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1、TED英语演讲:超越界限的生活艾米·珀迪是一个喜爱滑板和旅行的女孩,生活对她来说曾经对此灿烂多彩,似乎一切都有可能。然而,当她因意外事故截肢后,过去的爱好似乎变得可望而不可及。但她却从来没有因为残缺而为自己的生活设下限制,这世上从来没有被束缚的身体,只有被束缚的心灵。下面是我为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:超越界限的生活,欢迎借鉴参考。Living beyond limits演讲者:Amy Purdy中英对照演讲稿If your life were a book and you were the author, how would you want your story to go

2、? Thats the question that changed my life forever. Growing up in the hot Last Vegas desert, all I wanted was tobe free. I would day dream about traveling the world, living in a place where it snowed, and I would picture all of the stories that I would go on to tell.如果你的人生是一本书,而你是作者,你希望故事如何发展?这个问题改变了

3、我的一生。在炎热的拉斯韦加斯沙漠长大的我,唯一想要的就是自由。我会想象自己去环游世界,住在下雪的地方,我会编织各种故事,在日后娓娓道来。At the age of 19, the day after I graduated high school, I moved to a place where it snowed and I became a massage the rapist. With this job all I needed were my hands and my massage table by myside and I could go anywhere. For the

4、first time in my life, I felt free,independent and completely in control of my life. That is, until my life took a detour.我在19岁从高中毕业的隔天,搬到一个会下雪的地方,开始当起按摩师。做这份工作,我只需要有双手和按摩桌在身边,就能去任何地方。那是我生命中第一次感到自由、独立,并且完全掌控自己的生活。直到我的生命出现转折。I went home from work early one day with what I thought was the flu,and less

5、 than 24 hours later I was in the hospital on life support with less than a two percent chance of living. It wasnt until days later as I lay in acoma that the doctors diagnosed me with bacterial mening it is, avaccine-preventable blood infection. Over the course of two and a half months I lost my sp

6、leen, my kidneys, the hearing in my left ear and both of my legs below the knee.有天我提早收工回家,原以为自己染上流感,结果不到24小时,我就住进医院,装上维生系统,只有不到2%的存活率。几天后,我就全身瘫痪,医生诊断我罹患了细菌性脑膜炎,一种能靠注射疫苗预防的血液感染。经过两个半月的疗程,我丧失了脾脏和肾脏,还有左耳听力,双脚膝盖以下也截肢了。When my parents wheeled me out of the hospital I felt like I had been pieced back toge

7、ther like a patchwork doll. I thought the worst was over until weeks later when I saw my new legs for the first time. The calves were bulky blocks of metal with pipes bolted together for the ankles and a yellow rubber foot with a raised rubber line from the toe to the ankle to look like a vein. I di

8、dnt know what to expect, but I wasnt expecting that.父母用轮椅将我推出医院时,我感觉自己像是用碎片拼凑而成的娃娃。我以为最糟的情况已经结束了,但几周后我第一次看到自己的双脚,才发现并非如此。小腿变成又粗又重的金属块,跟管子和脚踝拴在一起,还有个泛黄的橡胶脚,上面有条突起的橡胶线从脚趾延伸至脚踝,为了看起来像条血管。我不知道未来会发生什么事,但我没想到会发生这种事。With my mom by my side and tears streaming down our faces, I strapped on these chunky legs

9、and I stood up. They were sopainful and so confining that all I could think was, how am I ever going to travel the world in these things? How was I ever going to live the life full of adventure and stories, as I always wanted? And how was I going to snowboard again?我妈在我身旁,泪水从我俩的脸庞落下,我绑上这双粗重的脚,站起身来。如

10、此剧烈的疼痛和紧绷让我不得不想,我要怎么戴着这些东西环游世界?我要怎么继续拥有那个我从小就梦寐以求的,充满冒险和故事的生活?That day, I went home, I crawled into bed and this is what my life looked like for the next few months: me passed out,escaping from reality, with my legs resting by my side. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken.我要怎么再次站上滑雪板?那

11、天回到家后,我爬上床,这是我之后几个月的生活样貌:浑浑噩噩,逃避现实,双脚就放在一旁。But I knew that in order to move forward, I had to let go of the old Amy and learn to embrace the new Amy. And that is when it dawned on me that I didnt have to be five-foot-five anymore. I could be as tall as I wanted! Or as short as I wanted, depending on

12、 who I was dating. And if I snowboarded again, my feet arent going to get cold.And best of all, I thought, I can make my feet the size of all the shoes that are on the sales rack. (Laughter) And I did! So there were benefits here.我的身心都已支离破碎。但我知道要向前迈进,就得放下以前的艾咪,学习拥抱新的艾咪。那一刻我才发现,我的身高不再得是一六五,我想要多高就可以多高

13、!我也可以想要多矮就多矮,看约会对象是谁再决定。如果我再去滑雪,脚就不会觉得冷了。最棒的是我想我可以把自己的脚做成鞋店特价区里的鞋子尺寸。我真的这么做了!看来还是有点好处。It was this moment that I asked myself that life-defining question: If my life were a book and I were the author, how would I want the story to go? And I began to daydream. I daydreamed like I did as a little girl

14、and I imagined myself walking gracefully, helping other people through my journey and snowboarding again. And I didnt just see myself carving down a mountain of powder, I could actually feel it. I could feel the wind against my face and the beat of my racing heart as if it were happening in that ver

15、y moment. And that is when a new chapter in my life began.就在这个时刻我自问那个定义人生的问题:如果我的人生是一本书,而我是作者,我希望故事怎么发展?我开始幻想。像我孩提时那样,想象自己优雅行进,用自己的历程帮助别人,并且再次滑雪。我不是只看见自己割雪滑过山上的粉雪,我真的能感觉得到。我可以感觉到吹拂在脸上的风,还有飞快的心跳,就像身历其境一般。那是我人生开启新篇章的时刻。Four months later I was back up on a snowboard, although things didnt go quite as e

16、xpected: My knees and my ankles wouldnt bend and at one point I traumatized all the skiers on the chair lift when I fell and my legs, still attached to my snowboard — (Laughter) — went flying down the mountain, and I was on top of the mountain still. I was so shocked, I was just as shocked as everybody else, and I was so discouraged, butI knew that if I



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