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1、汇编选集东师英语写作(一)20春在线作业2答案29138(单选题)1: It was midnight when Uncle Podger at last had the picture_in the living-room.A: hangedB: hangingC: hangD: hung正确答案:(单选题)2: _health is better than_weath.A: ThetheB: The/C: /D: /the正确答案:(单选题)3: If tomorrow is fine,we shall go on a trip_.A: altogetherB: get-togetherC

2、: all togetherD: all-together正确答案:(单选题)4: I was impressed by his highly developed _of humour.A: ideaB: feelingC: senseD: emtion正确答案:(单选题)5: She loves her _city,which she regards as her second hometown.A: adaptedB: adoptedC: temporaryD: addicted正确答案:(单选题)6: A:Would you mind filling up this form.B:_A:

3、 of course.B: My pleasure.C: Yes,I will.D: Of course not.正确答案:(单选题)7: _more time and experience,he could have done it far better.What a pity!A: WithB: WithoutC: GivingD: For正确答案:(单选题)8: Though he is not very rich,he always sets_some money to help the homeless.A: backB: asideC: inD: on正确答案:(单选题)9: I

4、like our new math teacher,and Jef _,too.A: doesB: likesC: does soD: will like正确答案:(单选题)10: Since the buses are so crowed,we_go home on foot.A: shouldB: might as wellC: had better toD: need to正确答案:(单选题)11: We are given the orders that the project_before the end of next month.A: has to be drawn upB: b

5、e drawn upC: shall be drawn up will be drawn up正确答案:(单选题)12: You wont be seeing Jane any more.The boss fired her.Shes gone_.A: for allB: for goodC: for the timeD: for days正确答案:(单选题)13: There are ten people in our group.Two are from the north;_are locals.A: the othersB: othersC: the otherD: other正确答案

6、:(单选题)14: _you are blind,you will not miss the astonishing changes taking place in Shanghai.A: AlthoughB: IfC: SinceD: Unless正确答案:(单选题)15: What are you _if she asks you to stay?A: doingB: to doC: to be doneD: to be doing正确答案:(单选题)16: If he catches you _his letter,he will be furious.A: to readB: read

7、C: readingD: to be read正确答案:(单选题)17: The couple never got_the loss of their son.A: overB: onC: fromD: down正确答案:(单选题)18: I have never read _than this.A: more interesting a bookB: a book as interestingC: a more interesting bookD: more interesting book正确答案:(单选题)19: _that you have no objection ,we will

8、have the meeting in your room.A: IfB: To be providedC: Provided Except正确答案:(单选题)20: Tradition_salt was placed in front of the king on the table of royally.A: said thatB: says thatC: wasD: had it that正确答案:(单选题)21: The birth of Tony Blairs fourth son was truly_,the first time in 152 years that a Briti

9、sh Prime Minister has fathered a child while in office.A: historicalB: historicC: histoicallyD: history正确答案:(单选题)22: Almost everyone fails_his drivers test on the first try.A: in passingB: to have passedC: to passD: passing正确答案:(单选题)23: He was _know what I meant.A: too clever toB: too clever not toC

10、: not clever toD: clever not to正确答案:(单选题)24: If I had studied hard in the university,I_things easy now.A: takeB: would have takenC: will takeD: would be taking正确答案:(单选题)25: She has_hobbies ,such as skiing and swimming.A: reversedB: diverseC: variedD: changeable正确答案:(单选题)26: Mother is preparing a mea

11、l while keeping_the baby.A: eyes onB: eye onC: an eye forD: an eye on正确答案:(单选题)27: “Mother,you promised to buy a bike for my birthday.”“Well,_.”A: so did IB: so I didC: so do ID: so I do正确答案:(单选题)28: She is always _to helping the needy.A: readyB: willingC: committedD: like正确答案:(单选题)29: A headache is

12、 an _pain.A: insideB: internalC: externalD: inherent正确答案:(单选题)30: He often _fun at his deskmate,who is undersizeA: pokesB: makesC: causesD: shows正确答案:(单选题)31: Toms arm was injured while_.A: playing the tennisB: he was playing tennisC: he played tennisD: played tennis正确答案:(单选题)32: He prefers to live

13、with his mother than_her alone.A: to leaveB: leavingC: leaveD: leaves正确答案:(单选题)33: Signpost _along the way directed us to the town.A: electedB: correctedC: collectedD: erected正确答案:(单选题)34: This is the young man from our group,_to help you with your experimentsA: whose jobB: whose job it isC: it is w

14、hose jobD: whose is the job正确答案:(单选题)35: Its a good suggestion and a new one_.A: alsoB: anywayC: at thatD: so on正确答案:(单选题)36: He knows _than I do about it.A: not moreB: muchC: no moreD: not less正确答案:(单选题)37: If I were you I_accept the invitation.A: willB: wouldC: mayD: should正确答案:(单选题)38: Smoking in this five-star hotel is_.A: declinedB: preventedC: prohibitedD: refused正确答案:(单选题)39: The first is_ approach_the two.A: the most helpful,inB: more helpful,ofC: more helpful,inD: the more helpful,of正确答案:(单选题)40: T


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