2020-2021学年七年级下册英语人教习题课件 Unit 4 单元同步阅读能力提升和作文指导

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《2020-2021学年七年级下册英语人教习题课件 Unit 4 单元同步阅读能力提升和作文指导》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020-2021学年七年级下册英语人教习题课件 Unit 4 单元同步阅读能力提升和作文指导(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版,单元同步阅读能力提升,第一课时,一、完形填空。 Hello!I am Andy.I have a(n) _1_ classmate.His name is Moma.Today is his _2_ day at school. Moma doesnt know the school _3_He is noisy in class.“Be _4_!” the teacher says._5_ Moma doesnt listen to him.After lunch,Moma draws many big and black _6_ on his desk and on the tea

2、chers books. The teacher is so angry (生气的).He _7_ Moma stand at the back of the classroom.“Im _8_!” Moma says,Its my first time to come to school.I dont know the school rules,but I can _9_” We all want to _10_ Moma.We tell him the rules and write them down for him.Moma knows the rules and wants to b

3、e a good student. ( )1.A.newBoldCbigDsmall ( )2.A.next Bfirst Clast Donly ( )3.A.rules Btime Cwork Dlife ( )4.A.clean Bdirty Cquiet Ddifferent ( )5.A.And BBut COr DBecause,A,B,A,C,B,)6.A.cards Bstories Cbooks Dpictures ( )7.A.thinks Blets Casks Dlooks ( )8.A.fine Bbusy Chappy Dsorry ( )9.A.fight Ble

4、arn Cteach Dfind ( )10.A.call Bbring Chelp Dfollow,D,B,D,B,C,二、阅读理解。 Tom has a happy family.There are some rules in his family. Keep healthy Being healthy is important.Toms family play sports for one hour every day.Tom is in the school swimming club.And his parents run every morning. Evening time is

5、 family time They cant watch TV or play computer games after dinner.The family usually sit (坐) on the sofa and talk.Tom always talks about his school and friends,Sometimes they take a walk together. Always say “I love you” and “Thank you” Tom says “I love you” to his parents in the morning before he

6、 goes to school,and in the evening before he goes to bed.His parents say it to him,too.When Tom helps his mother,she says “Thank you”They show their love and thanks all the time (一直,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( )11.What club does Tom join? AThe swimming club. BThe running club. CThe tennis club. DThe soccer clu

7、b. ( )12.Tom usually _ after dinner. Aplays computer games Btalks with his parents Ctakes a walk with his parents Dlistens to music,A,B,)13.When does Tom say “I love you” to his parents? ABefore he gets up. BAt breakfast. CIn the afternoon. DBefore he goes to bed. ( )14.What can we know from the pas

8、sage (文章)? AToms father doesnt exercise every day. BTom cant watch TV at home in the afternoon. CTom has many good friends. DTom always says “I love you” at home,D,D,)15.The passage mainly (主要地) talks about _. Aexercise and being healthy Bhow to talk with your parents Csome rules in a happy family D

9、showing love and thanks often,C,三、根据短文内容及所给提示或语法要求,在空缺处填入一个适当的单词。 My name is John.There are some rules in my school.I must 16._ (wear) the school uniform when Im at school.I must arrive 17._ school on time every day.I must 18._ books in the morning.I cant be late for school.I cant listen 19._ music

10、or eat in class.I cant be noisy and must keep 20._ in the classroom.I cant run in the hallways,wear,at,read,to,quiet,And I cant 21._ with our classmates because we are friends.I cant keep my 22._ (hair) long.And I must keep it short.I cant leave dirty things in the classroom.After class,I must eat i

11、n the dining hall and I cant go 23._ for dinner.I can play sports in the afternoon.Its 24._ (relax).I feel very happy.I love these rules at school.They can help 25. _(I) every day,fight,hair,out,relaxing,me,人教版,第二课时Section B (3a3c) 单元同步作文指导,本单元我们主要学习了如何使用祈使句来表示请求、命令、劝告、警告、禁止。事实上,祈使句在我们的实际生活中使用非常普遍,在

12、写作中出现的频率也很高。因此,通过本单元的学习,同学们要学会使用祈使句来表达规章制度。同时掌握情态动词can,must及have to的基本用法。 教材中出现的相关句型: Dont arrive late for class. Dont be late for class.上课不要迟到。 Dont run in the hallways.不准在走廊里跑。 You must eat in the dining hall.你必须在食堂吃饭,Dont listen to music in class.上课不准听音乐。 Dont fight.不准打架。 Help mom make breakfast.

13、帮助妈妈做早饭。 I cant listen to music in the classroom or hallways.我不能在教室或走廊里听音乐。 I have to wear a uniform at school.在学校我不得不穿校服。 We must be on time for class.我们必须准时上课,Tina是你校新来的一名学生,不了解你校的规章制度,请你根据以下提示向她介绍一下。 提示:1.上课不能迟到; 2不许在教室里吃东西; 3不许在课堂上听音乐、玩游戏; 4图书室里要保持安静; 5不能在走廊里跑; 6不能打架。 要求:60词左右,Welcome to our sch

14、ool,Tina.Here are some of our school rules.Let me tell you.We cant arrive late for class.We cant eat in the classroom,but we can eat in the dining hall.We cant listen to music or play games in class,either.We must be quiet in the library.We cant run in the hallways and we mustnt fight,无规矩不成方圆,生活中总有各

15、种规则约束着我们。英语课上,老师要求大家谈一谈家规。假如你是王燕,请你根据以下提示和要求,完成一篇英语短文,介绍你的家规,并在课堂上与同学们分享。 提示:1.What rules do you have in your family? 2What do you think of these rules? 3. 要求:1.句子通顺、语意连贯、语法正确; 2包含对所有问题的回答,可适当发挥; 3不少于60词(开头已给出,不计入总词数,There are many rules at my home. In_the_morning, I_cant_get_up_late.Then_I_have_to_

16、make_my_bed.After_breakfast,I_need_to_do_the_dishes_sometimes.From_Monday_to_Friday,I_cant_watch_TV_or_play_computer_games_in_the_evening.I_can_relax_on_weekends, but_I_cant_go_out_at_night.My_parents_always_say_these_rules_are_important_for_me.I_think_these_rules_are_strict_but_useful_for_me,病号1:Not run in the hallways. 【处方】该句为祈使句的否定形式。当祈使句的主语为第二人称时,主语通常省略,其否定形式直接在动词原形之前加Dont。故原句中的Not应改为Dont。 病号2:Do


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