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1、不定式不定式有六种形式: 主动 被动 一般式 to do to be done 进行式 to be doing 完成式 to have done to have been done 完成进行式 to have been doing不定式一般式的主动和被动,在句中除了谓语动词,能做其他一切成分。主动表示不定式与逻辑主语间是逻辑主动关系;被动表示不定式与逻辑主语间是逻辑被动关系。1. 一般被动式:不定式的语态是由逻辑主语与不定式的关系决定的,被动关系就要用被动式。在句中作与主动式一样的成分。作定语时与所修饰的名词有逻辑主谓和逻辑解释这两种关系,主要是逻辑主谓关系He likes to be fla

2、ttered(宾) 他喜欢被人奉承。You are lucky to be guided by Professor White (状)你们由怀特教授教授作指导,真幸运。She asked to be sent to work in Tibet(宾) 她要求去西藏工作He ordered the work to be started at once(宾补) 他下令马上开始工作。It might not be a bad idea for this word to be deleted(主) 删去这个字,倒是一个不错的主意。The books are not allowed to be taken

3、 out of the room(主补) 这些书不许带到室外。Please tell me the subjects to be discussed at the next session(定)请告诉我下次会议要讨论的题目。He seems to be taken to America(表语)他好像要被带去美国。He had no chance to be sent aboard(定) 他没机会被派往海外。2. 进行式:表示动作正在发生,与所在句子的谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。 在句中可以做主、宾、表、补、状(原状),不能作定语 It is nice to be sitting here w

4、ith you (做主语) 在这里陪你坐着是非常愉快的。 He pretended to be sleeping soundly(做宾语) 他假装睡得很甜。 He seems to be recovering(做表语) 看来他正在复原。 I didnt expect her to be crying bitterly(做宾补) 我没想到她竟会哭得如此伤心。 He supposed she was glad to be having her holiday now(做原因状语)他猜想她现在很高兴在度假。 He is believed to be coming(做主补)据说他正要来。 She is

5、 said to be writing a novel(做主补)据说她正在写一部小说。 注:1. 不定式的进行式做补语时,必须是该动词后面只跟不定式做补语,不能跟分词做补语,这时如果表示与谓语动词同时发生就用不定式的进行式。I saw him sleeping 不能说I saw him be sleeping因为see 后面可以跟分词作补语。2. 不定式的进行式作状语时,只能做原因状语,此时,可以和现在分词互换。3. 完成式(主动与被动):表示动作发生在所在句子的谓语动词之前。 在句中可以做主、表、宾、状(原状)、补,不能做定语 It is nice to have sat here with

6、 you(主语)跟你坐在一起是非常愉快的。 He intended to have told you earlier (宾语) 他曾试图早一些告诉你。 He pretended to have finished his homework(宾语)他假装已经完成了作业。 They reported a star to have appeared in the east(宾补)他们报告一颗星已在东方出现He appears to have made a small mistake(表语) 他看起来象是犯了一个小错误。He is said to have broken the window yeste

7、rday(主补)据说昨天他把窗子打破了。I am so happy to have received your letter(状语) 已收到你的信,我很高兴。He was reported to have been awarded the Noble Prize(主补)据报道他已获得诺贝尔奖。We believed the task to have been finished(宾补) 我们相信任务已经完成了。He hoped to have been invited to the party(宾语) 他希望自己已经被邀请参加晚会了。We know him to have once been a

8、rrested by the enemy(宾补)我们知道他被敌人逮捕过。It is a great honor for him to have been elected as a model worker for three years(主语)他连续三年被评为劳模,非常光荣。The manuscript seems to have been written by Shakespeare(表语)这份手稿好像是莎士比亚写的。注:1、在seem appear后面所跟的不定式可看做表语 2、在be said be reported等后面可看作主补 3、intended to have done 本打算

9、 was/were to have done 原计划 The plane was to have taken off at six,but owing to the fog the flight was cancelled 飞机预定在六点起飞,但是因为有雾,航班取消了。4. 完成进行式:表示在所在句子的谓语动词之前一直在进行的事。在句中作主、表、宾、状(原状)、补It is unimaginable to have been living here for three years (主) 三年来一直在这里住着,太不可思议了。They suspected us to have been quar

10、relling (宾补) 他们疑心我们一直在吵架。He looked too young to have been publishing for five years(状语) 他看起来太年轻了,不像是五年中一直在发表著作。He appeared to have been waiting a long time(表语)他看来已经等了很长时间了。They are said to have been collecting folk songs in Yunnan (主补)据说他们一直在云南收集民歌。Im sorry to have been troubling you all the time (状

11、语) 很抱歉总不断给你添麻烦。He pretended to have been sleeping(宾语)他假装一直在睡觉。注:wish to have been doing真希望曾一直做某事 Wish to have done 真希望曾做某事了She wished to have been working in the movie studio with her friends(宾) 她真希望过去一直能和她的朋友们一起在电影制片厂工作。I know him to have been studying how to play the piano(宾补)我知道他一直在学弹钢琴。注:不定式的进行式

12、、完成式(主动与被动)、完成进行式在句中作状语时,做原因状语,但是完成主动式与完成进行式也常用于tooto结构中作结果状语动名词动名词有四种形式主动 被动 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done 一般被动式:动名词的被动式表示动名词与逻辑主语是被动关系。完成被动式表示发生在所在句子谓语动词之前的被动行为。可做主、表、宾 I dont mind being laughed at (宾) 我不怕别人笑话。 No one likes being thought a fool (宾) 谁也不愿被人看做傻瓜。 He came witho

13、ut being asked (宾) 他不请自来。 Being seen is being believed (主、表) Being fooled annoyed her (主) 被骗惹怒了她。He resented having been criticized by the manager(宾) 他对经理的批评感到不满。He felt so ashamed for having been made fool of(宾) 他因为被愚弄而感到不好意思。完成主动式:表示动作发生在所在句子的谓语动词之前的主动行为。做主表宾。He didnt mention having met her(宾) 他没有

14、提到曾遇到过他。After having finished the written work,I went on to read the text(宾) 做完书面作业以后,我接着读课文。Having finished the task surprised me (主)现在分词现在分词有四种形式主动 被动 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done一般式的被动式与主动式能做定、状、补The building being repaired is our dining hall(定) 正在被修缮的是我们的食堂。As we approached the village we saw new houses being built(宾补) 走近村子时,我们看到正在盖新房。Being caught in the rain,he was wet to the skin(状) 由于让雨淋着,他浑身都湿透了。完成式主要作状语Having drunk the coffee,he washed the cup and put it away 喝完咖啡,他把杯子洗净,放了起来。Having been asked to stay,I couldnt very well leave 人家请我留下,我就不好离开了。用完成



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