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1、英语必修( 5 )课本中的知识要点 Unit 4 Making the news I 完成句子. 1. First _ _(我们要派你给有经验的记者作助理). Later you can cover a story and submit the article yourself. ( put ) 2. _(我们十分高兴) youre coming to work with us. ( delight ) 3. Not only am I interested in photography,_ _(而且我还专修过一门业余摄影课程)at university to update my skills

2、. ( take ) 4. Only if you ask many different questions _ _(才能获得所有的信息) you need to know. ( acquire,well put you as an assistant to an experienced journalist,Were delighted (that,but I took an amateur course,will you acquire all the information,5. Good journalists must use research _ (来使自己了解到被遗漏的那部分情况

3、). (inform) 6. While interviewing, a journalist can use a recorder to get the facts straight,_ _ (如果有人提出质疑,这也有用). He/She has the evidence to support his/her story. ( challenge ) 7. Have you ever had a case _ _ ( 别人控告你的记者说报道失实 )? (accuse,to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story,which is

4、 also useful if a person wants to challenge him/her,where/ in which someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick,8. The law allows people_ _(对指控进行辩护).(defend) 9. As we all know, this company _ _(在洗衣机生产方面比其它公司先进). ( ahead ) 10.When he was studying abroad, his parents always

5、_(随时告知) what was happening at home. ( inform ) 11._(和往常一样), he was late for class. ( case ) 12._(专心学习英语), and you will acquire a good knowledge of it sooner or later. ( concentrate,to defend themselves against a charge,is ahead of others in making washing machines,kept him informed of,As is often th

6、e case with him,Concentrate on studying English,13.You are late again. You _ _(应该来早一点儿). (suppose) 14._(倘若你失去了工作),what would you do with your life ? ( provide ) 15.So _(他专注)the game that David didnt notice that the teacher was just behind him. ( absorb ) 16._(尽管她是个年轻老师) she teaches well. ( as ) 17._

7、(一直忙于) the work, I have no time to attend social activities. (occupy,are supposed to have come earlier,Provided you lost your job,absorbed was he in,Young teacher as he is,Having been occupied with,18.The teachers demanded again and again our spare time _(必须好 好利用) to make a difference. ( make ) Unit

8、 5 First aid 1. _(因此,你可以想象到), if your skin gets burned it can be very serious (as) 2. It is vital that you _(充分利用)every minute to study. ( use ) 3.He was presented with his award at a ceremony _ (表彰了十个人的英勇行为)who had saved the life of another. ( recognize ) 4._(依据) the views of 13,000 college,should)

9、 be made good use of,So as you can imagine,should ) make full use of,which recognized the bravery of ten people,Based on,teachers around the world, reputation confirms the power of the big US universities, which do- minate this list. ( base ) 5. It was not the mother, but the three children _ _(被实施急

10、救) in the road accident last night. ( perform ) 6._( 尽管他的想法听起来奇怪),his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. ( as ) 7. _(似乎没有那么多困难)on condition that you put your heart into the study. ( seem,that / who were performed first aid on,Strange as it sounded,There doesnt seem to be so much dif

11、ficulty,8. I have never dreamt of _ _(有这样一个安静的地方)in this noisy city. ( there ) 9. _(我从未梦见过)there can be such a quiet place in this noisy city. ( dream ) 10.I dont know what is on his mind, _ _( 我也不想知道 ). ( care,there being such a quiet place,I have never dreamt ( that,neither/ nor do I care to (know

12、,必修 (6)Unit 1 Art,1.Peoplere always buying something in the store _ (享有美誉) fair dealing. ( reputation ) 2.The criminal appealed against the judges deci- sion and the police_ _( 呼吁公众提供信息) about the crime. ( appeal ) 3.The typical picture at the Middle Ages was full of religious symbols, _ _(体现出了对上帝的爱

13、戴与敬重). ( create,that / which has an excellent reputation for,were appealing to the public for information,which created a feeling of respect and love for God,4.Jack is late again._(他一向是)to keep others waiting. ( typical ) 5.Most of the students believe _ _(拥有知识就意味着拥有未来). ( possess ) 6.The boy is always very naughty _ _(老师从未对他失去信心) . ( faith ) 7.The workers worked day and night,_ _(力争完成) the task on time. ( aim ) 8.This antismoking campaign is being r


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