第一部分 必修一 Unit 1 综合演练测与评

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1、(30分钟限时训练).完形填空When I was a college student at your age,I also faced the same problem as you.I guess it is a very _1_feeling the current college students have.Due to my bad NCEEs score,I had no _2_ to go to the top universities in China.Even worse,_3_ the campus (校园),I threw away the _4_ of learning

2、 in the high school and just _5_ with other guys in the campus and even didnt go to class sometimes.I _6_ lost myself at that time.I didnt become aware of the _7_ in front of me until my last year in college.I _8_ realized that with my poor English,my low scores and my lack of technical expertise I

3、would be _9_ up by the rat race in modern society of China.So I began to study hard including my English from the _10_ beginning.I participated in the _11_ contest and did some projects with my mentor.I even _12_ the scholarship that year.I did whatever I can to improve my personal skills _13_.After

4、 I graduated from university,I made a _14_,that is,to leave the city I had been for 4 years,and went to Shanghai to seek the _15_ I want to be indeed and hope one day my dreams come true!语篇解读:本短文写作者向学弟或学妹谈自己大学期间学习的一些经历,以及英语能力使学习者在就业时可能拥有优势。1A.usual BcommonCordinary Daverage解析:common普遍的,常见的。答案:B2A.mo

5、ney BtimeCchance Dcourage解析:成绩不好,没有机会上重点大学。答案:C3A.entering BwanderingCleaving Dgraduating解析:进入大学后。答案:A4A.spirit BmethodCtheory Dattitude解析:中学的学习态度没了。答案:D5A.studied BworkedCplayed Dread解析:沉迷于玩耍。答案:C6A.totally BhardlyCslowly Dabsolutely解析:完全迷失了自己。答案:A7A.trouble BdifficultyCproblem Dchallenge解析:大四时,意识到

6、未来社会的挑战。答案:D8A.immediately BgraduallyCactually Dapparently解析:逐渐明白。答案:B9A.brought BswallowedCgiven Dcheered解析:没有过硬的本领,将被残酷的竞争吞没。答案:B10A.early BnewCvery Dgood解析:从头开始,very是形容词,有强调的意思。答案:C11A.programming BreadingCwriting Dsinging解析:从后面的project知道参加的比赛是程序设计。答案:A 12A.awarded BgotCprovided Drewarded解析:获奖学金。

7、答案:B13A.negatively BquicklyCactively Dpositively解析:行动上积极地提高自己。答案:C14A.determination BsuggestionCdifference Ddecision解析:毕业时决定。答案:D15A.work BpositionCsituation Dplace解析:寻找自己的位置。答案:B.语法填空Some people say,“Extreme sports are so dangerous,but_16_ would anyone want to do them?”But the danger is _17_ makes

8、them so exciting.Keep reading to find out about the most popular ones.Bungee jumping:People on some South Pacific islands have been bungee jumping for hundreds of years.In 1979,some people bungee jumped off a bridge in England and made _18_ sport popular around the world.Skateboarding:At first,this

9、sport _19_(call) “sidewalk surfing”Skateboarders,_20_ often jump high into the air,go down steps or slide down rails (轨道) on their boards,wear baggy trousers so they can move more _21_(free)Skydiving:This is probably the scariest extreme sport.Skydivers jump _22_ airplanes about four kilometers up i

10、n the sky.Theyre usually in a state of freefall for a while and then open a parachute _23_(slow) down for a safe landing.Snowboarding:This became a Winter Olympic sport in 1998.People fastened their feet to the board with special shoes and without _24_(use) any ski sticks.They ride down hills,jump h

11、igh _25_ do tricks.16解析:提出问题,“为什么有人想从事极限运动呢?”答案:why17解析:what在表语从句中作主语,“危险正是让人们感到刺激的东西”。答案:what18解析:表特指,指“极限运动”。答案:the19解析:“被称作”,这里用被动语态。答案:was called20解析:关系代词引导定语从句。答案:who21解析:副词作状语修饰more。答案:freely22解析:从距地面四千米高的飞机上往下跳。答案:from23解析:为了减速,不定式表目的。答案:to slow24解析:介词后用动名词。答案:using25解析:连接几个并列谓语。答案:and.阅读理解AA

12、 year ago August,Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan.His wife,Gerrie,was still working in the local school cafeteria,but work for Dave was scarce,and the price of everything was rising.The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recen


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