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1、The Passive Voice 教学设计教材依据:人民教育出版社九年义务教育三年制初级中学教科书九年级第九单元。Teaching DesignsAims of basic knowledge:1. Understand there are the Active Voice and the Passive Voice in English verb .2 .Master the structure of the Passive Voice.Aim of ability: Change the Active Voice into the Passive Voice or change the

2、Passive Voice into the Active voice.Aims of emotion:1. Train the students sprit and ability of unite and cooperation.2. Arouse the studentsinterest of learning English.Teaching Key Point:The structure of the Passive Voice.Teaching Difficult Point:How to change the Active Voice into the Passive Voice

3、 or change the Passive Voice into the Active Voice.Task Activities:Task One: What are the Active Voice and the Passive Voice?Task Two: What is the structure of the Passive Voice?Task Three; How to change the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.Task Four: Practice and Consolidation 1.Task Five: Pract

4、ice and Consolidation 2.Teaching Procedures:Step1: Warming-up.Show Teaching Aims(slide). 刺激学生的视觉感官,激发学生的学习积极性,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中进入本节的目标学习。Step 2: Task One.Lead-in1(slide):We speak Chinese . 我们说汉语。Chinese is spoken by us . 汉语被我们说。1The teacher and the students analyse the relation of “we”, “Chinese” and “sp

5、eak” together.Then point out we 是 speak(动作)的执行者,Chinese 是 speak(动作) 的承受者。2 The teacher and the students analyse in Sentence “We speak Chinese”,we 是主语而且是动作的执行者,so lead to The Active Passive;In sentence “Chinese is spoken by us”,Chinese 是主语而且是动作的承受者 ,so lead to The Passive Voice.3.Ask a student say “W

6、hat are the Active Voice and the Passive Voice?”4.The teacher sum up.Presentation1(slide):主动语态:主语是动作的执行者。英语动词: 被动语态:主语是动作的承受者。Step 3 :Task Two.Lead-in2(slide):We speak Chinese.(主动)Chinese is spoken by us.(被动)1.The teacher and the students analyse the structure of The Passive Voice according to “is s

7、poken”.2.Ask the students to discuss.3.Ask a student sum up the structure of The Passive Voice.4.The teacher check.Presentation2(slide):被动语态的构成:助动词 be+及物动词的过去分词Ask the students to discuss the structure of The Passive Voice we have learned different kinds of tenses.(教师先提示:在被动语态中,动词过去分词永远不变,所有的变化都体现在助

8、动词 be 的变化上,be 相当于各种时态中的动词)Show(多媒体) 各种时态的被动语态构成:Student 1: 一般现在时 am/is/are+动词过去分词Student 2: 一般过去时 was/were+动词过去分词Student 3: 现在进行时 am/is/are being +动词过去分词Student 4: 过去进行时 was/were being +动词过去分词Student 5: 一般将来时 will be +动词过去分词Student 6: 现在完成时 have/has been+动词过去分词Student 7: 含有 情态动词情 情态动词+be+ 动词过去分词 Ste

9、p4: Task Three.Lead-in 3(slide):We speak Chinese.主语 谓语动词 宾语Chinese is spoken by us 主语 谓语动词过去分词(被) 宾语1. Help the students analyse how to change The Active Voice into the Passive Voice.(用三种颜色标出对应部分,学生能一目了然地说出主动变被动分三步走 )2. Ask the students to discuss and then ask a student to sum up. 3. The teacher che

10、ck.Presentation 3(slide): 主动语态变被动语态的步骤:1.原主动句中的宾语变成被动语态的主语。2.谓语动词变成被动语态结构“be +动词过去分词” ,注意 be 要随新主语的人称和数进行变化,时态要与原主动句的时态保持一致。3.原主动句中的主语变成被动语态的宾语,人称代词用宾格,其前用介词 by(被),其他成分(定语,状语) 不变。Step5: Task Four ( Practice and Consolidation 1):给出汉语“我每周写一封信”让学生给出英语,并用所给时间状语 (yesterday, now, at this time yesterday, t

11、omorrow, already, can)将该句翻译成对应时态的英语,再把各句变成对应的被动语态,这样学生既复习了所学的各钟时态的结构,又练习巩固了被动语态结构,达到了突出本节重点,突破难点的效果。Ask the students to discuss and then say the answers.Show(多媒体)Student1: I write a letter every week. A letter is written by me every week.Student2: I wrote a letter yesterday.A letter was written by m

12、e yesterday .Student3: I am writing a letter now. A letter is being written by me now.Student4: I was writing a letter at this time yesterday. A letter was being written by me at this time yesterday. Student5: I will write a letter tomorrow.A letter will be written by me tomorrow.-Student6: I have a

13、lready written a letter.A letter has been already written by me.Student7: I can write a letter.A letter can be written by me .Step 6: Task Five( Practice and Consolidation 2): Change the Passive Voice into the Active Voice.Step 7: Sum-up : the main contents in this lessonStep8: Homework:Make sentenc

14、es with all kinds of tenses we have learned and then change them into the Passive voice.Blackboard Design:Unit 9 When was it invented?Grammar : The Passive Voice . 被动语态的构成:助动词 be + 及物动词的过去分词各种时态被动语态的构成:一般现在时 am/is/are+动词过去分词一般过去时 was/were+动词过去分词现在进行时 am/is/are being +动词过去分词过去进行时 was/were being +动词过去

15、分词一般将来时 will be +动词过去分词现在完成时 have/has been+动词过去分词含有情态动词情 情态动词+be+动词过去分词 教学流程教学反思教材依据:人民教育出版社九年义务教育三年制初级中学教科书九年级第九单元。教学内容:被动语态 The Passive Voice 。贯穿本节课的主线是被动语态,我围绕这条主线本着以学生为主体的角度来设计教学内容,活动的设计前后相连,层层深入,使教学呈阶梯式层层推进 ,并积极采用现代化的教学手段运用多媒体辅助教学,提高教学效率。在各项活动中,学生的大脑始终处于一种激活状态,整个学习过程都是积极主动的,学生获得的不仅仅是现成的知识,还有语言运



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