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1、小议 There be 句型的非谓语动词形式陕西省丹凤中学 蔡进军 726200英语学习者都知道 There be 句型表某时或某地存在某物或某事件。也知道这个句型有不同的时态形式。另外,我们在解题时还会遇到与下面同类的试题。1. Today, I think we have discussed a lot about problem. I expect _ to be no argument about this.A. them B. there D. you2. No one had told me about_ a meeting the following day

2、ere to be B. there being C.there would be D.there was3. Many people in China have never dreamt of _ a chance for them to learn to drive after there retirement .A.being B. there isC.there to be D.there being 很显然,这类试题旨在考察存在句的谓语动词和非谓语动词形式。重点在考察 There being 和There to be 这两种形式。下面就围绕该句型的非谓语动词形式做谈几点体会。首先,要

3、搞清谓语动词与非谓语语动词的有关内容。1.谓语动词在句中做谓语,有时态和语态特征。例:do 有 do/does/did/ (am,is,are,was,were doing)/ have/ has done/will/shall do/have/has been done / doing等时态和以 be done 为主体的语态形式。而非谓语动词不做谓语,一般做定语或状语,有 doing /done/to do 等形式。2. 理清一对关系:有非谓语动词,就一定有其依附的谓语动词。3. 英语中,以一个句号为单位构成一个句子。当一个句子中已有谓语动词,在没有并列连词和从属连词的前提下,再就不能有谓语

4、动词出现,但可以有非谓语动词出现。All the task_ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.A. had been finished.B.were finishedC.having been finished D.been finished解析:题干中只有一个句号,表明是一个句子,逗号后无并列连词或从属连词,且 decided to go 已为谓语动词,故空上应为一非谓语动词,A/B 选项均为谓语动词,应排除。D 选项是与 have/has/had 构成完成时态的被动态的,也应排除。故答案选 C.其次,there

5、 be 句型有谓语动词与非谓语动词,如 there is/are/was/were/will be/will have been 等谓语动词形式,还有非谓语动词形式 there to be 和 there being .下面重点谈两种非谓语动词形式的区别:1.动词后用 there to be。2.介词后用 there being. 但 for 后用 there to be . 故开篇 3 道单选题分别选择答案:BBC.下面重点谈一谈 there to be 与 there being 使用时的几种情况:1. 两种结构都作介词宾语。若介词为 for,只用there to be。It was un

6、usual for there to be so few people in the streets.John was relying on there being another opportunit.也可用在不及物动词+for 后。They planned for there to be another meeting .若介词不是 for,而是其他,则要用 there being 结构。2.作动词宾语时,通常有 there to be 结构。能这样用的及物动词有 expect, mean, intend, want ,like , prefer ,hate 等。Members like

7、there to be plenty of choice .3. there being 结构还能用作名词性分句和状语分句。There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.There having been no rain ,the ground was dry. 巩固性练习:用 there to be 和 there being 填空。1.Pepole dont want another war.2.Theres now some hope of a settlement of the dispute .3.They

8、 asked for another meeting .4. John asked about another meeting .5.John intended a meeting afterwards .6.Its essential for more houses built near year .7. no further business ,the Chairman closed the meeting .8.John planned on another meeting .9.Pepole hate queues everywhere .10.What John was waiting for was for complete silence .



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