八年级英语下册 Unit 7 International Charities Reading 1导学案(新版)牛津版

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1、八年级英语下册 Unit 7 International Charities Reading 1导学案(新版)牛津版 【学习目标】1、通过预习,熟悉文中单词、词组。2、总体了解课文。【课前热身】一、熟练朗读下面单词。1 采访者(n、)interviewer 动词:interview2 失明(n、)blindness 形容词:blind3 主要地,大部分地(adv、)mostly 形容词:most4 案例,病例(n、)case5医学的,医疗的(adj、)medical 名词:medicine6 治疗(n、)treatment 动词:treat7 病人(n、)patient8 买得起,能做 (v、

2、)afford9 做手术(v、)operate 名词:operation10 自豪的,骄傲的(adj)proud11 读者(n、)reader12 医学,药 (n、)medicine(不可数)13 发展,加强(v、)develop 名词:development14治疗;处理(v、)treat15 治愈 (v、)cure二、熟练背诵下列词组,并在课文中划出。1告诉我们一些有关失明的事情tell us something about blindness2 有其他的眼科问题have other eye problems3 主要在贫困地区mostly in poor areas4 百分之八的这些病例8

3、0 per cent of these cases5 能够被防止或治愈 can be prevented or cured6 有钱接受医疗 have money for medical treatment7 志愿医生volunteer doctors8 给某人做手术do operations on sb/do an operation on sb、/operate on sb、9 被用作培训中心be used as a training centre10在医院工作work in a hospital11 去看病 go to hospital12 我们的许多病人 many of our pati

4、ents13 没有钱去看病 cant afford to go to hospital14 负担不起某事/负担不起做某事 cant afford sth/cant afford to do sth、15 不得不到他们那儿去have to go to them16 在飞机(船,火车)上 on board17 被邀请到飞机上学习眼科手术 be invited on board to learn about eye operations18教他们新的技能 teach them new skills19 通过训练他们 by training them20 希望帮助更多的人 hope to help m

5、ore people21 在我上一次的采访期间 during my last visit22 自豪的作某事 be proud to do sth、23 感到自豪帮助人们重见光明 be proud to help people see again24 改善他们的生活 improve their lives25对我们的读者说 say to our readers26现代医学 modern medicine27 继续开展我们的工作 carry on with our work28继续开展某事 carry on with sth、29 环游世界travel around the world30有眼病的

6、人 people with eye problems31 当地的医生和护士local doctors and nurses32空中飞行眼科医院a flying eye hospital三、完成P52,53的练习通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问 【学海拾贝】仔细阅读课文,回答下列问题1、How many people does blindness affect around the world? Where are they mostly from? _2、 How many sick people can be cured or prevented?_3、 Why dont some peopl

7、e receive medical treatment?_4 Why dont ORBIS doctors work in a hospital?_5、 How many operations did Dr Ma do during his last visit? _6、 Is the plane only a place to do operations? _【堂清巩固】一 单词拼写1、80 percent of the cases of _ (blind)can be cured or prevented、2、 At present, Mr、 Li is in hospital recei

8、ving _ (medicine)treatment、3、 Dr、 Ma does five _ (operate)every day、4、 Theyre all nurses, _ (most)from the poor countries、5、 ORBIS doctors help to (改善)the lives of patients、6、UNICEF is one of _ (organize), isnt it?7、80 percent of these cases can be (prevent)、8、ORBIS uses a (fly)eye hospital to visit

9、 poor countries、二、单项选择。( )1、Many people eye problems visit the ORBIS plane、 A、 on B、 with C、 have D、 has( )2、This book is_ hard _ understand、 A、 too; to B、 enough; to C、 so; to D、 so; that ( )3、We hope people will support our work by to ORBIS、 A、 sending donations B、 send donations C、 sending donati

10、on D、 send donation( )4、A knife was used the back door、 A、 open B、 to open C、 opens D、 to opening( )5、Dr、 Lin was not on so many patients every day、 A、 used to working B、 used to works C、 used to work D、 used working( )6、Mr Dong live in the old Walled City、 So he knows it very well、 A、 used to B、 is

11、 used to C、 has used to D、 used to( )7、He hopes to the moon some day、 A to fly B 、fly C、 flying D、 flies( )8、Our computer teacher taught us new 、 A、 skills and knowledge B、 skills and knowledges C、 skill and knowledge D、 skill and knowledge ( )9、Elephants carry wood by people long time ago、 A、 was trained B、 trained to C、 train to D、 were trained to( )10、All the children should be helped when they are 、 They should alsobe treated with 、A、 sickness, kind B、 sick, kindness C、 kind, sick D 、 sick, kind 第 7 页 共 7 页



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