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1、阳光家教网 西安家教 青岛家教 郑州家教 苏州家教 天津家教 中国最大找家教、做家教平台2010 年最有可能考的单选 100 道题 密不外传1. -Wouldnt it be _ wonderful world, if all nations live in _ peace with one another?-What _ pleasure to live in _ world!A. the; the; the; such B. the; a; /; such C. a; /; a; such a D. a; a; /; such a【解析】答案 C。 本题考查冠词。第一空泛指,第二空固定搭

2、配不用冠词,第三空表“ 一个”,第四空 such a(an).2. He has made a suggestion that the English test _ until next Wednesday.A. put off B. be put off C. will put off D. will be put off【解析】答案为 B。 that 引导同位语从句,但是当前面的名词意义为“命令、请求、建议”(如 advice, suggestion, proposal, requirement, request, order 等)时,从句中必须用虚拟语气形式。3. A team of 1

3、5 Indian experts are organizing to help us , most of _ women.A. them B. them are C. whom D. that【解析】答案选 A 本题考查独立主格结构。后面为独立主格结构,起补充说明的作用。Most of them 与 women 构成逻辑上的主谓关系。4. Im thinking of _ we can do more for the people. A. if B. that C. what D. how【解析】答案为 D。本题考查 how 引导宾语从句,在从句中做状语 (do 的宾语是 more) ,另外,

4、if(是否)引导宾语从句不做介词的宾语。5.The headmaster hurried to the concert hall only _ the speaker_A. to find; left B. to find; gone C. finding; left D. finding; gone【解析】 答案 B。本题考查不定式表结果用法。 不定式表结果时,常指出人意料的结果。第二个考察点是 find+宾语+ 形容词(补语) ,表状态。6. I failed again. I wish I _ harder. But you _.A. had worked; hadnt B. worke

5、d; dont C. had worked; didnt D. worked; didnt【解析】 答案 C。本题考查时态。 第一空表达与过去事实相反的愿望,所以用过去完成时态表虚拟语气。第二空说明过去的事实,用一般过去时态。7. -What did you do yesterday afternoon?-I went to the bookstore,_ some books and visited my uncle.A. to buy B. bought C. Buy D. buying【解析】 答案 B。本题考查谓语动词。 went,bought , visited 是几个连续发生的动作

6、。8.The stone on the river bank rolled under her feet; she was _into the river,and she called out for help. A. being jumped B. jumped C. pulled D. being pulled【解析】答案 D。本题考查时态。句意 “河岸的石头滚到她的脚下;把她推到了河里,于是喊救命。 ”was being pulled 是过去进行时的被动形式。9. -Everyone says you are a good student. You are never late for

7、school,are you?-_.A. No,sometimes B. Yes,sometimes C. Yes,I did D. No,I do【解析】答案 B。考查交际用语。肯定回答: Yes,I am late sometimes.否定回答:No,I am never late.10. _ all the inventions have in common is _ they have succeeded.A. What; what B. That; what C. What; that D. That; that 阳光家教网 西安家教 青岛家教 郑州家教 苏州家教 天津家教 中国最

8、大找家教、做家教平台w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.【解析】答案 C。 本题考查名词性从句。第一空既是主语从句的(谓语 have)宾语,又是主句的主语,所以应该填 what;第二空用 that 来引导表语从句。11Last term our maths teacher set so difficult an examination problem _ none of us worked out. A. that B. as C. so that D. which【解析】答案 B。 本题考查定语从句。 as 引导定语从句修饰examination problem,在从句中作宾语,因其先行词前

9、有限定词 so。若看作sothat结构,结果状语从句应加宾语,为worked it out。12. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _in the kitchen.A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked【解析】答案 B。本题考查非谓语动词的用法。根据句意和“find” 动词的用法要求,此题的正确答案应为 B。13. It was with great joy _ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.A. b

10、ecause B. which C. since D. that【解析】答案 D。本题考查强调句型的引导词的用法。根据句型结构的要求,在强调句型中,无论强调的内容是什么,都用 that 引导。14.Henry cant attend the party _ at Toms house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _ at Maries house tomorrow.A. held; being held B. to be held; to be held C. to be held; held D. be

11、ing held; to be held【解析】答案 D。此题考查现在分词的被动式和不定式的被动式作定语的情况;前者表示正在进行,后者表示还未发生。15. I am glad that the Olympic Games will be held in 2008 in China, _ ?A. shall we B. arent I C. wont I D. wont they【解析】 答案 D。 本题考查反义疑问句。在这种句式中,如果主句的主语为第一人称(we, I),反意疑问则根据从句确定.16What about _ job?Its too difficult _ job for me.

12、A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a; a【解析】 答案 A。本题考查冠词用法。 前面是特指,后面是泛指。17. It was five oclock in the afternoon _ they climbed up to the top of the mountain.A. since B. when C. That D. until【解析】 答案 B。本题考查状语从句。 此句为一主从复合句。when引导状语从句;若看作强调结构,应在 five 前加 at。18. I hate _ their complains all day. one of the

13、se days Ill tell them what I really think.A. paying attention to B. to talk about C. listening to D. to have heard【解析】 答案 C。本题考查 hate 用法。 从意思上推断,只能动名词作宾语。19. How pleased the detective was _ what his customer told him!A. hearing B. heard C. to hearing D. to hear【解析】 答案 D。本题考查不定式。 be pleased to do sth.为固定结构,不


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