer Palace.It is in the north-west of Beijing.Tourists can see a lot of oldbuildings and temples at thepalace. Kunming Lake is a beautifullak

10、e insidethe palace.Tourists cansee swansswimmingon the lake.The Great wall.It is north of Beijing. Tt is a longwall with towers on it. People builtit a long time ago with bricks andstones.Tourists cansee beautifulmountainsfrom thewall.Tiananmen Square.It is in the centre of Beijing. t is ahuge open

11、area. Tt can hold morethan one million people. Everymorning, tourists can see soldiersraising theChinesenational flagin the square.The Palace MuseumIt is in the centre of Beijing. It is aplace with many ancient buildings.Tf tourists want to know the historyof China,they canvisit themuseum.Look and r

12、ead.The children are planning to visit different places of interest in Beijing.Simon, which placeare we .qoinq to visit?Were going to visit theSummer Palace on 21 August.Where is it?Tts in the north-westof Beijing.What can we see atthe Summer Palace?We can see a lot of old buildings and temples.We c

13、an see swans swimming on the lake.Look, write and sag.Look at the calendar below and page 5 again. Pretend you are Ben, Kitty,Simon and Lucy, and talk about your visits. Ben: Which place are we going to visit?Simon: Were going to visit (place) on (date). Kittu: Where is it? Lucy: Its of Beijing. in

14、the centre of Kitty: What can we see at the Summer Palace? at the Palace Museum? at the Great Wall? at Tian anmen Square? Lucy: We can see .Writing: Lucys holiday plan.Look and read.The Li family has come back from Beijing. Kitty enjoyed the trip very much.She is writing a letter to her cousin, Lucy.7 September.Dear



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