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1、乔布斯辞职前最后一次英语演讲稿Cupertino is very famous for Apple Computer. And we are very honor to have Steve Jobs tocome here tonight to give us special presentation. Mr. Jobs?苹果如今变得炙手可热Cupertino也沾光不少,今晚我们荣幸地邀请到乔布斯莅临现场。乔总?Welcome, Mr Jobs: you have a fan club here.欢迎你,这里貌似都是你的粉丝。Thank you. Apples grown like a we

2、ed, and as you know, weve always been in Cupertino.Started in an office par, eventually, got the buildings, we are in now the corner of the ends of280.and those buildings hold maybe 2600 or 2800 people. But weve got almost 12,000 peoplein the area. So were renting buildings - not very good buildings

3、, either at an ever-greaterradius from our campus and were putting people in those. It is clear that we need to build newcampus, so we just add space. That doesnt mean we dont need the one we got, we do need it,but we need another one to augment it. So weve got a plan that lets us stay in Cupertino.

4、And we went out and we bought some land and this land is kind of special, to me. When I was13, I think, I called up. Hewlett and Packard were my idols. And I called up Bill Hewlett, causehe lived in Palo Alto, and there were no unlisted numbers in the phone book, which gives you aclue to my age. And

5、 he picked up the phone and I talked to him and I asked him if hed giveme some spare parts for something I was building called a frequency counter. And he did,but in addition to that he gave me something way more important. He gave a job thatsummer. A summer job at Hewlett-Packard, right here (on) i

6、n Santa Clara, off 280, the divisionthat built frequency counters. And I was in heaven. Well, right around that exact moment intime, Hewlett and Packard themselves were walking on some property over here in Cupertino,in Pruneridge, and they ended up buying it. And they built their computer systems d

7、ivisionthere. And as Hewlett - Packard has been shrinking lately, they decided to sell that propertyand we bought it. We bought that and we bought some adjacent property that all used to beapricot trees, apricot orchards and weve got about 150 acres. And we should like to put a newcampus on that so

8、that we can stay in Cupertino. And weve come up - weve hired some greatarchitects to work with, some of the best in the world, I think. And weve come up with a designthat puts 12,000 people in one building. Think about that, thats rather odd 12,000 people in abuilding, in one building. But, weve see

9、n these office parks with lots of building and they getpretty boring pretty fast. So wed like to do something better than that. And Id like to takeyou through what we like to do. So this is supposed to work here. Here we go. Can you see this?So here is we are today, which is on Infinite Loop drive,

10、against the intersection of D Anza andthe 280.谢谢大 家。苹果如雨后春笋般快速发展着,而Cupertino一直是我们钟爱的土壤。从开始的工业园到现在的办公大楼280号公路尽头的拐弯处,这几栋楼能容纳 2600到2800名员工。可实际上我们的员工数量超过了12019。不得已只能用租些差劲的写字楼给员工办公。所以我想把大家转移到离现有园区不远的一 片区域。我们将用新的园区来扩充办公面积。现有园区也会继续保留,新园区还在Cupertino,因为这里对我巨有意义。大小我就是惠普创始人 Hewlett和Packard的粉丝。Hewlett住在Palo Alt

11、o,13岁那年我给他打了个电话,年头所有的电话号码都印在大部头里,不好意思,暴露了我的年龄。我问他是否能送我些零件做频率计数器。他不仅答应 了,还给了我一份工作。惠普的暑期实习,就在Snata Clara 280号公路旁边,我被分在计频器部门,简直像去了天堂。就在这个时候,惠普在Pruneridge买了块地,并在那里设立了计算机系统部。最近惠普并不 景气,有意出售这块不动产,我们就买了下来。顺带还卖笑来原来的一片杏园,总面积有150英亩了。我想在哪儿建个新园区,继续留在Cupertino。我 们请来最优秀的设计师,希望设计一栋能容纳12019人的大楼。一栋楼装12019人,是不是跟中国的学生宿

12、舍一样不可思议?你们看过一些工业园区空间拥 挤、设计单调,我们希望改变这一切。给大家看看园区蓝图,看得见么?苹果总部就在这里280号公路和D Anza十字路口的交汇处。Mr Jobs, yeah, you drawn as print, thats high-tech weve. Use your finger. Just point in theair.乔总,你可以用演示器,我们这儿也是有高科技的。What weve done is we bought this land right here. We try to buy the apartments at the cornerbut th

13、ey are not for sale, so we couldnt buy those. And we bought everything else. And thecampus we like to build there is one building holds 12,000 people. And it is pretty amazingbuilding. Let me show it to you. Its a little like a spaceship landed, there it is, and its got thisgorgeous courtyard in the

14、 middle, but a lot more. So lets take a close look at it. Its a circle.Its curved all the way around. If you build things, this is not the cheapest way to buildsomething. There is not a straight piece of glass in this building. Its all curved. Weve used ourexperience making retail buildings all over

15、 the world now, and we know how to make thebiggest pieces of glass in the world for architectural use. We can make it curve all the wayaround the building. And you can see what it look like. It is pretty cool. Again, today, about20% of the space is landscaping, several big asphalt parking lots. So 20% of this is landscape,we want to completely change this. And we want to make 80% of landscape, and the waywere gonna do this is were gonna put most of the parking underground. So we can have 80%of landscape, and you can see what weve in mind. I mean there is nothing like this i


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