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1、修正版Hello, everyone! Welcome to Only international education school!Before I introduce myself, Id like you to meet a couple of super stars. (在自我介绍以前,我首先要向大家展示几位超级巨星。)The first star is Andy(刘德华), a famous singer and movie star. Next, a shining star from Taiwan, Jay(周杰伦)Do you like Jay? Can you say som

2、ething about him? Also, I will give you Jolin(蔡依林)。Among Jolins songs, which is your favorite? Among Jolins songs, which one do you like best?And the pretty girl, Angela(张绍涵)Last but not least, a very famous person from China and I am sure everyone of you has met her 最后隆重登场的是来自中国大陆的名人,我肯定大家都见过她Emily

3、 Dai?You dont know Emily Dai? Oh, my god! She is such a famous person but you dont know her? What a shame!(真可惜!)I know maybe some of you dont think I am famous, but in my parents husbands wifes girlfriends boyfriends eyes, I am a super star!OK!Boys and girls. May I have your attention, please?No mor

4、e jokes. Lets discuss something more serious. (玩笑开大了,下面大家跟我来讨论一个严肃的话题。)Here are five lovely gifts and I really want to give them to you.But,first,you have to find out five differences between Emily Dai in the pictureand Emily Dai in front of you in English.只要大家找出照片中的天皇巨星和我之间的五个不同,我就把这五个漂亮的礼物奖励给大家!要用

5、英语噢!OK, boy, now please tell me how I look different from Emily Dai in the picture? Well, girl. You find any differences?You, please. What differences have you found? What about you? Any differences?Id like you to find another difference.(做简单评论)(可能的互动用语)What? I look fatter than in the picture? Thats

6、 terrible!Yes! You are brilliant clever smart! Here is the gift for you!Look. Usually we do not say “A girl is handsome”, but rather “A girl is beautiful”, but thanks anyway.附注:1、 本环节的歌曲用音频编辑软件从不同歌曲截取小段后,再连接成一个音乐文件,在公开课上如果要播放歌曲片段来增强课堂效果,可由授课教师或专人来控制播放。2、 本环节的明星图片提供有高清晰度文件,可用于写真打印。教师自己的写真照最好与明星图片打印成同

7、等尺寸和设计风格,加强以假乱真的搞笑效果。当然,最好使用PPT,提高课堂效率和展示效果。3、课前准备好合适的礼物。附:两个可供选择的自我介绍,但是与下一个“找不同点的环节”的内容设计衔接不上,后者需要另行设计。1. Before I tell you my name, I will first introduce to you a famous person: Edison (此处最好展示一下爱迪森的图片). Believe it or not, he is my son, so now, can you guess what my name is? Great! This student i

8、s really smart! My name is Eddie, thats why Edison is my son. OK now, say hello to me! Eddie, EddiePretty good.!2. Do you know my name? First, I will give you a puzzle. My name is made up of four letters(四个字母) and you can find them in the following four words: “Educational recourses Information cent

9、er”. Who can guess what my name is? Great! You are so smart! My English name is “Eric”!Well, you have done a great job just now. 大家刚才表现不错!Next, Id like to interview a student among you. 下面我要现场采访一个同学。May I know your name? Which super star do you like best? Do you want to become a famous person like h

10、im her?Oh! You are a typical traditional Chinese person.(噢!你是个很传统的中国人。)Wonderful! You are an ambitious person! Come on. Please shake hands with me! Give me a hug! I want to be your first fan. (来,请允许我与未来的明星握个手! 拥抱一下,让我成为你的第一个粉丝。) Great! Ive got my photo with the future superstar! (太棒了!我有了一张与未来天皇巨星的合影

11、。)Miss Superstar Mr. Superstar, do you think it is difficult to be successful? (请问明星小姐明星先生,您认为要获得大的成就难不难?)(Yes. You are right. In addition to motives, it takes courage and self-breakthroughs to reach final success. So here Id like to tell you something about American Eagle. (没错!我们想要获得大的成就,不仅要有强烈的动机,

12、更需要极大的勇气和不断的自我超越。)Here Id like to give you a psychometric saikEUmetrik test to find out whether you are a determined person or not.因此,在此我要给大家做一个心理测试,看看你们是不是言出必行的人。I am going to ask you five questions and after each question there will be three choices, A, B and C for you to choose from. 大家在做心理测试的选择题

13、时可以留意记一下自己做的a、b、c三个选项哪个占多数。)Here Id like to invite two students to come to the front and write their answers on the blackboard. 在此我还要请两位同学上台来,把他们的答案写在黑板上。1) If you have a plan, how long can you stick to it? (如果你制定了一个计划,你能够坚持多久?)a. a year b. a month c. a week2) If you decide to lose weight, will you

14、still eat cakes, chocolate or something sweet? (如果你决定减肥,你还会吃蛋糕、巧克力或其他甜食吗?)a. no b. a little c. a lot3) If you forget to take money with you, will you walk a long way home? (如果你没有随身带钱,你会走路回家吗?)a. yes b. no c. maybe4) If you have a lot of homework to do today, will you go to bed after finishing it?(如果

15、你有很多功课要做,你会做完后再睡吗?)a. Yes b. No c. Maybe5) If you make an appointment with someone but it begins to rain hard right after, would you still stick to it? (如果你约了人见面但马上就下起倾盆大雨,你还会赴约吗?)a. Yes b. No c. MaybeAll right. Here Id like to check your answers and find out what kind person you are. (下面我们对一下答案,看看大家通过这个小小的心理测试可以发现自己属于哪种类型的人。)If you choose “a” the most, you are willing to succeed.(如果你的答案中“a”居多,说明你是个渴望成功的人。)If you choose “b” the most, you need to work harder.(如果你的答案中“b”居多,意味着你得多多努力了。)If you choose “c” the most, it


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