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1、高考英语 :“12 条规律”在手,完胜非谓语动词不再是梦!2015-05-20 奇速英语非谓语动词是英语高考中占分值最高的语法考查项目。然而,该语法项目形式多样,用法既灵活又复杂,难于理解,导致学生谈“非”色变。为帮助考生轻松应对非谓语动词的“刁难”,奇速英语小编结合高考非谓语动词考查热点,归纳了 12 条通俗易懂的解题规律。规律一:作定语时,doing 表主动、进行, being done 表被动、进行,done 表被动、完成,to do 表有待发生,to be done 表有待被发生。考例 1:The witnesses _by the police just now gave very

2、different descriptions of the fight.(2013 陕西卷)A. questioned B. being questionedC. to be questioned D. having questioned答案:A 。句意:那些刚才被警察询问的目击者就这次打架事件给出了完全不同的描述。空白处为后置定语,与被修饰的名词 the witnesses 是被动关系,而且表示已经发生的动作,故选 A。考例 2:Were having a meeting in half an hour. The decision _ at the meeting will influenc

3、e the future of our company.(2012 重庆卷)A. to be made B. being madeC. made D. having been made答案:A。句意:我们半小时后开会,会上所作的决定会影响我们公司的未来。空白处为后置定语,与被修饰的名词 decision 是被动关系,而且是将要发生的动作,故选 A。规律二:作主语时,doing 表抽象、一般的动作, to do 指具体、将要发生的动作,表被动要用 being done,done 不能作主语。考例:_ basic first-aid techniques will help you respond

4、 quickly to emergencies.(2013 福建卷)A. Known B. Having knownC. Knowing D. Being known答案:C。句意:了解基本的急救技巧能帮你快速应对紧急情况。分析句子结构可知画线处作主语,并表抽象动作,所以选择 C 项。奇速英语暑假网络互动直播课程,九天让你的英语成绩华丽转身,来不及的不是时间,而是行动,心动就马上行动,当你还在犹豫的时候,先报名的童鞋已经甩你很远了。又如:_to sunlight for too much time does harm to ones skin.A. Exposed B. Being expos

5、edC. Having exposed D. After being exposed答案:B。规律三:作补语时,to do 表动作全过程, doing 表主动进行, done 表被动或完成。考例 1:When we saw the road _with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.(2013 北京卷)A. block B. to block C. blocking D. blocked答案:D。句意:当看到道路被雪封住后,我们决定在家过假期。空格处作宾补,且 road和 block 之间是被动关系,故选 D。考例 2:I look

6、ed up and noticed a snake _ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.(2012四川卷)A. to wind B. wind C. winding D. wound答案:C。句意:我抬头,看到一条蛇正蜿蜒前行去抓自己的早餐。句中 winding its way与宾语 snake 之间为主动关系且动作正在进行,故选 C。规律四:变否定时,非谓语动词前加 not,构成 not to do,ones not doing,ones not having done,not to have done 等形式。考例 1: _ which

7、 university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.(2013 四川卷)A. Not knowing B. Knowing notC. Not known D. Known not答案:A。主语 the girl 与 know 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,用现在分词作原因状语,且分词的否定形式是在其前加 not,所以答案为 A。考例 2:The lawyer listened with full attention, _ to miss any point.(2010 四川卷)A. not trying B. trying no

8、tC. to try not D. not to try答案:B。句意:律师全神贯注地听,试图不遗漏任何要点。not 否定 to miss,意思是“不要漏掉,不要丢掉”。此题考生易误选 A,如选 A 的话, not 否定的就是 trying,意思就是“不试图漏掉任何信息”,很明显错了。规律五:作结果状语时, (only ) to do 表意料之外,doing 则表意料之中或自然而然。考例 1:The sun began to rise in the sky, _ the mountain in golden light.(2013 湖南卷)A. bathed B. bathingC. to h

