人教新目标英语九年级全册 Unit 4 Section B3 3a-Self Check 同步练习题 含答案

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1、 Unit 4 Self Check.从方框中选单词并用其适当形式完成包含本单元词汇的短文require, Europe, help, shy, examination, influence,seldom, humor, interview, introduceLast Sunday, I 1._ an Asian singer, Emily. She told me something 2._ about herself.She said she came from a workingclass background. She used to be shy and silent. She 3

2、._ made a speech in public. She didnt exactly dare to do anything in person. She was even afraid of ants, a kind of little insect. All these 4._ her in her boarding school. She often failed her 5._ and she was absent from school from time to time. As a result, her test scores were lower. Now she has

3、 changed a lot. She dares to deal with her 6._. And she has made many friends, such as an African girl, a 7._ boy and a British man. They are all 8._ to her. She doesnt need any 9._ in front of crowds, and she gets tons of attention everywhere she goes. In general, she 10._ her private guards around

4、 her when she goes out. Her parents take pride in her and she is also proud of herself now. .用所给单词的适当形式填空11She is not used to _(eat) Chinese food.12A large number of students _(be) ill these days because of the swine flu.13Wood is often used to _(make) paper.根据汉语意思完成句子14吴先生说他很少看见这么有天赋的孩子。Mr. Wu said

5、 he had _ seen a child with so much talent.15请告诉人们如何科学地处理垃圾。Please tell people how to _ _ the rubbish scientifically.16自我开始学英语以来,我结识了很多外国朋友。I have made many foreign friends _ I _ learning English.17他们从小学起就一直是好朋友。_18我们不应该担心玛丽。她足够大了可以照顾自己。We shouldnt worry about Mary. She is _ _ to look after_.同义句转换19

6、 My father often rode his bike to work last year.My father _ _ ride his bike to work last year.20What will you do with these old clothes?_ will you _ _ these old clothes?21He has been away from home for forty years.He has been away from home _ _ _ _He _ _ forty years ago.22The boy is so young that h

7、e cant go to school.The boy _ _ _ _ _ to school.The boy is _ _ _ _ to school.23There are three thousand students in the school.The _ of the students in the school _ three thousand.阅读理解Can you change your personality significantly? For example, if you are shy, can you turn yourself into an outgoing p

8、erson who never gets stage fright when speaking in public? Its certainly not easy, but experts say it is possible.First of all, you will never stay the same person. The Times reports several research studies conducted over the past few years. They show a persons personality naturally changes over ti

9、me in response to life events such as entering a committed relationship or advancing in the career. From the ages of 20 to 65, people report increases in positive characteristics. Most people tend to become more agreeable, more responsible, more emotionally stable. Their personalities improve as the

10、y mature.When researchers talk about “personality”, they mean “characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving that is consistent over time and across situations,” says Christopher Soto, a research psychologist in Britain, who also mentioned that personality is about 50 percent born and 50

11、percent learned.Psychologists usually divide human personality into 5 models: openness, conscientiousness(尽责), agreeableness, neuroticism(神经质) and outgoingness. Some personality types are more successful than others. Accordingly, even small changes in a persons personality can produce important effe

12、cts on relationships, careers, health and happiness. But change takes time. And people need to start by changing the behavior and then, if that new behavior can be maintained over time, it gets settled.Where do we start? “First, we have to recognize which pieces of our personality affect us,” says R

13、ichard Levak, a wellknown personality expert. “If I am always getting fired because I get into arguments with coworkers, and always blame others, then I have to realize that I have to change something.”“Dont set your expectations too high. Be patient. Its important to start small,” Warren Kennaugh,

14、a behavioral expert in Australia says. “You should also let a friend or relative know what youre doing. Not only can they be supportive, but a change for you can also mean a change for them.”()24.From Paragraph 2, we can learn that _Apeople will always stay the same for the whole lifeBit is impossible to speak in public if you are shyCpeoples personalities will get better as they matureDlife events are bad for peoples personalities()25.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?APeople are born with certain personalities which cannot be changed.


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