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1、GRE写作优秀范文之科学的作用 GRE考试栏目为大家 “GRE写作优秀范文之科学的作用”,希望广大的考生能有所收获。想了解更多关于GRE考试的讯息,的更新。 The function of scien is to reassure; thepurpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the valueof each. 科学的作用是解惑;艺术的目的是创新。只有这样他们才各得其所。 Scien and art are two of the most gloriousfields in which numerous people have de theirgre

2、at contributions. As the society develops, peoplecon rn more about the function of scien , of artand of other realms. Some y argue that the function of scien is to reassure, and thepurpose of art is to upset, however, as far as I am con rned, scien and art have moresignificant values than just to re

3、assure or to upset people. The in function of scien is to propel the development of hu n society and toprovide people the power to understand the nature and ourselves. In the primordial days ofthe hu n history, when the con ption of scien first emerged, scien was to answerpeoples questions and to sa

4、tisfy peoples curiosity towards myriad mysteriousphenomenon. If we understand the scien in such way, we cant see clear differen etween the inchoate religion and the inchoate scien , because, the functions of both ofthem are nearly the same, and both contain totally absurd theories if one stu s them

5、today. One y agree that in that period of time, scien was largely to reassure peoples feartowards the mysteries just as what religions try to do. However, the development of scien finally kes it an important tool for us tounderstand the nature and to change the nature in our favor. The understanding

6、 of electricityexpels the old thought that the thunder is a sign indicating that the god is angry. Theadvan ment achieved in medicine greatly elongate hu ns life, and nowadays people nolonger depend on rtain rituals to give them health. Discoveries and inventions alike havetransformed our society in

7、to the nowadays form, and provide us great power to determineour future. If scien is only to reassure us, how can we achieve the feats we have dethrough our history? As Francis Bacon on said, Knowledge is power, the true function ofscien is to give us the power to conquer the difficulties we confron

8、t. Unlike scien , arts which seldom give us the power to better our terial lives, inlycon rn about our spiritual lives. Admittedly, some arts actually upset people by let us see theweakness of the hu n nature or the darkness of our society, as the art works of Michelangelo. However, arts possess muc

9、h more functions than just upset us. Arts can ease our emotionsand reassure us, as the music of Mozart does; arts can give us confiden and braveness, asthe music of Beethoven does; arts can also us what philosophy is, as the music of Mahlerdoes. Although arts possess so ny functions,one can judge th

10、at the jor function of art isto represent the life and to present the artists ideals. Most literary works, such as fictions, poems, dra s, give us a vivid i ge of the society. Other forms of arts have the same kind offunctions. For example, Tchaikovsky posed music to represent the hard life of the m

11、onRussian people, while Van Gogh drew pictures to represent the beauty of the nature. Thererealso other pie s of art showing us the inner part of the artists, for instan , therepresentative new trend movie four hundred blows. By presenting the life and the ideals, arts give us true understanding of

12、our circumstan s and ourselves in a spiritual way. Arts cannot explain why it rains,but it explains how people feel about the rainy day. Before we can ke full utilization of any subjects of study, we must at first understandtheir in functions and values to our society. For example, if we depend upon

13、 rituals and remonies to give us fortune and luck and to provide us enough to eat, we y probably of hunger. The true value of these rituals and remonies lies in the fact that they are crucialpart of our culture. Its the same case for scien and art, if we hold the opinion that scien isonly to reassur

14、e people, and art is only to upset people, we cant see the importan of thesetwo subjects to our society. Its possible that we ignore the development of them, andsequentially our society wont develop without the breakthroughs de in scien , and ourcitizens wont lead a happy life and will stay in an ig

15、norant status without the existen ofgreat art works. Scien and art, as discussed above, are crucial to our society. Admittedly, scien canreassure people by explain the mysterious phenomenon, and arts can upset people by letus see things we cant discover with our own eyes. However, if we simply regard scien and artthis way, we would miss so much that our society will stop developing or even collapse into s. 模板,内容仅供参考


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