9、ave bathed D. have bathed答案:B。句意:太阳从天边升起,使整座山沐浴在金色的阳光之中。逗号后是结果状语,表自然而然的结果,故选 B。奇速英语暑假网络互动直播课程,九天让你的英语成绩华丽转身,来不及的不是时间,而是行动,心动就马上行动,当你还在犹豫的时候,先报名的童鞋已经甩你很远了。考例 2:George returned after the war , only _ that his wife had left him.(2012 山东卷)A. to be told B. telling C. being told D. told答案:A。句意:乔治在战争后回到家,不

10、料被告知妻子已经离开。这里 George 和 tell 之间是被动关系,因此用 to be told 表意料之外的结果,故选 A。规律六:to do 作状语,只可表目的、原因或意料之外的结果。考例 1: I stopped the car _ a short break as I was feeling tired.(2013 山东卷)A. take B. taking C. to take D. taken答案:C。句意:当感到疲劳时,我停下车稍作休息。停下车的目的是休息,所以应用不定式表目的,故选 C。考例 2:The old man sat in front of the televis

11、ion every evening, happy _ anything that happened to be on.(2012 全国卷 II)A. to watch B. watchingC. watched D. to have watched答案:A。句意:老人每天坐在电视机前,看上演的任何节目都很高兴。后半句是形容词短语作状语,happy 的原因就是观看电视节目,要用不定式,故选 A。规律七:动词不定式的三种形式与其所在句子的另一个动词的关系to do 后于动词发生,to be doing 与动词同时发生,to have done 先于动词发生。考例:The engine just w

12、ont start. Something seems _ wrong with it.(2013 重庆卷)A. to go B. to have goneC. going D. having gone答案:B。句意:发动机启动不了,好像是哪里出问题了。动词 seem 后接不定式,排除 C和 D;根据句意可知,go 这一动作发生在 wont start 之前,故选 B。规律八:作状语时,主动进行用 doing,主动完成用 having done,被动用 done,被动完成用 done 或 having been done。考例 1:_ at the cafeteria before, Tina

13、didnt want to eat there again.(2013 山东卷)A. Having eaten B. To eat C. Eat D. Eating答案:A。句意:因为在那家自助餐厅吃过饭,所以 Tina 不想再去那里吃了。Tina 与 eat之间是主谓关系,并且第一个 eat 发生在第二个 eat 之前,故用 having eaten。考例 2:_ with care , one tin will last for six weeks.(2012 年北京卷)A. Use B. Using C. Used D. To use答案:C。句意:省点用的话,一听罐头可用六周。句中 t

14、in 和 use 是被动关系,故用过去分词形式。规律九:及物动词作状语时,如其后加宾语,用 doing,不加宾语,则用 done。考例 1:_ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.(2012 江苏卷)A. Based B. Basing C. Base D. To base答案:B。句意:如果你根据情感而非理智作出一个重要决定,那么你迟早会后悔的。空格后有宾语,因此用 doing。 A 选项 based 后面往往有 on 跟着,故排除。考例 2:Film

15、 has a much shorter history, especially when such art forms as music and painting.(2012 全国新课标卷)A. having compared to B. comparing toC. compare to D. compared to答案:D。句意:电影的历史要短得多,尤其是与像音乐和绘画这样的艺术形式相比时。这里 film 和 compare 之间是被动关系,用过去分词。compared to 意为“和相比”。规律十:非谓语动词逻辑主语与主句主语不一致时,需用独立主格结构。考例 1:The party wi

16、ll be held in the garden, weather_ .(2012 全国新课标卷)A. permitting B. to permitC. permitted D. permit答案:A。句意:如果天气允许,聚会将在花园举行。主句的主语 party 和 weather 不一致,所以 weather 保留,作 permitting 的逻辑主语,构成独立主格结构。另外,weather 与permit 之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。考例 2:Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some _ a life span of around 20 years.(2011 浙江卷)A. having B. had C. have D. to have答案:A。句意:蝙蝠有出奇长的寿命,一些蝙



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