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1、中英对照经典英语故事 故事永远伴随着我们,伴随着我们的学习,从童年到老年,从课堂到职场,从故土到异乡。因此我们说,学习始于故事。本文是中英对照经典英语故事,希望对大家有帮助! 回声和那喀索斯 Narcissus was a handsome youth. His lovely fa _ and gra _ful form were the admiration of all who looked upon him. And he knew it. He was proud that he thought no one but himself was worthy to see his yout

2、hful beauty. Thus given up to sweet thoughts of self, Narcissus avoided all pany. He roamed the wooded little valleys every day, _dly in love with himself. 那喀索斯是位英俊的青年,面容可爱,体形优美,每个见到他的人都羡慕不已。他骄傲地认为,除了自己之外,没有人配欣赏他那充满青春气息的美貌。因而,他沉溺于甜美的自我欣赏之中,远离所有人。每天他在苍翠蓊郁的小山谷中闲逛,疯狂地爱着自己。 When he was delightfully wand

3、ering through the woods one day, a wood fairy _iden, Echo by name, caught sight of him. She was excited at on _. Joyfully ing down towards Narcissus, she stretched out her loving arms. To her dis _y, however, the young _n roughly brushed her aside and went by without so much as a glan _ at her. The

4、poor fairy _idens fa _ turned red and quickly withdrew to a shady spot, following the object of her love with her longing eyes. 一天,那喀索斯在树林中愉快地游荡。一位名叫回声的林中仙女看见了他,她立刻兴奋不已。她高兴地走向那喀索斯,伸出爱的双臂。然而,令她吃惊的是,这位青年粗暴地将她推开,连看都不看她一眼就走开了。可怜的仙女羞红了脸,迅速退到遮阴处,含情脉脉地凝望着心上人。 Presently Narcissus stopped to drink from a lit

5、tle stream. Kneeling down on the bank,he saw a lovely fa _ in the clear water. His heart gave a beat. lie _iled and was _iled back to. Thinking that it must be a _iden in love with him, he bent down to kiss her. But as soon as he touched the clear su _ _ the lovely fa _ disappeared. The angry youth

6、was now desperate. Never had he been looked down upon like that before. Day and night,he stayed at the stream without drinking and eating. Before long he _d, never suspecting that his _iden was just his own i _ge in the stream. The gods took pity on the fair dead body and turned it into a flower bea

7、ring his name. This flower was the first narcissus. All the flowers of this family, when they grow by the side of a pond or a stream, still bend their beautiful heads and look at the reflection of their own fa _s in the water. 不久,那喀索斯在一条小溪边停下饮水。当他跪在岸边时,他发现清澈的溪水中有一张可爱的面庞。他的心扑通跳着,他对着水中的人微笑,水中人也给了他 一个微

8、笑。他认为,一定是一位仙女爱上了他。于是,他俯下身子去吻她。但是,当他的嘴唇一接触清澈的溪水,水中可爱的面容就消失了。这位恼怒的青年人此时 变得绝望了,他从未受过如此的鄙视。他日夜待在溪边,不吃不喝,不久就死了,但他从未怀疑过水中的女子只是自己的影子罢了。众神非常怜悯他那优美的躯体, 将之变成了一朵花,和青年同名,这朵花就是第一朵水仙花,当它们生长在池塘或溪流旁时,仍然低下它们美丽的头看着水里自己的影子。 The intoxicated Echo saw all this. Slowly she became weak, until at last nothing re _ined of he

9、r ex _pt her voi _. 那位陶醉于爱河的回声亲眼目睹了这一切她日斩憔悴,最后,除了声音之外,她化为了乌有。 The North Wind and the Sun had a contest of strength. They decided to allot the palm ofvictory to whichever of them could strip the clothes off a traveler. 北风和太阳较量谁的威力大。他们决定谁能剥去一个行人的衣服,谁就是胜利者。 The North Wind first tried his power. He blew

10、 with all his might. As the _n clung on to hisclothes, the North Wind attacked him with greater for _. But the _n,unfortable from thecold, put on more clothes. So, disheartened, the North Wind left him to the Sun. 北风第一个施展威力,他使尽全力刮起来。当行人把一衣服裹紧时,北风更猛烈地吹着他,行人却冷得难受,又穿上了更多的衣裳。最后,北风心灰意冷地把那人交给了太阳。 The Sun

11、shone moderately, and the _n removed his extra cloak. Then the Sun darted lightwhich was more scorching until the _n, not being able to stand the heat,took off his clothesand went to take a dip in a nearby river. 太阳温和地照着,行人脱掉了添加的斗篷。然后,太阳射出的光更强烈了,行人难耐高温,脱下衣服,跳到附近的河里洗澡去了。 This fable shows that persuas

12、ion is often more effective than for _. 这则寓言说明,劝说往往比 _更有效。 Noah was a righteous _n, blameless among the people of his time. Now the earth was corrupt in Gods sight and full of violen _. So God said to Noah, I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violen _ because of them

13、. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish. But with you I will _ke a covenant. Make yourself an ark of cypress wood, _ke

14、 rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. You shall go into the ark,you and your sons, your wife and your sons wives with you. And you shall bring into the ark two of all living creatures, _le and fe _le. to keep them alive with you. Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of ani _l and o

15、f every kind of creature that moves along the ground will e to you to be kept alive. You are to take and store every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them. 诺亚是一个正直的人,在当时所有人中无可挑剔。上帝看见整个世界腐朽了,到处充斥着 _。于是上帝对诺亚说:我要毁灭所有的人类,世上因为他们而 充满着 _。我一定要毁掉他们以及这个世界。我要让洪水在全世界泛滥,消灭天下所有活着的生命,以及地上有气息的万物。世上的一切都将消亡。但我要与你立 约,你要用柏木为自己造一艘方舟,分一间一间地造,再把船的里里外外涂上松脂。你到时带着你的 _们、妻子和儿媳一起进入方舟。你还要带上各种生物上船, 每种两只,一雌一雄,在船上把它们喂养好。每种飞禽两只、每种走兽两只、每种爬虫两只。你还要带上各种吃的东西,储存在船上,作为你们和动物的食粮。 Noah did everything just as God _nded him. 诺亚遵照上帝的话,一一照办了。 Noah was six hundred years o



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