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1、新概念一61-70课测试题一 单词填空。(10分)1.记得 2.电话 3.news 4.头痛 5.temperature 6.胃痛 7.油腻的 8.保持,继续 9.图书馆 10.如此的 11.火柴 12.noise 13.你自己 14.我们自己 15.我自己 16.他自己 17.她自己 18.他们自己 19.幸运的 20.grocery 二用复数形式改写以下句子。(10分)1.He looks ill. 2. She has a headache. 3.There is an eraser on the floor. 4.This is my friend. 5.This isnt my pa

2、ssport. 三按要求填空。(10分)1、I (宾格) 2.go (动词三单) 3.swim (现在分词) 4.city (复数)5.sea (同音词) 6.usual (反义词)7.wife (复数) 8.these (单数)9.do (第三人称单数) 10.China (形容词)四选择。(10分)1.Wheres Jimmy? Hes in bed.A.a B. the C./ D.his 2.Can I see please?A.his B.he C.hes D.him3.Whats the matter him?A.with B.of C.in D.on 4.Can you reme

3、mber the telephone number?A.doctors B.doctors C.doctor is D.is doctor 5.Thats good news for Jimmy.A.at B.on C.of D.for 6.Does he a temperature , doctor?A.have B.has C.have got D.has got 7.Can I have the key the front door?A. of B.to C. with D.for 8. you at the butchers? Yes, I am. A.Are B.Is C.Were

4、D.Was 9.We stay at my mothers for the weekend.A. is going to B.are going to C.am going to D.going to 10.Can you across the river?Aswims B.swimming C.to swim D.swim 五介词填空。(for ,with , under, over , at, in, on , between,)(10分)1.Mr.Jones and his family are walking the bridge.2.Billy is looking _ a big

5、ship.3.The ship is going _ the bridge.4.The bird is singing _ the tree.5.The sun is shining _ the sky.6.There are some small boats _ the river.7.The children are sitting _ their mother and father.8.Whats the matter _ you?9.I lost my pen. Im looking _ it.10.The plane is flying _ the mountains.六时刻表达。(

6、9分)3:20_ _ _ 5:55 _ _ _1:30 _ _ _ 2:08 _ _ _11:50 _ _ _ 4:45 _ _ _七用动词的正确形式填空。(10分)1.My friends _ (play) games now.2.Yesterday I _ (be) at my grandmas .3.He _ (be) in the sea an hour ago. 4.Look! Sally is _ (dance). 5.My sister _ (be not)here just now.6.What _ you _ (do) tomorrow?7._ you _(listen) t

7、o the music? Yes, I am.8.In 1995,there _(be) a very big race.9.Can I _(have) the key to the front door?10.She always _(go) to school late.八英汉互译。(16分)1.Butyoumustntcomehomeafteraquarterpasteleven. 2Hemustremaininbedforanothertwodays. 3.Weregoingtospendthreedaysinthecountry. 4.Thereisacarracenearourto

8、wneveryyear. 5.你老板怎么对他说的? 6.其他五辆车就跟在他后面. 7.他上周缺课了吗? 8.能给我前门的钥匙吗? 九阅读理解。(7.5 分)Iamastudent.Igojoggingeverymorning,andIgoswimming twiceaweek.Ispentalotoftimeplayingallkindsofballgames.Ilike football,volleyball,andpingpong.Iamverygoodatfootball,soIplay intheschoolteam.Afterschool,Ilikeplayingpingpongwi


10、。(7.5分)MynameisMaryandIhaveabrotherandasister,DavidandHelen.Forbreakfast,wealllikehamburgers.HelenandIlikemilk,butDavid doesnt.Idontlikeeggsforbreakfast,butDavidandHelendo.Ilikemeatforlunch.Ilikefruitforsupper.Wereallylikechickenandsaladfordinner.Ilikefriedchickenandsaladwithcarrots.Davidlikessaladwithfruit.Helenthinkseverythingforsaladisfine.1.Marylikeseggsforlunch.( )2.Davidlikesmilkforbreakfast.( )3.MaryandHelenlikesfriedchicken.( )4.D


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