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1、父母资助信样本中文版签证官同志:我们是 (被资助人姓名) 的父母,我们完全支持 (被资助人姓名) 的自费留学出国要求, 并为她/他提供所需要的全部学习生活费用。父亲 (父亲姓名)在(单位名称) 工作,主要从事 (工作描述);母亲(母亲姓名)在 (单位名称) 工作,主要从事 (工作描述)。因此 (被资助人姓名)出国留学全部费用,都是来源于我们的合法收入。此致敬礼(被资助人姓名) 父亲:(签字)(被资助人姓名)母亲:(签字)日期英文版本1Dear Sir or Madam,We are the parents of (被资助人姓名) and totally support her/his requ

2、est to going abroadto pursue her/his undergraduate/graduate studies in the UK. We can provide her/him with all the expenses while in the UK. (父亲姓名),her/his father, (职位名称), works in (单位名称) , responsible for (工作描述). (母亲姓名), her/his mother,(职位名称),works in (单位名称). responsible for (工作描述). Therefore, all

3、the expenses 被资助人姓名 needed for her/his studying and stay in the UK come from our legal earnings.Best wishesSincerely yours,(父亲签字)(父亲姓名)(被资助人姓名)s father(母亲签字)(母亲姓名)(被资助人姓名)s mother英文版本2Dear visa officer:Our daughter/son , XXX , will persue her/his undergraudate studies in the UK. As her/his parents,we will fully support her/his expenses incurred in the UK during these years by our legal income.The expenses includes the tuition, accommodation fee and other expenses .Best wishes,Sincerely yours,XXXs Father:XXX s Mather:日期1


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