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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单元: Unit 2 Wish you were here板块: Welcome to the unitThoughts on the design:本节课是以看、 听、说为主的口语教学课。 英语口语课的教学任务是培养学生口头表达和交际的能力。 如何搞好英语口语教学、 培养学生的英语交际能力是实现英语学科教学目的的要害。美国心理学家布鲁纳认为: “成功的外语课堂教学应在课堂内创设更多的情景,让学生有机会运用自己学到的语言材料。 ”本单元内容是关于冒险及旅游的,本节课将利用电脑多媒体手段,以视听的形式给学生介绍世界各地的风光,营造英语教学的真实情景,提高学生运用英语进行交流信

2、息和思想感情的能力, 并为本单元后续内容的教学作知识和能力的铺垫。Teaching aims:After learning the content of this period, the students will be able to get some background knowledge about different places in the world, including the amazing sights and animals.Meanwhile, the students spoken English will be trained, and their interes

3、t will be aroused by talking about traveling.Teaching procedures:Step 1Greeting and Lead-in1. Nowadays, more and more people are interested in traveling on holidays. They want to go to different places and different countries to get close to nature to enjoy beautiful scenery. Now, please enjoy some

4、beautiful pictures, and then answer my questions.(Show ppt.5-8) Have you ever been to some places? What is the most exciting place you have ever been to? Try to describe the place for us.2. Get the students to work in pairs and discuss the above questions.Explanation旅游是学生们喜爱的话题,美丽的风光图片更能引起学生的兴趣,这个教学

5、环节利用 PPT 展示世界各地风光,吸引学生谈论自己的旅游经历,锻炼他们的口语表达能力。Step 2Welcome to the unitStudy the four pictures in the text boob, and provide the students with more detailed information about Africa, Australia, Brazilian rainforest and Gobi Desert.Africa The grasslands of Africa are home to many animals, such as lions

6、, elephants, zebras,giraffes etc. Animals live comfortably and peacefully there. (PPT10)Australia Australian s Gold Beaches:Every year the Gold Coast attracts visitors from all overthe world to sit back, relax and experience its sceneries.Australia s typical animals: koala, kangaroo.(PPT11-12)Brazil

7、ian Amazon rainforest in Brazil is very famous. Usually scientists and explorers go thereto make discoveries. It s home to around 50% of the world种 ),s living species(many of which are still unknown to humans. (PPT12-13)Gobi Desert It s a huge area of desertveringco nearly1.3 million sq km. The area

8、 is often imagined as a lifeless desert like in many other parts of the world but the reality is quite the opposite. (PPT16-17)Explanation 个 利用 多媒体 学生播放更多的关于非洲、澳洲、巴西雨林、戈壁沙漠的 片,同 介 关于 些地区的 一步信息,帮少内容?助学生开 野,增加 言信息的 入。Step 3DiscussionGet the students to discuss the following question in groups of six.W

9、hich of these places would you like to visit most? Why?Explanation小 要求学生 最想去上述 4 个地方中的哪一个, 一步 学生的想象力和口 表达能力。Step 4An interviewAsk the students to conduct an interview:If you are one of the challengers and have just returned from Australia/theforest/the Gobi Desert a newspaper reporter is interviewin

10、g you.Show some useful expressions on PPT 21 to help the students to carry on the activity? What do you think of the ? Are there any places of historic, interest to see in ? What is the famous for? Would you please tell me something about the historic art of the city? I d like to look around the .?

11、How I wish I cou ld go there someday.BrazilianrainExplanation 个 以 者采 的形式 学生 旅游 , 学生的 作能力,同帮助提高学生的英 会 能力。Step 5 Language points:There are a lot of amazing adventures to have and places to see in the world.1) amazevt.amazed / amazing家 的巨 使我的朋友 非常惊 。The great changes in my hometown amazed my friends. 个

12、 惊人地成功。This experiment is an amazing success.2) adventures to have and places to seeto have / to see 在句中充当定语,修饰名词,与其有逻辑上的动宾关系,用不定式的主动形式表被动的意义。eg: I have nothing to say.?Lily, do you have anything to say?Please give me some paper to write on.?没有什么值得担心的。There is nothing to worry about.?请给我一把可以割东西的刀。Please give me a knife to cut with.Step 6Homework1. Find more information about places in the world and traveling.Preview the reading text. 2.



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