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1、读后续写句子背诵1. shamewashed over her face.(涌入,涌上)突然一个新念头涌进我的脑海。Suddenly, a new idea washed over/occurred tome.2. 她听到这个消息很激动,说不出一句话。Thrilled atthe good news, she couldnt say a word。3. 当他来到他父亲的家时,他突然感到悲伤和懊悔。when he arrived at his fathers house, suddenly sadness and regret filledhis heart.4.Angrily,heraised

2、hisvoicetohisfatherand said, Withallyourmoneyyougivemea Bible?年轻人怒气冲冲地向父亲大喊道:“你有那么多钱,却只给我一本圣经 ?”5. He then stormed/dashed out ofthe house, leaving the Bible.然后他丢下圣经,愤怒地冲出房子。6. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man

3、s name embossed in gold.年轻人好奇地,但有些失望地打开了盒子。发现一本漂亮的,皮封面的,用金字刻着年轻人的名字的Bible。7. He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.他站着不说一句话,眼泪从脸颊上滚下来。8. never live someone elses dream.不能为了别人的梦想而活着。9. If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what yo

4、u truly want.假如你的选择权仅限于似乎可能或合理的范围内, 你将远离自己的真心。10. Frozen with fear,he stood rooted to the spot.他因恐惧而呆住,站在那儿一动不动。11. Consumed充满 with/Overwhelmed by fear, Mac didnt know what to say.被恐惧淹没,Mac不知道说什么。12. He comprehended the gravity of the situation。他意识到问题的严重性。13. Time seemed to stand still, though they

5、were probably there for only two or three minutes.时间似乎停止了,尽管他们可能只在那儿二至三分钟。14.A sense of strength immediately replaced the mounting fear and anxiety in Janes mind.一股力量立刻取代了Jane不断增长的恐惧和焦虑。15. Makcik was lying in bed, unconscious.Makcik躺在那里,没有一点知觉。16. Jane and Toms joy was immense.Jane and Tom 十分快乐。17.

6、 the thought of fear crossed his mind.他突然闪现一丝恐惧。18. The event that stands out inToms memory让Tom记忆深刻的事件19. Shepoundedthe door她砰砰地敲门。20. Mac was frightened to death./ Mac was terribly scared/ struck by fear.Mac怕得要死。21. Frozen冻住得 /Numb麻木得 with fear/Frightened害怕的, Mac couldnt say anything.怕的说不出话。22. A f

7、rightened feeling crept匍匐/ swept横扫 over his heart.一种害怕的感觉席卷心头。23. Macs heart was beating wildly/violently /was pounding and his hands were shaking. His face turned pale and eyes were full of horror.Mac心跳加速,手颤抖。他的脸色变的苍白,眼里满是恐惧。24. Mac shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles.Mac全身颤抖着,

8、如坐针毡。25. My mind was quite focused, my spirit firm, and my mood entirely free of worry.我集中思绪,坚定精神 担心的情绪完全没了。26. marvelous/amazing/breathtaking了不起的吃惊的惊险的27. fascinated/obsessed with/passionatewith/enthusiastic about着迷的热情的28. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿无事不成;有志者事竟成29. A man who fails to reach the Great wall is no a here.不到长城非好汉。30. What he said reached something deep inside me.他说的话到直戳我的内心。2


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